Anyone else about done with KF?

This is a classic dumb dumb post. How do you morally, ethically, legally or physically make yourself resposnible for another person actions? Especially a 19-20 year old kid. LOL

You can put rules in place, tell the players what the rules are and then enforce them if they are broken. However, you cannot prevent players from breaking those rules. They are recruiting kids to play football, not become Eagle Scouts. Sometimes these athletes screw up. I would be bothered if the staff looked the other way when it happened. Granted, they have had a bad run of RBs screwing up, but they've all been dealt with consistently. If the next guy thinks he's going to be the one to get away with it, then that's his choice, because if he's caught, he's dealt with the same as the others. They have to know that. If they don't, then they're not paying attention. You can't have it any other way.
Everyone keeps bashing recruiting, but I guaranteed any coach in the nation would recruit a kid like Coker (smart, gentlemen of the year) 10 out of 10 times. He seemed to be a kid that had it together, but everyone makes mistakes.

Totally agree. Coker, by all accounts is the All-American kid. However, it appears that KF could bring Mother Theresa in to play RB and she would do something mind boggling. That said, this has happened so many times recently at Iowa that I have lost count. Someone has to be accountable. This does not happen to this degree at other schools.
This is somehow Ferentz' problem because 1 of the 85 scholarship FB players violated a code of conduct? Really?

Was it Mike Gundy's fault that Dez Bryant lied to investigators and was suspended? Was it Les Miles fault that his starting QB and heisman finalist DB were suspended for violations? Should Urban Meyer be held responsible for Cam Newton stealing laptops at Florida?

While I understand it's frustrating, these issues fall squarely on the shoulders of the athletes. These are legal adults that are knowingly breaking the rules. I'm happier to see Iowa be a program that suspends and punishes the violators, instead of trying to cover up bad behavior like other schools do.
This is somehow Ferentz' problem because 1 of the 85 scholarship FB players violated a code of conduct? Really?

Was it Mike Gundy's fault that Dez Bryant lied to investigators and was suspended? Was it Les Miles fault that his starting QB and heisman finalist DB were suspended for violations? Should Urban Meyer be held responsible for Cam Newton stealing laptops at Florida?

While I understand it's frustrating, these issues fall squarely on the shoulders of the athletes. These are legal adults that are knowingly breaking the rules. I'm happier to see Iowa be a program that suspends and punishes the violators, instead of trying to cover up bad behavior like other schools do.

Do you see this as an isolated incident or something? Did you just become an Iowa fan yesterday?
Totally agree. Coker, by all accounts is the All-American kid. However, it appears that KF could bring Mother Theresa in to play RB and she would do something mind boggling. That said, this has happened so many times recently at Iowa that I have lost count. Someone has to be accountable. This does not happen to this degree at other schools.

I think you should hold back your donations from now on.

That'll give the athletic administration the message..
I'd hate to have to listen to most of you b*$&h all day in the real world..

Amen to this.....I honestly can't imagine what it would be like to live with some of these cats.

Furthermore to put a post on a message board for all to see saying something like this just shows a total lack of accountability or regard to who or what people may think of them.

Do us and you a favor; just be done with college football period. This is the status quo…..sadly. Be mad at KF for sure, but don’t stop there you’d be a tick of a hypocrite if you do.

This does not happen to this degree at other schools.

You obviously don't follow football outside of Iowa, because it does quite often happen to this degree. It's just a much bigger story in a state where college football is more important than in other states.
This does not happen to this degree at other schools.
Yes, it does. For the last couple of years, Georgia has had very similar issues at running back. Florida has had issues at running back (and if the FL coaches weren't as "lenient", the running back situation would have been a lot worse). I'm sure others on this board can point to similar situations at other schools.
The whole Coker/McCall thing is kind of the cherry on the cake for me. The underachieving despite making top 10 money is one thing. However, the inability to keep players on the field and in the program has simply gotten out of hand. One time can be seen as an accident, more a trend. At this point, we are look at it being more of a rule that a healthy percentage of the RBs we bring in (that actually can play B10 FB) will do something to defame the University. Then you have the increadible attrition at other positions. I think I saw a stat that the 2 deeps had 10 walk-on players this year. What the hell is going on over there?

If these guys did things that were against program policy or worse something illegal, no I am not done with Ferentz.

He has shown that character and substance is still important. Anything less from a player and you may not have the honor of wearing the black and gold. I like what he stands for.

That said, in my opinion he needs to reevaluate his coaching staff and recruiting. I have no idea how hard it is to recruit but if I were the HC at Iowa(which isn't a great vacation destination but a great place to raise a family) I would hire the best recruiter and staff that money could buy, even if it meant sacrificing some of my own.

Thought you should know…..I think and someone in the know could verify, but I’m pretty sure KF gives quite a chunk of his bonus to his assistants.

This is somehow Ferentz' problem because 1 of the 85 scholarship FB players violated a code of conduct? Really?

Was it Mike Gundy's fault that Dez Bryant lied to investigators and was suspended? Was it Les Miles fault that his starting QB and heisman finalist DB were suspended for violations? Should Urban Meyer be held responsible for Cam Newton stealing laptops at Florida?

While I understand it's frustrating, these issues fall squarely on the shoulders of the athletes. These are legal adults that are knowingly breaking the rules. I'm happier to see Iowa be a program that suspends and punishes the violators, instead of trying to cover up bad behavior like other schools do.

This isn't meant to single you out particularly JRD, but this quote seems to catch the sentiment of many on here--or any fanbase for that matter.

It's the old mantra when things are bad that "Kids will be kids, coaches can't babysit the players, it's the athlete's fault if the kids can't behave, the coaches are innocent, blah blah blah."

Yet when things are good, and there is another thread that got off on this tangent:

"Look at how great the graduation rate is with the football team! Kirk Ferentz grooms great young men!" Now suddenly, he gets all the credit. He has time to sit down and make sure they keep up on their studies and practice flash cards and teach them morals....but he is completely innocent whenever the players do bad?

Can't have it both ways.

Now, I'm not really saying that it should be a coach's head everytime someone gets in trouble. I realize this is mostly on the players (their failures AND SUCCESSES), but I think you have your head in the sand if you think none of this will ever catch up to KF.

Each "scandal" is going to get stickier and stickier, and when you have 2 starting running backs and 1 all-time leading receiver booted/suspended leading into the bowl game in the span of 12 months, that is not good.

There should definitely be heat on Ferentz for this, to what degree is for others to decide, but this simply cannot keep happening while Ferentz survives. It could very well be his downfall, maybe not this time, but I don't know how many more of these people will be able to stomach, as the scrutiny is going to get progressively worse each time.
Totally agree. Coker, by all accounts is the All-American kid. However, it appears that KF could bring Mother Theresa in to play RB and she would do something mind boggling. That said, this has happened so many times recently at Iowa that I have lost count. Someone has to be accountable. This does not happen to this degree at other schools.

Absolutely 100% unequivocally inaccurate…..just because you don’t pay attention to other schools, doesn’t mean it ain’t happening. If you are going to have strong opinions u need to have a broad perspective.

This has been a terrible year for sports and problems in general. I means seriously do you read news outside of the Iowa Hawkeyes. We look like Choir children here….



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