Anyone else about done with KF?

You know what's funny? This post reminds me of another poster on here. Ironically, he is named after a musician as well...
Sure I get frustrated from time to time, and was really upset after losing to Minnesota this season, but I'm with Kirk.
This isn't meant to single you out particularly JRD, but this quote seems to catch the sentiment of many on here--or any fanbase for that matter.

It's the old mantra when things are bad that "Kids will be kids, coaches can't babysit the players, it's the athlete's fault if the kids can't behave, the coaches are innocent, blah blah blah."

Yet when things are good, and there is another thread that got off on this tangent:

"Look at how great the graduation rate is with the football team! Kirk Ferentz grooms great young men!" Now suddenly, he gets all the credit. He has time to sit down and make sure they keep up on their studies and practice flash cards and teach them morals....but he is completely innocent whenever the players do bad?

Can't have it both ways.

Now, I'm not really saying that it should be a coach's head everytime someone gets in trouble. I realize this is mostly on the players (their failures AND SUCCESSES), but I think you have your head in the sand if you think none of this will ever catch up to KF.

Each "scandal" is going to get stickier and stickier, and when you have 2 starting running backs and 1 all-time leading receiver booted/suspended leading into the bowl game in the span of 12 months, that is not good.

There should definitely be heat on Ferentz for this, to what degree is for others to decide, but this simply cannot keep happening while Ferentz survives. It could very well be his downfall, maybe not this time, but I don't know how many more of these people will be able to stomach, as the scrutiny is going to get progressively worse each time.

Until you as a fan and ALL fans do something about it nationally it will always be a problem. This is everyday life on ANY college football campus. So no KF isn’t the fall guy any more so than Les Miles or Nick Saban or the coach in Montana who had a football player murdered or commit a murder don’t remember which (they had a lot of issues for awhile) sometime back….

You fans hold the key……………….EVERY football team is now dealing with multiple suspensions yearly. As you said we can’t have it both ways……big time football, national relevance, play with Jones……have the Jones’ problems.

You have a point Neil. Seriously, every year we have 3-5 of these "minor incidents" that result into suspensions. Then you throw in credit card fraud, djk, and rhabo and this program has had a rough couple of years.

But I truly believe that Ferentz is not to blame. He holds his players to a higher standard and I respect him for that. 95% of coaches would suspend their best offensive player before there board fame unless they committed a felony. Kirk has done this two years in a row(djk, Robinson, Coker, McCall). As a fan it is frusturating , but as a man you have to respect him putting morals and ethics ahead of the game. Wasn't it last year where dantoni brought a player to iowa city that was released from prison on Tuesday of that week? I will rather have Kirk then those scumbags.
I think all of you disgruntled anti-Ferentz fans should go do an occupy movement in Kirk's yard.
Sure I get frustrated from time to time, and was really upset after losing to Minnesota this season, but I'm with Kirk.

I too get frustrated. Losing to Minny, two years in a row, one of the worst teams in the country is inexcusable.
Oher schools do have problems. Iowas are just magnified to the fans because Iowa is the only team many pay attention to.
I am somewhat numb to Iowa football right now.
I think Ferentz is getting way too much criticism for the mistakes the young kids are making. At least from the limited information I have on both Coker and McCall both seem to be pretty serious incidents. Also when you look back at some of the other recent incidents (DJK , A-Rob) I think his action has been swift and correct with the discipline given.

ALL programs have issues with kids there will never be a way around it. I for one am happy we have a coach that will act on it and is decisive. How much would people ***** if something like what happend at Ohio State happened at Iowa? I am proud KF has the balls to make a decision like that knowing how much we rely on Coker and how important the game is to him. I bet he isn't happy about the situation any more than we are. I can only hope there is a future for Coker and McCall but ultimatley they made the choice that might ultimately cost them a lot.
There isn't one Hawkeye fan that is satisfield with the way things have gone lately. I think something needs to be done, but not sure if Kirk needs to go.
As a fan it is frusturating , but as a man you have to respect him putting morals and ethics ahead of the game. Wasn't it last year where dantoni brought a player to iowa city that was released from prison on Tuesday of that week? I will rather have Kirk then those scumbags.

Exactly. Dantonio left it up to the player to decide if he played or not too. What kind of coach does that? Nice to see another guy from the CF/Waterloo area on here.

I don't think there is any doubt that KF should stay. We're not having the type of garbage going on in our program that Miami or Oklahoma had in the 80s, or the type of BS that went on recently at OSU. I'd rather have seven wins the right way than 14 wins and a national title vacated for playing players that weren't eligible or that were allowed to play when they shouldn't.
I'm not done with Kirk. But things are depressing right now. Not getting Sheffield just adds to it......One disgruntled Hawk fan.
Frustrated at times? Yes. Done with KF? No, not by a long shot. Dumb OP? Definitely yes.

"You're gonna shoot your eye out with that thing, kid".

Agree. I'm frustrated and perplexed on why we have so many kids get in trouble when we have a very ethical coach, but that is hardly a reason to fire him.
I'm not done with Kirk. But things are depressing right now. Not getting Sheffield just adds to it......One disgruntled Hawk fan.

I'm with moonhawk. I'm not done with Kirk, and I'm not calling for his head. He usually runs a pretty tight ship, and I'd rather not turn into Auburn or LSU where we have to cheat to win. But I do think some things need to change, new coordinator and coaches should help.
17-23 year old young men make bad decisions...always have,always will. It is hormonal,chemical,whatever,but there is a reason that auto insurance rates for guys of that age are higher. Statistically, men of that age make more bad decisions than other age or gender groups.

So, this is not unique to Iowa,or KF or college football players.
No one can stop them,just hope to contain the damage.
"It's all part of the experience Russ"

"Daughter is in the clinic gettin cured off the wild turkey"

By the way, what is wrong withNeil Diamond?

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