Anybody watching this College football playoff show on Fox now?

All these talking heads that some Hawk fans say don't matter are going to cost us a trip to the Rose Bowl if we lose Saturday.
Iowa is getting slammed, dissed, laughed at, and generally disrespected. Jason Whitock (a-hole) said even if Iowa beats Michigan St he wouldn't put them in the playoff.

Why can't these jagoffs admit that they have a personal bias against Iowa and cannot give them any respect no matter what they do on the field?

This show is really angerfying me:mad:

I stopped listening to announcers after the 8th win. Started to build a playlist of my favorite songs to play instead I recommend "Three little birds" by Marley
The Iowa Hawkeyes are the biggest and best story in college football this year bar none. It is not even close...I couldn't even tell you what would be second. Instead of these "journalists" reporting on the feel good story of the year they meet our undefeated season with arrogance, condescension, dismissal, vitriol, and disdain. Our wins somehow don't matter.....their teams' losses somehow are irrelevant. They have selective criterion they use if it is convenient to fit their narrative. It is pathetic. If is makes you feel any better ESPN has been losing millions of subscribers monthly.
As a team story, sure. I think what Baker Mayfield did at OU is just as good a piece though. Hate the kid, but darn....

Here's another 4-minute video with the FOX crew, all buying into Oklahoma.
No one is saying that Clemson will lose to North Carolina, which I feel is a real possibility.
Those that are talking Iowa are saying that Michigan State will beat Iowa.
I agree. They didn't look that good this week. Nobody really was thinking MSU would beat OSU with their backup QB til it happened either.
This is all wonderful and special, but when you read his biography and see how many times he has been fired/asked to leave/parted ways with, it shows what a colossal ***** he has to be.

I didn't say he wasn't egotistical. One can be egotistical and not be a bad person. One can get fired because they are egotistical and not be a bad person. I am really just saying he isn't a bad person.
All these talking heads that some Hawk fans say don't matter are going to cost us a trip to the Rose Bowl if we lose Saturday.
I don't think i'll put the blame on the talking heads if that happens. A one loss OSU team will be ranked higher then us if we lose to MSU... That's just reality not perception. No way Rose Bowl takes Iowa over OSU in that case... It sucks but hope it won't matter.
It is a comforting thought that Iowa has the chance to stick in the ear of all those "experts" by winning Saturday.
I want Iowa to win for many reasons.
1.The guys on the football team have earned the reward of being Big Ten Champions for going undefeated versus where the team was picked to finish in the preseason prognostications.
2. The loyal fan base.
3. I was born & raised in Iowa & have been a Hawkeye fan since I was a young kid watching them win two Rose Bowls in the 50's.
4. It seems all my previous reasons now have all been eclipsed by the arrogant, condescending sports media in all networks & print media across the board that Iowa is not deserving of even the chance to play for all the marbles. I think the best comment made by one of them sums up their complete & total ignorance was Colin Cowherd saying, "They don't even have any 5 star players!"
Yes, they dissed us but we were still #4 on their ranking this week. They pretty much all said though that MSU beats us. After watching this show I am wondering about Clemson. I think UNC beats Clemson and we beat MSU resulting in a massive vomit of talking head sludge that they then have to walk through. Go Hawks and "Just win Baby".

So if that happens is Iowa then ranked #1?
Think so as we would be the only undefeated team left?
Iowa, unfortunately is a very boring state. Is it the most boring state? I doubt it, but it's near the top of the list. Being ranked at the top of the nation for party schools only means there are a lot of fun bars in Iowa City, and yes, Iowa City is fun, but the state in general is very boring. I think the skepticism toward our ranking is because the Iowa brand of football is boring. Very few great athletes, very few explosive plays, etc, etc. This is simply how we are viewed, and a big reason why we are at the bottom of the conference in recruiting, and that won't change no matter how good of a season we have. I think it would take several years of domination from us to possibly change this perception. Even then, I'm not sure it would change much. We've just been labeled as boring for so long, and that's hard to shake. I think a lot of people view this season as a fluke for us, and the only way to shake that is to build on this year and string together a few great seasons. Go Hawks.

This is very true. Even though this year's team has been far from boring and have generated many explosive plays, it has not changed the national perception at all. Heck, the San Antonio Spurs have been playing some of the most exciting basketball in the NBA (one of the fastest paces, best ball movement) for close to a decade, and you will still occasionally hear some buffoon talk about "boring Spur's basketball" because they used to be plodding 7 or 8 years ago. It takes a long time for these narratives to change.
The playoffs as constituted now are a sham. It is all about the name on the jersey, and it should be about the games on the field. It would be so much more fun spending this week talking about the great matchups and how they would determine who made the playoffs. Instead UNC, Florida, USC and Stanford are basically playing for your conference, thanks for showing up, but "the committee" says you ain't good enough. It is bullsh!t, instead UNC beats Clemson and "the committee will tell us OSU deserves to be in (didn't even make their conference championship game). Florida beats 'Bama and I bet these talking head dolts will tell us that Bama should still be in.

If you are basically going to tell us who the national champs are, no matter how they preformed, then just go back to the old system (pre BCS) and pick a national champ at the end of the year.

Seems like that's pretty much what they're doing now.
Reading Jason Whitlock's biography is relatively low on my current priority list. No offense.
I don't think i'll put the blame on the talking heads if that happens. A one loss OSU team will be ranked higher then us if we lose to MSU... That's just reality not perception. No way Rose Bowl takes Iowa over OSU in that case... It sucks but hope it won't matter.

If the talking heads were talking about how much we are controlling all the games and we've had 2 possession leads late in every game since Wisconsin, we would be a lot more likely to stay ahead of OSU with a loss. Like it or not, the talking heads skew perception.

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