Anybody watching this College football playoff show on Fox now?

LOL @ Brady Quinn saying Iowa is the most "boring" state.

Please qualify "boring" ***hat. I guarantee Quinn has never stepped foot in the state of Iowa.

Boring? That's probably why U of I is constantly ranked in the top party schools.

Boring? That's probably why millenials flood Des Moines after graduating from college.

Not as "exciting" as New York or LA? Maybe so, but hey Quinn, not everyone makes good enough money because of their cheekbone structure and ability to vomit meaningless opinions about college football to be able to afford paying $4,000 to rent a prison cell apartment.
Everybody that talks nasty and acts real smug like they have all the answers are indeed the idiots! I hope everybody is looking past Iowa including Michigan st. Just keep your trash talking so the Hawks can so you just how stupid you are! Hope the Hawks stay focused and kick the crap out of msu! There.....I feel better. :)
If/when we lose, no matter when it is, there will be a lot of people saying I told you so. They've doubted us all year because we've defied their expectations.

But the truth is, Iowa is about to play their 13th straight playoff game, and if this is the time we lose, the "I told ya so's" won't put a dent in this ridiculously awesome season.

Man it would be great if we could win the next 3 and have the ultimate "I told ya so" for everyone.
I may be wrong but I believe that it was the SEC homer on the show that said it was the most boring state after Quinn said we had the perception of a boring team that runs the football. The Alabama homer was especially obnoxious, like Alabama is on the must see state list.

Whitlock was as usual a complete uninformed fool.

Leinart was the only one that thought we were better than Michigan St. Wanny, Quinn and Leinart all agreed that we should be top 4 at worst and that being undefeated should be one of the top metrics.
LOL @ Brady Quinn saying Iowa is the most "boring" state.

Please qualify "boring" ***hat. I guarantee Quinn has never stepped foot in the state of Iowa.

Boring? That's probably why U of I is constantly ranked in the top party schools.

Boring? That's probably why millenials flood Des Moines after graduating from college.

Not as "exciting" as New York or LA? Maybe so, but hey Quinn, not everyone makes good enough money because of their cheekbone structure and ability to vomit meaningless opinions about college football to be able to afford paying $4,000 to rent a prison cell apartment.

It was not Quinn that said Iowa was the most boring state. He stated that Iowa does not get as much respect because they play boring football. Run first, fundamental football. It was the guy next to him, Travis somebody, not sure who he is, who said we were the most boring state. Travis whoever also thinks we should just give the trophy to Alabama and not even play the game.
Almost all universally thought MSU handles Iowa. Like we didn't know they were going to say that.
I left the room....
Yes, they dissed us but we were still #4 on their ranking this week. They pretty much all said though that MSU beats us. After watching this show I am wondering about Clemson. I think UNC beats Clemson and we beat MSU resulting in a massive vomit of talking head sludge that they then have to walk through. Go Hawks and "Just win Baby".
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Who is slightly less dumb than the other: Finebaum referencing LAST year's loss to Tennessee or Whitlock with his [insert random Iowa quote]?
Shows like this **** me the **** off.

One of the "analysts" on the show literally said that resume doesn't matter--it's all about who's PLAYING THE BEST RIGHT NOW.

So, what, if Alabama goes 1-11 but suddenly starts looking like a powerhouse during the last game of the year and wins 80 to nothing, they should de facto be in the playoff? Utter nonsense spewing from the mouths of these fools.

PLEASE motivate Iowa to prove them wrong next week. PLEASE.
Who is slightly less dumb than the other: Finebaum referencing LAST year's loss to Tennessee or Whitlock with his [insert random Iowa quote]?

My favorite Whitlock quote was when he said that the Northwestern win shouldn't count as a quality win.

*Analyst next to him reminds him that Iowa beat Northwestern by 30 on the road and that Northwestern beat Stanford*

Whitlock's dumb response: "err...uhhhh...I saw Northwestern play Ball State in a meaningless non-conference game and win by 5, so it doesn't count"

Nevermind the fact that Oklahoma got beat by a HORRENDOUS Texas team and Alabama got beat AT HOME by Ole Miss.

Just when I think I've heard the most senseless thing out of a national talking head, a different national talking head says something even more unconscionable and ridiculous
Beat MSU and we are in. Lose and we are playing in one of the New Year's Six games. Pretty simple scenario now. 12-0 does that for a team.
A slightly different perspective is that we are upset that some lazy know-nothing's don't believe Iowa can secure a playoff spot after going undefeated in the regular season. What a difference a year makes, unless you happen to be a guy named Finebaum.
Beat MSU and we are in. Lose and we are playing in one of the New Year's Six games. Pretty simple scenario now. 12-0 does that for a team.

True, but I think these national pundits collectively have more of an impact than we give them credit for. Some of the things they say definitely influence potential recruits' contemporaneous perception of a program.

When I was growing up the media coverage and negativity toward Boise State DEFINITELY formed my negative subconscious perception toward them. If I were a potential 5 star or 4 star recruit (lol), Boise State wouldn't have even crossed my mind.

Like it or not, what these idiots say doesn't necessarily matter in the "win and we're in" scenario, but kids watch this stuff.
The Iowa Hawkeyes are the biggest and best story in college football this year bar none. It is not even close...I couldn't even tell you what would be second. Instead of these "journalists" reporting on the feel good story of the year they meet our undefeated season with arrogance, condescension, dismissal, vitriol, and disdain. Our wins somehow don't matter.....their teams' losses somehow are irrelevant. They have selective criterion they use if it is convenient to fit their narrative. It is pathetic. If is makes you feel any better ESPN has been losing millions of subscribers monthly.
I would venture a guess Jason Whitlock hasnt watched more than 20 minutes of Iowa football all season. About the same amount as most of the national pundants.

I've read enough of his crap to know he isn't very good. I'll just say....he has as agenda that is exactly sports related, and leave it at that.

Win Saturday Hawks, and you punch your ticket, and they can all cry about it.
The Iowa Hawkeyes are the biggest and best story in college football this year bar none. It is not even close...I couldn't even tell you what would be second. Instead of these "journalists" reporting on the feel good story of the year they meet our undefeated season with arrogance, condescension, dismissal, vitriol, and disdain. Our wins somehow don't matter.....their teams' losses somehow are irrelevant. They have selective criterion they use if it is convenient to fit their narrative. It is pathetic. If is makes you feel any better ESPN has been losing millions of subscribers monthly.

Exactly. It's amazing how come March Madness you'll see the sports talking heads gushing incessantly over the cinderella story of the NCAA tourney. But somehow when Iowa runs the table it doesn't count? Shake my head.

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