Any updates on Gibson?

Curious if anyone has heard if we are out of the running for Gibson, or if we have stopped pursuing him. Rivals doesn't list Iowa in the 11 schools on his page, but wasn't sure how up to date that was. Their last article on him is from over a month ago so the page doesn't appear to be very current. Anyone heard anything?
According to Scott Dochterman article, sounded like Fran is banking the remaining scholarship for next season so he can get Gessel and Woodbury and 3 more targets. Cyclone fans can have Gibson if we get Woodbury instead.
Iowa State bound I hope. His recruitment has been awfully quiet

Just like Olu and Henton were Iowa State bound too? You guys were kissing their @** when they were considering ISU then when they chose not come to ISU you were offended that anyone would reject Lord Hoiberg's offer and now I hear Cyclone fans talking like they never wanted them to begin with. Right, because Cyclone fans don't want transfers. Time to understand Lord Hoiberg isn't going to get every kid in America.
Just like Olu and Henton were Iowa State bound too? You guys were kissing their @** when they were considering ISU then when they chose not come to ISU you were offended that anyone would reject Lord Hoiberg's offer and now I hear Cyclone fans talking like they never wanted them to begin with. Right, because Cyclone fans don't want transfers. Time to understand Lord Hoiberg isn't going to get every kid in America.

Haha, you say that like it never happens on this board. Please.
Haha, you say that like it never happens on this board. Please.

It does, not just at the level on Heck, most are shocked when we can get a highly regarded recruit to even visit (Cesar) let alone commit. But Cyclone fans got some sort of entitlement of elitism when Lord Hoiberg became coach. They talked about becoming an NBA factory and how every kid would want to play for him (not realizing most underclassmen weren't even born when he was around). I wonder if Iowa fans would have been the same way had B.J. Armstrong or Jess Settles were our coach?
It does, not just at the level on Heck, most are shocked when we can get a highly regarded recruit to even visit (Cesar) let alone commit. But Cyclone fans got some sort of entitlement of elitism when Lord Hoiberg became coach. They talked about becoming an NBA factory and how every kid would want to play for him (not realizing most underclassmen weren't even born when he was around). I wonder if Iowa fans would have been the same way had B.J. Armstrong or Jess Settles were our coach?

Jess Settles could have been a player-coach.

Your obsession with Hoiberg is disturbing.
His obsession with all things ISU is disturbing

That's true, but it's something special with Hoiberg. It's almost that he "doth protest too much."

Kind of like when you tease/pick on the girl in front of you in 4th grade not to be mean, but because you have a crush on her. I think Ryno has gazed into Freddy's dreamy blue eyes and is smitten. He's figuratively pulling Freddy's pigtails, if you know what I mean, and yes, there is something Freudian there.
That's true, but it's something special with Hoiberg. It's almost that he "doth protest too much."

Kind of like when you tease/pick on the girl in front of you in 4th grade not to be mean, but because you have a crush on her. I think Ryno has gazed into Freddy's dreamy blue eyes and is smitten. He's figuratively pulling Freddy's pigtails, if you know what I mean, and yes, there is something Freudian there.

They really are dreamy...-sigh-
That's true, but it's something special with Hoiberg. It's almost that he "doth protest too much."

Kind of like when you tease/pick on the girl in front of you in 4th grade not to be mean, but because you have a crush on her. I think Ryno has gazed into Freddy's dreamy blue eyes and is smitten. He's figuratively pulling Freddy's pigtails, if you know what I mean, and yes, there is something Freudian there.

You tried really hard to be funny, but you failed. Ryno is little more than a run of the mill idiot. You happen to join him in that category, but none the less..
You tried really hard to be funny, but you failed. Ryno is little more than a run of the mill idiot. You happen to join him in that category, but none the less..

I didn't really try that hard. There are kernels of truth in what I said.

Since I'm obviously an idiot, I'll go back to my paste-eating. Sorry to bother you so much.
You tried really hard to be funny, but you failed. Ryno is little more than a run of the mill idiot. You happen to join him in that category, but none the less..


CyChamp is the most reasonable Cyclone poster in the history of Hawkeye message boards.
Just like Olu and Henton were Iowa State bound too? You guys were kissing their @** when they were considering ISU then when they chose not come to ISU you were offended that anyone would reject Lord Hoiberg's offer and now I hear Cyclone fans talking like they never wanted them to begin with. Right, because Cyclone fans don't want transfers. Time to understand Lord Hoiberg isn't going to get every kid in America.

Ryno, I told you when we were going after Henton that he wasn't that great and I didn't think we would sign him. You even commented on my honesty. This was right after he visited ISU. He played bball with the team, wasn't that good, and the staff stopped pressing to get him. Thus the reason I posted that and I posted it BEFORE he even visited Providence.

As for Olu, that is a different story all together. Good talent for sure. Would have loved to have had him for a year.

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