AIRBHG; The Complete Saga

Every year in January they should do a bonfire in the Kinnick parking lot where Hawkeye fans bring something to sacrifice to AIRBHG.

I mean it will be ***cold anyway, right?

Either that, or attach knee braces, chastity belts, and gas masks on all the RBs until they graduate.
AIRBHG needs a fake punt! That's it. Someone posted a few days ago we have only run 1 fake punt in 13 years and it goes back to the early David Bradley era. AIRBHG wants/needs an offering like fake punt or onside kick before he lets go of his hold on the runningbacks. Iowa should line up in punt formation on the first play from scrimmage and run a fake as an offering.
Thats kind of what I was thinking. You know Biels and Dantonio are using this as ammo for potential RB recruits. I dont think I like it being blasted on

Look, the overall incidents involving "AIRBHG" are nothing more than flukes or just dumb decision making by players. I don't see how this can be used against Iowa unless they linked it to some underlying issue. It's just bad luck.
Look, the overall incidents involving "AIRBHG" are nothing more than flukes or just dumb decision making by players. I don't see how this can be used against Iowa unless they linked it to some underlying issue. It's just bad luck.

I agree with you and said it was just an amazing coincidence in another thread.

That being said, you dont think Bert and Dantonio are using this set of events to their advantage?
I agree with you and said it was just an amazing coincidence in another thread.

That being said, you dont think Bert and Dantonio are using this set of events to their advantage?

I suppose they may be but what are they telling them? That there is an actual god that hovers over IC and strikes down anybody that attempts to be a running back?
I suppose they may be but what are they telling them? That there is an actual god that hovers over IC and strikes down anybody that attempts to be a running back?

Actually it may help us, here why. "son, we have gone through 20 some backs in the past 13 years. Most by their own fault. There is a strong chance that you could be competeing on the field for us as a freshman".
This settles it.

We need to figure out who the bottom 2-3 running backs are one the depth chart and bash their knees in with lead pipes as a sacrifice to AIRBHG to appease him and leave our better RBs alone.
It's tough to write it off as coincidence or a hazard of the position when you see it all laid out in chronological order.
AIRBHG is an acronym, which stands for 'Angry Iowa Running Back Hating God'. It's existence was first noted by the sports blog Black Heart, Gold Pants. Running backs who have played for the Iowa Hawkeyes during the Kirk Ferentz era have had a surprising, if not shocking string of bad luck. The only plausible explanation is that of an otherworldly force at play. Enter AIRBHG

The following Chronology was begun at The Hawkeye Lounge, but several revisions have been required to attain complete accuracy.

A painfully beautiful and tragic tale... Shakespeare himself could not improve on it.

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