AIRBHG strikes again ...

Sign Sedrick Shaw for RB coach!

Honestly I could care less who it is. I just want someone with recruiting appeal, intensity, can produce good results, has a good work ethic, and preferably NFL ties and connections to southern states and the west coast as well. We need to use this hire and the WR hire expand our appeal and brand.
fine, then you aren't golfer junior with deep connections right to barta and sally
golfer is in the know, you know
fine, then you aren't golfer junior with deep connections right to barta and sally
golfer is in the know, you know

Not at all. I sit in the end zone, Golfer on the other hand gets into Sally's box.

it's ironical, because I didn't get the sense that golfer is actually a fan of teh box, if you catch my drift :rolleyes:
I think these coaching changes absolutely have something to do with Greg Davis. I don't think it's a case of Greg telling Kirk that he can't work with these guys and they have to go. I think it's more about Greg opening Kirk's eyes to the problems that he sees and laying down the law for his offense.

Kirk surrounded himself with a lot of "yes" men for many years. I don't think Greg Davis is that type of guy. He knows what it takes to have success at the highest level. His experience in college coaching far exceeds that of KF and anyone else on the staff.

<<He knows what it takes to have success at the highest level>>

Yeah, rich boosters with little to no values/ethics when it comes to recruitng and player "inducements".
The football program is following the "end of an era" template almost perfectly. As the talent level and performance declines.. the CEO throws his assistants (middle-management) under the bus (or they bail on their own, seeing where things are headed) and make changes buy time and save his own azz, Barring some miraculous turn-around (which is rare), this simply delays the ultimate firing of the failing CEO.

This is a pretty familiar pattern....both in coaching and business.
The football program is following the "end of an era" template almost perfectly. As the talent level and performance declines.. the CEO throws his assistants (middle-management) under the bus (or they bail on their own, seeing where things are headed) and make changes buy time and save his own azz, Barring some miraculous turn-around (which is rare), this simply delays the ultimate firing of the failing CEO.

This is a pretty familiar pattern....both in coaching and business.
Only sometimes. Many times, when new blood is introduced, a major housecleaning ensues...and for the better.

Change is good.
The football program is following the "end of an era" template almost perfectly. As the talent level and performance declines.. the CEO throws his assistants (middle-management) under the bus (or they bail on their own, seeing where things are headed) and make changes buy time and save his own azz, Barring some miraculous turn-around (which is rare), this simply delays the ultimate firing of the failing CEO.

This is a pretty familiar pattern....both in coaching and business.

Businesses restructure all the time, you just don't hear about it as much because it's usually positive news not negative unless it has a dramatic effect on financials.
Also, it shows us how really good Norm Parker was, and some of the shortcomings that maybe he covered up (overshadowed) with his defenses over all those years.
Businesses restructure all the time, you just don't hear about it as much because it's usually positive news not negative unless it has a dramatic effect on financials.

Yes, Coaching is the better example. Now, more than ever, strategies and plans are constantly being adjusted in the business world. (interestingly enough, that's seen as one of Ferent'z biggest flaws...he won't adjust)

But in coaching, its rarely a sign of good times ahead when the desperation changes start being made and housecleaning is done on the assistants. Because the primary limiting factor, is the head man. I'd love nothing more than for KFz to prove otherwise. But I wouldn't be the farm on it. This feels a lot more like a decline than a renewal.
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Yes, Coaching is the better example. Now, more than ever, strategies and plans are constantly being adjusted in the business world. (interestingly enough, that's seen as one of Ferent'z biggest flaws...he won't adjust)

But in coaching, its rarely a sign of good times ahead when the desperation changes start being made and housecleaning is done on the assistants. Because the primary limiting factor, is the head man. I'd love nothing more than for KFz to prove otherwise. But I wouldn't bet the farm on it. This feels a lot more like a decline than a renewal.
I'm all for change wish it was at the top, but all change is good.

I completely agree. I don't understand why if people who want KF out but we all know it isn't happening anytime before '14 season. Why not give most of the coaching changes a chance.

I am not a KF supporter but as long as he is here I am going to hope that he is going turn things around and make changes for the good.
I was told at the beginning of February by someone who'd been in the program the previous five years that there would be two more coaching changes (in addition to Soup), that they were not "voluntary," and that KF and staff knew who was coming in to replace. Nothing that isn't already out in the open, but my understanding was that they were not voluntary moves because they didn't like Davis or his system, as some of the above posts have speculated.
This !!!!!! + 1
I was told at the beginning of February by someone who'd been in the program the previous five years that there would be two more coaching changes (in addition to Soup), that they were not "voluntary," and that KF and staff knew who was coming in to replace. Nothing that isn't already out in the open, but my understanding was that they were not voluntary moves because they didn't like Davis or his system, as some of the above posts have speculated.
The football program is following the "end of an era" template almost perfectly. As the talent level and performance declines.. the CEO throws his assistants (middle-management) under the bus (or they bail on their own, seeing where things are headed) and make changes buy time and save his own azz, Barring some miraculous turn-around (which is rare), this simply delays the ultimate firing of the failing CEO.

This is a pretty familiar pattern....both in coaching and business.


Granted it's no-win spot for Ferentz. He gets ragged on because he never makes changes. Then this year (and last year) significant changes are made in the coaching staff and he draws more criticism.

It really comes down to whether or not these changes are voluntary. KOK & Parker leaving were voluntary choices. Soup, Erb and the yet to be named third coach are not a clear voluntary or involuntary departure. It seems they are leaving not because they want to but because they aren't buying into the direction the program is headed (i.e. Greg Davis offense). It's a hard sell to convince folks that long-term coaches who were part of the early success of this program have all the sudden become liabilities.

For me I think this has the signs of a sinking ship.

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