AIRBHG strikes again ...

Bleacher Report... The gold standard in sports journalism.

What is the deal with all the Bleacher Report links?
I have a close friend that worked for the Hawks for 3 years (2008-2010) and he said that Erb was a big tool. Nobody really liked him and he chose to not be liked by the way he treated players and those "beneath" him. Do you really wonder why the attrition rate was so high with WR and then RBs when he switched. I was told he was not as bad as Kaz, but he was second worst.

We all know Kaz is a 5-star tool, and he was on staff for how long? Kirk must have all-world tolerance for douchbaggery. Either that or he has no clue what's really going on in the program...
I believe Erb kept his spot because he could "recruit" Chicago. I think we have done and will continue to do well there without him. However, I think KF is very tolerant in hopes on consistency on the staff. However, if a guy can recruit but loses 60% or greater of his position players every year he needed to go. Like I said I don't think this sets Iowa back at all. Likely a step forward.
And yet he was there for 13 years.... don't you just have to wonder?

Not really. If there's one thing we know about Ferentz... is he hates change. He'll stubbornly beat the same horse to death...until everyone around him is screaming for a change.
Not really. If there's one thing we know about Ferentz... is he hates change. He'll stubbornly beat the same horse to death...until everyone around him is screaming for a change.

I never really thought about it that way, but it is so true. Kirk "Dead horse beater" Ferentz.
not a whole lot of difference between an article on BR and a long opinion post on this forum (not by JM).

could be the Erb simply changed over time and became the way he is. Not likely that he was always that way.
I think he is either the most unlucky position coach or the worst position coach on the staff. Look at the positions he has been in charge of and what as happened to those positions under his charge. Wr's, RBs and special teams. All have had terrible results for the most part while he was associated with each position while he was there.

I'm sure the truth is somewhere in between but we will never know the truth.

Not everyone is cut out to be a coach. ferentz should have gotten rid of him, soup and that one guy who is now in charge of recruiting. None of them are good.

Eric Johnson should be the next one to go. First class rube and Kurt wants him to be the face of the program when it comes to recruiting - WTF?

That's ferentz for you. Doing things that are illogical. You should be used to that by now. lol

We all know Kaz is a 5-star tool, and he was on staff for how long? Kirk must have all-world tolerance for douchbaggery. Either that or he has no clue what's really going on in the program...

You know in coaching there is a very fine line between encouragement and "douchbaggery". You have to have balance on a individual level, much less when you have several people working together and all trying to accomplish the same thing.
Now everybody knows Norm was a good coach, but when you take his skills out, the scale gets tipped to far the other way. You can not get a coach to coach a different way, because that is how they do it and who they are, all you can do is try and restore balance.
As for Erb, he has coached several spots. Maybe KF thought he was a good coach and that he was just coaching the wrong group. You know the whole putting people in a position for success thing that you all say KF does not do. Well after 3 positions and seeing the results, maybe KF decided he was wrong and he is not as good of a coach as he had thought. Again admitting he was wrong and making a change, the things you all rail on KF for not doing.
This time it is in the coaching ranks. Just heard from reliable source that Erb is no longer on the coaching staff at Iowa. Has not been around for a few weeks.

Source is relative who told me that Soup left before it was announced.


i hope you're right, that would be fabulous for our program. When the curse used to be on the wide receivers, Erb was wide receivers coach, he moved to running backs coach and the curse moved with him. Hopefully wherever he goes from here the curse will follow him. Hey with that in mind, and since sharing is caring, could we get him moved to ohio state, michigan, or some sec school? Spread the curse around to some who deserve it.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. But does anybody think the position coaches leaving has anything to do with Davis staying on staff? Soup and Erb have both been in the program for a while, worked under Davis for one year and is now gone, and both appear to be voluntarily leaving. I highly doubt its Kirk running these guys out of town. My wager would be on it having something to do with Davis.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. But does anybody think the position coaches leaving has anything to do with Davis staying on staff? Soup and Erb have both been in the program for a while, worked under Davis for one year and is now gone, and both appear to be voluntarily leaving. I highly doubt its Kirk running these guys out of town. My wager would be on it having something to do with Davis.

Yes. He wants his receiver coach he had at Texas. He saw Erb and wondered wtf is this guy doing here in the first place. There isnt anything voluntarily about either leaving.
I think these coaching changes absolutely have something to do with Greg Davis. I don't think it's a case of Greg telling Kirk that he can't work with these guys and they have to go. I think it's more about Greg opening Kirk's eyes to the problems that he sees and laying down the law for his offense.

Kirk surrounded himself with a lot of "yes" men for many years. I don't think Greg Davis is that type of guy. He knows what it takes to have success at the highest level. His experience in college coaching far exceeds that of KF and anyone else on the staff.
This time it is in the coaching ranks. Just heard from reliable source that Erb is no longer on the coaching staff at Iowa. Has not been around for a few weeks.

Source is relative who told me that Soup left before it was announced.


Ahem: Erb next?

I think these coaching changes absolutely have something to do with Greg Davis. I don't think it's a case of Greg telling Kirk that he can't work with these guys and they have to go. I think it's more about Greg opening Kirk's eyes to the problems that he sees and laying down the law for his offense.

Davis... and Brian Ferentz.
The question I ask is if KF kept him around because he could recruit Chicago, who else could we bring in that could be an instant success in this area? I hav thought Tavian Banks would be a smart choice due to his background in Chicago and his success at Iowa. I also thought Liddel Betts or Albert Young would make good candidates for other reasons as well. Your thoughts anyone?

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