Adopt another team

What is kind of fun is adopting any team that is playing against a team you wouldn't mind seeing lose. UCLA would be a good choice, but now you would have to find another team.
Never said they were a secret, admitted as such in post 22 of this thread. And how full was the bandwagon on February 23, when I made that post. If people want a more ballsy pick, how about Buffalo. They would have to knock off Arizona likely Miami to get out of the first weekend.
One of my blind squirrels found a big acorn. 21 point beatdown.

Don't think there were too many seats taken on that bandwagon.

Don't think there was a bandwagon.

Wish they could have saved some of those points for Kentucky.
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Well, I did it again. Adopted Wichita St and they crapped the bed. Undecided if I should doom another team. I think I'll just enjoy the games.