Adam Robinson - Two observations

i believe it was more a case where they were recruiting bernstine and through that process they had an opportunity to see what adam had to offer. not like it was a package deal, but he was not as heavily recruited as jordan. this is my impression of the situation. i believe it was similar to ed hinkel and bob sanders. i may be wrong, but i think they discovered bob through recruiting ed. if true, very interesting how that can work out.

That's probably right. I think in any event he was a 'last scholarship/late offer/almost went to UNI" type of guy. He is a stud and his performance against OSU coming back from a leg injury is one of his most under-appreciated games.
i believe it was more a case where they were recruiting bernstine and through that process they had an opportunity to see what adam had to offer. not like it was a package deal, but he was not as heavily recruited as jordan. this is my impression of the situation. i believe it was similar to ed hinkel and bob sanders. i may be wrong, but i think they discovered bob through recruiting ed. if true, very interesting how that can work out.

It isn't that you "may" be wrong. You "are" wrong.

Bob Sanders played from 2000-2003. Ed Hinkel played from 2002-2005.

As to whether or not ARob was a "bone" to get Jordan Bernstine, then kudos to BOTH. ARob helped us get JB and vice-versa.

ARob isn't a burner, but he also isn't slow. He may have been "caught" on a couple long plays, but that's happened to every "good" back at some point, and even to some "great" backs. He hits the holes hard, with great timing. He has great vision and elusiveness. Like SG, one tackler rarely has an easy time bringing him down (and like SG, about the only way to do it is chopping at the feet/ankles).

He is the absolute bonus of his recruiting class. Hardly anyone mentioned him when he came to Iowa. Now we would just about kill to keep him here.
That's probably right. I think in any event he was a 'last scholarship/late offer/almost went to UNI" type of guy. He is a stud and his performance against OSU coming back from a leg injury is one of his most under-appreciated games.

i think he was signed with the intention of a "grey shirt" his first year, which goes toward your point. the plan being for him to enroll 2nd semester probably for a scholly to free up, but it played out that was not necessary.

i agree. adam robinson has been great, especially in "grind-it-out" games which are common in the big ten. i didn't take the op as negative. just very interesting regarding the hype or lack of hype with some of these players.
Berstine went to Lincoln.......I thought Robinson went to Roosevelt.

Too lazy to look.....not really that important to me. It still doesn't mean they couldn't have been buddies.
It isn't that you "may" be wrong. You "are" wrong.

Bob Sanders played from 2000-2003. Ed Hinkel played from 2002-2005.

As to whether or not ARob was a "bone" to get Jordan Bernstine, then kudos to BOTH. ARob helped us get JB and vice-versa.

ARob isn't a burner, but he also isn't slow. He may have been "caught" on a couple long plays, but that's happened to every "good" back at some point, and even to some "great" backs. He hits the holes hard, with great timing. He has great vision and elusiveness. Like SG, one tackler rarely has an easy time bringing him down (and like SG, about the only way to do it is chopping at the feet/ankles).

He is the absolute bonus of his recruiting class. Hardly anyone mentioned him when he came to Iowa. Now we would just about kill to keep him here.

what a shame. in any case, they went to the same high school.
Great running backs don't have to be burners. See, for example:

Gotta love the backhanded compliments. I was thinking about posting the week after Jewel went down and how everyone (including me) thought the sky was falling, looking to Coker, Rogers, Johnson, etc. BQuastU, you're right, Robinson is probably one of the best in the Big 10, and is tied for #9 RB in country for most touchdowns...not too shabby for a slow ;) guy.

After reading posts, it made me stop and think, "What if ARob gets on here and reads these posts?" There wasnt much love floating around for him...granted he didnt have a great Arizona game, but just put yourselves in his shoes. You have some of the best fans in the country, and instead of rallying around our #1 guy, we (myself included) were looking past him. I know that would p*ss me off, so ARob, if you reading this, HAwkeye Nation is SO PROUD (insert paul rhoads humor) you're our #1. Go kick some Nittany Lion butt.

The touchdowns thing doesn't matter unless they are big runs. Anyone can score a lot of touchdowns from the goal line. He could have more TDs but he has been run down from behind 2-3 times on long runs that should have went for touchdowns. I like ARob alot but he is not one of the best in the big ten. He does a lot with the talent he has.
Berstine went to Lincoln.......I thought Robinson went to Roosevelt.

Too lazy to look.....not really that important to me. It still doesn't mean they couldn't have been buddies.
Robinson went to Lincoln
I don't think Shonn Greene was the fastest guy in the world either, but he was patient, let his blocks develop, hit the holes hard and was rarely brought down by one tackler. I would even suggest that A-Rob is more of a threat as a receiver that Shonn was too, so I love the way A-Rob plays this position...especially as a sophomore!

Arob is great as was Shonn Greene the 2008 Doak Walker winner, no arguments from me. But but let's get real, Shonn had "hands of stone" and it was this weakness that kept him from early draft status.

Don't misunderstand me, He's a great back just needs to develop those ball catching skills to see the field more since LT arrival in NY. He's going to be a "closer" unless he improves.
1. He is probably the slowest starting RB in the Big Ten, but is also one of the best - as a sophmore, no less.

2. If its true that he was effectively a throw-in recruit to get Jordan Bernstine, who was reportedly his close friend in HS, its funny how the recruiting process ends up playing itself out, as Robinson is indispensable to a team shooting for the Rose Bowl and Bernstine is an afterthought.

He is not one of the best in the Big 10. Indiana, Ohio State, Michigan St, Wisconsin, Illinois, Penn St and Michigan have better backs.
It isn't that you "may" be wrong. You "are" wrong.

Bob Sanders played from 2000-2003. Ed Hinkel played from 2002-2005.

As to whether or not ARob was a "bone" to get Jordan Bernstine, then kudos to BOTH. ARob helped us get JB and vice-versa.

ARob isn't a burner, but he also isn't slow. He may have been "caught" on a couple long plays, but that's happened to every "good" back at some point, and even to some "great" backs. He hits the holes hard, with great timing. He has great vision and elusiveness. Like SG, one tackler rarely has an easy time bringing him down (and like SG, about the only way to do it is chopping at the feet/ankles).

He is the absolute bonus of his recruiting class. Hardly anyone mentioned him when he came to Iowa. Now we would just about kill to keep him here.

I'm not calling out anything you said in this post or disagreeing, I just had to point out how it made me laugh as I read your post and noticed the excessive use of quotations. I'm not "sure" if you "realized" it as you were "typing", but it made me "laugh".
According to the NFL combine results...Greene ran a 4.65 and I am guessing A-Rob is somewhere around there too. What's funny is that on the site they listed "Break Away Speed" as one of A-Rob's strengths. He gets the job done...that's all care about.
I don't think Shonn Greene was the fastest guy in the world either, but he was patient, let his blocks develop, hit the holes hard and was rarely brought down by one tackler. I would even suggest that A-Rob is more of a threat as a receiver that Shonn was too, so I love the way A-Rob plays this position...especially as a sophomore!

Exactly. He follows blocks very well. Some of Iowa's best backs, historically, did this very well. He may not be like Sedrick Shaw, but Shaw is one example of a back who patiently followed his blocks.

ARob gets tough yards. I don't know why people question him so much. He's a good back, and we win with him at RB.

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