ABC...Did Michigan Win?

The one guy kept saying we when talking about Mich. I wonder who he was a fan of. Plus he kept messing up Iowa's players names.

At one point I heard him say "we..I mean..Michigan" as if his correction made him seem like an objective observer.
Palmer is the worst analyst on the air. Smug and arrogant Canadian db. At least Holtz and Corso have winning experience.
Huh? No matter what the announcers said they had the score on the could he have not known if we lost??

Did anyone else notice that for about a minute after Iowas scored the field goal in the 4th quarter that the score on the screen read 35-31? ......when it should've read 38-28.
Honestly that's the first time I've ever seen that happen in college or pro football game. My wife noticed it first and brought it to my attention.
Did anyone else notice that for about a minute after Iowas scored the field goal in the 4th quarter that the score on the screen read 35-31? ......when it should've read 38-28.
Honestly that's the first time I've ever seen that happen in college or pro football game. My wife noticed it first and brought it to my attention.

Yes, we all saw that where I was. They took down the score display for a good 20 seconds before they put up the corrected version.
Herbstreit's my homeboy. I really only enjoy the Gameday games with Herby and Musburger for announcers. At least they put effort into studying teams and giving relevant feedback throughout the game.
I noticed it right away. That broadcast was a joke from start to finish. I don't think I've ever heard a game called the way today's was. I expect that from local radio guys but not ABC. You could hear the disappointment in their tone at every turn our way and the excitement at Michigans. Unbelievable. I call for a full investigation. The destruction of Ballards name was unbelieveable.
Watching on TV the Big house seemed very , very quiet from the middle of the 1st quarter until 13 minutes left in the game. The announcers just looked liked fools talking about how good michigan was and how lucky iowa was, as 100,000+ Michigan fans quietly sat on their hands for most of 3 quarters.
Had Robinson stayed in the game, i think the score would've ended up 41-10. Forcier threw a kink in our defensive gameplan.
His little derisive snort of "Iowa!"? I actually caught that, too. Palmer's a DB.

The list goes like this:

Michigan made a valiant effort....

What Michigan didn't seem to be able to do...

Too many mistakes for Michigan...

Not ONE bit of credit given to Iowa for winning. Unreal.

That was the same as the Penn State. Not a word about Iowa winning, just why JoePa lost. It reminds me of Gettysburg. Asked about the loss CSA general after general gave excuse after excuse. Finally George Pickett said, "I think the Yankees had something to do with it."
Palmer is definately a tool, but I did not think the game announcers did too bad.

I'll give you that first comment. ABC pays him though. I just can't believe they keep him around. His knowledge of football seems non-existent and he always seems to be talking like he's trying to prove himself to be the authority. He is certainly a Hawk hater; like maybe he was turned down by a Iowa co-ed on a text message once.

Agree, announcers were pretty fair to us during the game.
Isn't Jessie Palmer the guy who went on a TV show to supposedly select his wife from a group of women he had never met before? How shallow and dense do you have to be to do that? The guy has little credibility. I wouldn't worry about his opinions. I don't think the audience takes him very seriously.
Isn't Jessie Palmer the guy who went on a TV show to supposedly select his wife from a group of women he had never met before? How shallow and dense do you have to be to do that? The guy has little credibility. I wouldn't worry about his opinions. I don't think the audience takes him very seriously.

Exactly. Rosie Palmer is just as big of a punchline as craig james is. ESPN's credibility takes a hit every time these fools appear on screen.
But of course, palmer played at FLORIDA, in THE SEC CONFERENCE, so he's automatically a COLLEGE FOOTBALL GOD. :confused::mad:
My favorite quote of the day from those idiots was after DJK juked the hell out of the michigan corner.

"The michigan CB was in the wrong position there."

Really? He was? Or maybe DJK juked the crap out of him....

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