A&M makes it official...gone...

You can't sue something that no longer exists. The only conference a school could sue is the one they are presently in. If the Big 12 folded with the Pac 12, SEC, and Big Ten each taking 1-3 teams and Texas goes independent for football then the Big 12 is gone and there is no one for any school without a new conference alignment to sue.
Not True. The Clowns would be sued because they would be the sole remaining members of the big 12. Cmon everyone has played pickup basketball where there is always one kid who doesn't get picked.
This Big 12 demise is Durn good entertainment. I got CF double paned with Oragnebloods twitter as I type.
The NCAA is still the overseer of college athletics. Universities would also sue the other conferences citing that profit was the sole reason for conference realignment. Schools like ISU would only have to point to their AAU standing and academics to show the true reason of the existence of colleges and universities (academics) had nothing to do with realignment. In the end colleges and universities are still the staple of our American heritage. We the taxpayers pay for their existence. They are not-for-profit entities with the sole purpose of providing an education. College football will have nothing to do with all this in the end.

I'm not buying that they'd have a case there.
The NCAA is still the overseer of college athletics. Universities would also sue the other conferences citing that profit was the sole reason for conference realignment. Schools like ISU would only have to point to their AAU standing and academics to show the true reason of the existence of colleges and universities (academics) had nothing to do with realignment. In the end colleges and universities are still the staple of our American heritage. We the taxpayers pay for their existence. They are not-for-profit entities with the sole purpose of providing an education. College football will have nothing to do with all this in the end.

Some good info for you....Make sure you don't use a folding chair and make sure the knoose has at least 4 loops.
The NCAA is still the overseer of college athletics. Universities would also sue the other conferences citing that profit was the sole reason for conference realignment. Schools like ISU would only have to point to their AAU standing and academics to show the true reason of the existence of colleges and universities (academics) had nothing to do with realignment. In the end colleges and universities are still the staple of our American heritage. We the taxpayers pay for their existence. They are not-for-profit entities with the sole purpose of providing an education. College football will have nothing to do with all this in the end.

Point well taken with regard to public funding of universities.

Athletic departments at major universities are another animal. Often, they use little to zero public funding. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on whether you have skin in the game), it IS all about money.

No one is questioning the reason for the existence of the universities, are they?
The NCAA is still the overseer of college athletics. Universities would also sue the other conferences citing that profit was the sole reason for conference realignment. Schools like ISU would only have to point to their AAU standing and academics to show the true reason of the existence of colleges and universities (academics) had nothing to do with realignment. In the end colleges and universities are still the staple of our American heritage. We the taxpayers pay for their existence. They are not-for-profit entities with the sole purpose of providing an education. College football will have nothing to do with all this in the end.

NCAA is National Collegiate ATHLETIC Association -- It only deals with sports! It does not have any role or influence on the actual role of universities (namely education). A school's ability to educate their students has nothing to do with what athletic conference they are in.

Further the NCAA could care less what conference a school is in. Again that is not their job to place schools in conferences; it is a free association of schools voted on by the member schools of the conference (usually the university presidents). The SEC does not have to get the NCAA's approval to add Texas A&M and the Big Ten did not have to get permission to add Nebraska. So the NCAA has no authority to control conference realignment -- I ask again how can you sue them -- what is their standing in the case?
just so I have this straight you would be suing the ncaa and other conferences for money by using the argument "they only did this for the money and the ncaa is not supposed to be about money".
NCAA is National Collegiate ATHLETIC Association -- It only deals with sports! It does not have any role or influence on the actual role of universities (namely education). A school's ability to educate their students has nothing to do with what athletic conference they are in.

Further the NCAA could care less what conference a school is in. Again that is not their job to place schools in conferences; it is a free association of schools voted on by the member schools of the conference (usually the university presidents). The SEC does not have to get the NCAA's approval to add Texas A&M and the Big Ten did not have to get permission to add Nebraska. So the NCAA has no authority to control conference realignment -- I ask again how can you sue them -- what is their standing in the case?
No kidding?
just so I have this straight you would be suing the ncaa and other conferences for money by using the argument "they only did this for the money and the ncaa is not supposed to be about money".
Have you ever studied not-for-profit organizations? Its all about the intent in doing business.
Have you ever studied not-for-profit organizations? Its all about the intent in doing business.

Not for profit does not mean a school should not seek to maximize revenue. As long as the revenue is used (expensed) for legitimate purposes aligned with the intent of doing business then there is not a problem. A school would have to attempt to show that schools within a conference were misusing revenues that would violate their not for profit status. Just saying they have too much revenue doesn't go very far; if it did the Ivy League would have been sued years ago for all their endowments.
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Have you ever studied not-for-profit organizations? Its all about the intent in doing business.

It appears you haven't. Just because a not for profit business increases their revenue doesn't mean they won't increase their expenses to keep under the limit to stay as a tax exempt business.
It appears you haven't. Just because a not for profit business increases their revenue doesn't mean they won't increase their expenses to keep under the limit to stay as a tax exempt business.
So you are telling me that universities will fly below the radar of government intervention if conferences are operating in a for-profit manner and leaving schools behind and possibly falling to lower tier conferences because they don't fit their profitability mold? Holy ****, universities and conferences are not in operation to solely play football.
So you are telling me that universities will fly below the radar of government intervention if conferences are operating in a for-profit manner and leaving schools behind and possibly falling to lower tier conferences because they don't fit their profitability mold? Holy ****, universities and conferences are not in operation to solely play football.

What makes you think they will be?
So you are telling me that universities will fly below the radar of government intervention if conferences are operating in a for-profit manner and leaving schools behind and possibly falling to lower tier conferences because they don't fit their profitability mold? Holy ****, universities and conferences are not in operation to solely play football.

Again increased revenue does not mean for profit. By your logic then schools in the MAC and MWC should have already sued the BCS conferences as they have more revenue and are leaving them behind financially.
Seems pretty simple - the more money the school brings in, the less tax dollars have to go to support it. The governments should be all for these conference expansions.
Again increased revenue does not mean for profit. By your logic then schools in the MAC and MWC should have already sued the BCS conferences as they have more revenue and are leaving them behind financially.
These two conferences along with their universities have always been at the level they are. They have NEVER been at a BCS status, so their revenues will remain unchanged.
Seems pretty simple - the more money the school brings in, the less tax dollars have to go to support it. The governments should be all for these conference expansions.
BCS level programs do not consume federal government funds.
These two conferences along with their universities have always been at the level they are. They have NEVER been at a BCS status, so their revenues will remain unchanged.

So if you have always been a have-not then it is okay to discriminate against you by having an uneven playing field for revenues; but once you are in the elite group of haves you are entitled to stay in that group irregardless of any changes in circumstance. Do I understand this correctly?

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