A lot of smoke(coaches defecting)

Sounds like Chris Doyle feels handcuffed as well. The Rhabdo thing has really taken a toll. His workouts are extremely scaled back compared to what they use to be.

Has any source confirmed this, or is it just another circular message board meme?

We know he's eliminated the particular yearly challenge that led directly to the rhabdo (despite not causing rhabdo ever before, but I digress), because that was stated publicly. But why would he reduce the rest of the regimen, which though rigorous wasn't *that* different from other BCS teams, and put Iowa at a competitive disadvantage?

I've never seen a confirmation and frankly don't believe it.
Has any source confirmed this, or is it just another circular message board meme?

We know he's eliminated the particular yearly challenge that led directly to the rhabdo (despite not causing rhabdo ever before, but I digress), because that was stated publicly. But why would he reduce the rest of the regimen, which though rigorous wasn't *that* different from other BCS teams, and put Iowa at a competitive disadvantage?

I've never seen a confirmation and frankly don't believe it.

For once I agree with Billso! Having over a dozen players end up in the hospital after a workout is a little extreme. I understand why they would eliminate that kind of workout. However, scaling his entire regimen back doesn't make any sense, and it certainly isn't beneficial to the players if that's what he has been told to do. I find it highly unlikely he was told to take it down a notch. That would defeat the purpose of trying to develop players to their utmost potential.
Has any source confirmed this, or is it just another circular message board meme?

We know he's eliminated the particular yearly challenge that led directly to the rhabdo (despite not causing rhabdo ever before, but I digress), because that was stated publicly. But why would he reduce the rest of the regimen, which though rigorous wasn't *that* different from other BCS teams, and put Iowa at a competitive disadvantage?

I've never seen a confirmation and frankly don't believe it.

This doesn't make sense to me, the whole rhabdo thing happened because players weren't staying in shape during winter break. Some of the players that were interviewed said that they were told about the workouts PRIOR to leaving for break, they were told to stay in shape. Those said players weren't in good shape and ready for that type of workout. The entire football team did the workout, not just 13 kids. Other schools said that they used a similar workout but didn't have this problem. The issue was not having proper communication between the coaches and players before they did the workout. If the player wasn't in shape then the players shouldn't have been doing the workout. I am guessing either (1) the coaches didn't ask who was still in shape, (2) the coaches asked but players didn't answer honestly out of fear of getting in trouble, or (3) the coaches asked and players told the truth and the coaches didn't listen and still make them do the lifts. Either way we aren't going to know the truth. But I think the players don't look or play with the same type of power that traditional Iowa teams did in the past. Doyle is either letting up out of fear of the players safety or the players having been in the program along enough or aren't working out as hard as they should. All of these are assumptions but these things make the most sense to me.
Heard Ferentz sat down with Erb, Campbell and Wilson and told them they can start looking for different jobs. Ferentz said he wasnt going to fire them, but would prefer them to actively pursue other jobs. I asked why doesnt he just fire them? Was told he wont fire them which doesnt make any sense. Its Kirk Ferentz though, a lot of things he does dont make any sense.

Can you at least tell us how your source knows this information? Are they on the staff, family of the staff, friends with the staff? This seems like good information but at this point it is just internet rumors.
This doesn't make sense to me, the whole rhabdo thing happened because players weren't staying in shape during winter break. Some of the players that were interviewed said that they were told about the workouts PRIOR to leaving for break, they were told to stay in shape. Those said players weren't in good shape and ready for that type of workout. The entire football team did the workout, not just 13 kids. Other schools said that they used a similar workout but didn't have this problem. The issue was not having proper communication between the coaches and players before they did the workout. If the player wasn't in shape then the players shouldn't have been doing the workout. I am guessing either (1) the coaches didn't ask who was still in shape, (2) the coaches asked but players didn't answer honestly out of fear of getting in trouble, or (3) the coaches asked and players told the truth and the coaches didn't listen and still make them do the lifts. Either way we aren't going to know the truth. But I think the players don't look or play with the same type of power that traditional Iowa teams did in the past. Doyle is either letting up out of fear of the players safety or the players having been in the program along enough or aren't working out as hard as they should. All of these are assumptions but these things make the most sense to me.

I disagree with the same type of power and grit that past teams had. This team was quite young, obviously that hurts from the physicality stand point due to lack of development, but it also hurts because the recruits spanned over the last 3-4 teams were the weakest in the KF era. Thankfully, this is changing as the last couple of classes were pretty solid (especially on the d/o-lines). I was also noticing a lot of very hard nosed plays on defense this year particularly from the linebackers. The offense was pretty typical with the game plan to dominate the trenches, and we were starting to see it until injuries started to pile up around the end of the MSU game.
I disagree with the same type of power and grit that past teams had. This team was quite young, obviously that hurts from the physicality stand point due to lack of development, but it also hurts because the recruits over the last 3-4 years were the weakest in the KF era. Thankfully, this is changing as the last few classes were pretty solid (especially on the d/o-lines). I was also noticing a lot of very hard nosed plays on defense this year particularly from the linebackers. The offense was pretty typical with the game plan to dominate the trenches, and we were starting to see it until injuries started to pile up around the starting at the end of the MSU game.

Those are good points, g11. I don't take that into consideration.