A lot of smoke(coaches defecting)


Well-Known Member
There is tons of smoke on Erb and Campbell leaving for advancements that they are not getting in Iowa City. Soup's house is for sale and looking to be an OC somewhere, supposedly. Let the predictions start coming in on who will replace them....
Im not sure how any Iowa coach could look elsewhere. These guys have the best jobs in the world. Regardless of job performance, you are set making a 6 figure income with zero chance of being replaced.
Strikes me has perhaps a change in underlying philosophy. KF got guys who stayed (apparently wanted to stay). Now guys want to move up and on - like the days of Hayden.


Coaches decide they don't like what GD brings and decide that they always have a choicce in the matter and making their choice.





i guess that covers it.
I would think we want coaches who are climbing the ladder. We applauded their efforts when many of Fry's assistants moved on to become head coaches, coordinators, etc. I read all the complaints about the staff being stale; new blood is often a step in the right direction. So, "defecting" may be the wrong term...of course, if you are continuing to seek ways to criticize KF, then I guess the term is correct.
I would think we want coaches who are climbing the ladder. We applauded their efforts when many of Fry's assistants moved on to become head coaches, coordinators, etc. I read all the complaints about the staff being stale; new blood is often a step in the right direction. So, "defecting" may be the wrong term...of course, if you are continuing to seek ways to criticize KF, then I guess the term is correct.

Since Jams Ferentz probably wont go NFL I am sure Kurt will get him one of the gigs.
If these staff changes result in fresh approaches down the road and better assessment and recruitment of talent, I am all in favor. Should have done it a while ago.
When Erb sends around the ST highlight tape and Soup sends around the 2012 receiver highlight tape, those guys will have a lot of job offers. The choices will be between head jobs at upper tier MAC/Sunbelt/WAC level schools and offensive coordinator jobs in the NFL or very top BCS level programs. The difficulty of choosing between those options will delay the departures.
Im not sure how any Iowa coach could look elsewhere. These guys have the best jobs in the world. Regardless of job performance, you are set making a 6 figure income with zero chance of being replaced.

And zero chance of advancing within the organization. I don't blame either one of them for wanting to be more than position coaches.
Meh. Campbell never showed me anything, and Erb has been here forever.
Pretty hard to pick that apart. McNutt was in my mind anyway as self made as anything. If Campbell wanted to take credit for him to a degree I guess he can. Just imagine if Mcnutt woulda transfered cause he wanted to play qb...That's awhole other topic but name me a WR he helped bring in and he turned into something decent......
And zero chance of advancing within the organization. I don't blame either one of them for wanting to be more than position coaches.

Who cares? 6 figure income, job security for life regardless of performance, etc............They leave the Kirk Ferentz blanket at Iowa, theyre opening themselves up for having to perform to actually maintain their positions.
If both Erb and Soup leave what offensive coach has seniority over Brian? Almost looks like the path is being cleared for him to be the next OC.
Iowa has never had great depth at the WR position since Ferentz arrived. They've always had one or two above average guys, and then a bunch of mediocre to poor players after that. It's the obvious position that needs upgraded. What worries me is that we brought in Greg Davis. His offensive schemes in combination with Ferentz's dedication to running the football is going to scare away any decently talented receivers. Frankly I wouldn't blame them one bit. Who would want to come play receiver at Iowa??? You get to block and run 5 yard routes 90% of the time. The Hawkeye receivers have been average in the Ferentz era. I'm afraid it's going to get much worse.
Iowa has never had great depth at the WR position since Ferentz arrived. They've always had one or two above average guys, and then a bunch of mediocre to poor players after that. It's the obvious position that needs upgraded. What worries me is that we brought in Greg Davis. His offensive schemes in combination with Ferentz's dedication to running the football is going to scare away any decently talented receivers. Frankly I wouldn't blame them one bit. Who would want to come play receiver at Iowa??? You get to block and run 5 yard routes 90% of the time. The Hawkeye receivers have been average in the Ferentz era. I'm afraid it's going to get much worse.

Greg Davis puts receivers in the NFL. Young players know this and want to play for him. How can you not see this? Look at the players coming in? If anything, Campbell was holding us back. Good riddance.
I still think Campbell is an asset to the Iowa program, but since I don't have any inside knowledge of the program it is possible Soup is a liability.

Perhaps it was Campbell who wasn't able to pick up GD offensive scheme, and that's why the WR and JVB never seemed to be on the same page?
I'm not saying Campbell wasn't holding us back. He certainly didn't get much production out of them this year. I'm saying the more talented receivers coming out of high school aren't going to want to play in a system where they spend the majority of their time run-blocking and running short routes. It's painfully boring. Sorry but none of the players coming in scream "program changer" at the WR position. The Hawks will end up settling for MAC level talent and hoping they find a diamond in the rough.
You don't have to run deep routes to be an effective passing team. Look at NW..But then they have always had effective QBs that run or throw. That's what we need.
These guys are crazy silly. A FB coaching job at Iowa is one of the best jobs in America, whether you are the head coach or one of his assistants. If you are the head coach, you will be insanely overpaid to the point that it is the first thing people think of when they hear your name. Your contract will also be for a silly amount of years and is totally guranteed, so you have absolutely no pressure to win anytime over the next 3 years (like at a normal school).

If you are one of his assistants, you will be paid market value, which is still a very good living and you will never, ever be fired. You can literally perform your duties at the lowest level of anyone in the United States and you will be brought back. Only two words are required to keep this job, "Yes, Kirk".

Its Shangri la over there I tell you. I want in!