7 months...


PSU has paid out hundreds of millions in pasuits . . . But I think most of the NCAA penalties were prematurely dropped. Which bothers me.

*********PREPARE FOR RANT***********

I don't like what has happened to sports in American society. I myself luv sports and participated as a youth in organized baseball; football; swimming; diving and wrestling. As an individual, competed in racquetball; tennis and bowling.

But when I was young.

Steroids; gambling and corking in baseball???
I don't remember that.

NBA being a thug league where players come out with "I can't breath" shirts and hands up don't shoot demonstrations. I think the WNBA wore shirts attacking the police.
I don't remember that.

NFL embracing people like Michael Vick who tortures animals. And people like Colin K. Not to mention several star players charged with murder and wife beating.
I don't remember that.

And John Wooden wasn't all about greed and megalomaniac power.

I don't like what's happened to amateur and professional sports.

Pro sports are now a religion for people like Deano. (Hawkeyes are a pro franchise in my mind since the facilities and administrative compensation are professional level)

Amateur sports are now a participation ribbon festival, making MH happy.

Sports is entertainment, not a religion. Extremism is out of control everywhere . . . and that sickness has infected sports in a big way.

Anybody else conjuring up sirens and nets with these posts?
If KF has the power to protect someone like Barta, who was found guilty on all charges . . . that is a problem. Now Barta still may be forced out. In fact I think he will. And maybe KF can't protect Barta. I hope that he doesn't have that kind of power. But the culture at Iowa is one that lead to courtroom embarrassment and things like Alford and his "second chances". The fans who want the unpleasant inner workings of the AD to remain in the shadows are enablers leading Iowa down the wrong path.

I'll remember all that the next time you scoff when someone says Iowa "does it the right way" and you scream for a coach's head--any coach--after a loss...
No idea whether or not KF has that kind of power. He does appear to have a lot of power. I have no idea why so many are theeatened by someone questioning the healthiness of someone havng that kind of power. The rhabdo incident was a very serious situation that some are afraid to admit. It is life threatening and altering. There very well could have been abuse of power but when an organization is so tightly controlled how would one know on the outside except the award was weird timing.

You do realize people get Rhabdo who haven't come close to doing the kind of workout that lead to the Iowa Rhabdo situation, right? And that it can happen in situations where NObody has any inkling it's going to happen, right?
The premise at the start may have been on the strong side. If you were one of the 12 or parents thereof, you might feel differently. If you've ever been around abuse of power, those of us who have may feel strongly that things in re to rhabdo don't feel/look right. Maybe I've missed something, but what I find amazing is the lack of followup of what happened to those players later on.

Can you agree that there appears to be a situation where a coach might have too much control at Iowa and that improper activities might more easily be covered up as a result? No accusations, but concern about the concentration of power?

Why should anyone agree? And why does it matter whether or not WE know what happened with those players? It's none of YOUR fucking business, unless they don't mind it becoming public. That's the ONE thing I, personally, KNOW.
First off, players getting a case of rhabdo isn't unheard of and has happened on rare occasion and in other sports.

Second, it seems to be an isolated incident as there have been zero reports of it happening all the years prior or years after.

Third, just because you didn't hear or are aware of, how can you assume there was no FU on the Iowa rhabdo situation. How do you know they didn't do some internal investigating/evaluating and come up with some findings. I would almost venture to say that they did. Actually, I think they did evaluate it and changed many of their practices as far as workouts go.

The rhabdo situation seems to be one where for some reason a perfect storm happen all at once. The correct formula was met for some reason. Because of the sheer number of players involved, maybe it had something to do with what energy drink mixture they were drinking while training or something. Pure speculation on my part. I know it's reported that they had excess training, but I find it hard to believe that 13 players all "overtrained" at the exact same time, without there being some kind of other common denominator, and a systemic one at that, which could be what a workout drink could provide. Again, not saying it was that but merely pointing out that it could have been something systemic that all players affected had in common.

There was definitely the implication of "drink" involved, but not "workout drink". Well, unless you count the Granny Clampett ideation of "potion" as "workout drink".
You do realize people get Rhabdo who haven't come close to doing the kind of workout that lead to the Iowa Rhabdo situation, right? And that it can happen in situations where NObody has any inkling it's going to happen, right?

OK, I'll play your game. Btw, you are an idiot. You do know that cases on this scale don't just happen. Let me spell it so you can read it.

Ya do have understandin dat da leader of dat der pigskin fooball team....He don gets some of da bestest docterin advice from across dat der street from the place whar day plat tackle da guy running wit da pic dont' ya?

Shucks dat der head feller, he got no idea such things cana happen. Darndest ting dat der Rabbito sickness. Goes and just happens to 13 young whippersnapper just like that. Darned near ran and lifted demselves to death day did.

Just cause its a pubbblic coolage doesn't mean anyone shud caar does it?
OK, I'll play your game. Btw, you are an idiot. You do know that cases on this scale don't just happen. Let me spell it so you can read it.

Ya do have understandin dat da leader of dat der pigskin fooball team....He don gets some of da bestest docterin advice from across dat der street from the place whar day plat tackle da guy running wit da pic dont' ya?

Shucks dat der head feller, he got no idea such things cana happen. Darndest ting dat der Rabbito sickness. Goes and just happens to 13 young whippersnapper just like that. Darned near ran and lifted demselves to death day did.

Just cause its a pubbblic coolage doesn't mean anyone shud caar does it?

For one who lectures me on attacking others.....seems like the shoe is on your foot now.
OK, I'll play your game. Btw, you are an idiot. You do know that cases on this scale don't just happen. Let me spell it so you can read it.

Ya do have understandin dat da leader of dat der pigskin fooball team....He don gets some of da bestest docterin advice from across dat der street from the place whar day plat tackle da guy running wit da pic dont' ya?

Shucks dat der head feller, he got no idea such things cana happen. Darndest ting dat der Rabbito sickness. Goes and just happens to 13 young whippersnapper just like that. Darned near ran and lifted demselves to death day did.

Just cause its a pubbblic coolage doesn't mean anyone shud caar does it?
I just stumbled upon this thread because I did not know what "7 months: was referring to. It was a pretty interesting back and forth until your post. You purport to be an educated person with talk of turning down multiple positions at respected universities and I have no reason to doubt you,but for pete's sake, this response was really contemptuous and uncalled for. I don't agree with every post on this board either but do my best to not act like a jerk. You are better than this.
I just stumbled upon this thread because I did not know what "7 months: was referring to. It was a pretty interesting back and forth until your post. You purport to be an educated person with talk of turning down multiple positions at respected universities and I have no reason to doubt you,but for pete's sake, this response was really contemptuous and uncalled for. I don't agree with every post on this board either but do my best to not act like a jerk. You are better than this.
Oh come on. The KF is a god folks trash any comments about KF that question him. His post was pretty equal and not cslled for. This particular subject is one I have higher intestest in because Ive been personally impacted by higher ed corruption. It does exist and it is real. I do notice you completely ignored Bobs comment which were unprovoked and quite rude.

However your post is well taken.
I just stumbled upon this thread because I did not know what "7 months: was referring to. It was a pretty interesting back and forth until your post. You purport to be an educated person with talk of turning down multiple positions at respected universities and I have no reason to doubt you,but for pete's sake, this response was really contemptuous and uncalled for. I don't agree with every post on this board either but do my best to not act like a jerk. You are better than this.

This is what HawkGold does. He's a glass half empty personality who consistently plays the high and mighty card. It's easy to see traits come out after people post on here for an extended period of time. In particular, it's easy to notice those who tend to be opposite of you. I'm a glass half full type so people who are constantly negative drive me nuts. Doesn't mean I'm a KF apologist. It simply means I prefer to stay positive and critique when necessary instead of looking for the bad in everything. Although I'm well aware those who prefer to be negative will lump me into the KF apologist crowd because it makes them feel good.
OK, I'll play your game. Btw, you are an idiot. You do know that cases on this scale don't just happen. Let me spell it so you can read it.

Ya do have understandin dat da leader of dat der pigskin fooball team....He don gets some of da bestest docterin advice from across dat der street from the place whar day plat tackle da guy running wit da pic dont' ya?

Shucks dat der head feller, he got no idea such things cana happen. Darndest ting dat der Rabbito sickness. Goes and just happens to 13 young whippersnapper just like that. Darned near ran and lifted demselves to death day did.

Just cause its a pubbblic coolage doesn't mean anyone shud caar does it?

Agree, there had to be some kind of common element among all involved. The only reason I brought up the drink is that I toured the football facility and actually tried their energy drink which they add electrolytes to. Think of drinking a salty Gatorade. Pretty much it. Again, no proof that it was that at all but just trying to say there is a common denominator between all to have that many come down with the condition. So, I always wondered if too many electrolytes could have been a trigger. Your concerns you raise above about university "heads" and the way they work or provide people preferential treatment are sure valid. I work in academia as well so can concur.

Yes, the university setting, especially sports setting can be a dirty world.
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This is what HawkGold does. He's a glass half empty personality who consistently plays the high and mighty card. It's easy to see traits come out after people post on here for an extended period of time. In particular, it's easy to notice those who tend to be opposite of you. I'm a glass half full type so people who are constantly negative drive me nuts. Doesn't mean I'm a KF apologist. It simply means I prefer to stay positive and critique when necessary instead of looking for the bad in everything. Although I'm well aware those who prefer to be negative will lump me into the KF apologist crowd because it makes them feel good.

In my older age, I've also come to realize that not everything is always a conspiracy theory. Some people think do.
In my older age, I've also come to realize that not everything is always a conspiracy theory. Some people think do.
Life happens in a manner that makes conspiracy seem real but usually isnt. But when actions are driven by money its hard to tell the dif. The 08 financial is a case in point. CEOs betting agaist their companies with call option derivatives did in fact happen. Was there a secret society of elites that planned it? No. Did it happen and did some talk to their pals about it? Probably.

About half full and half empty, discussion of what is seen is neither. Its a cliche some like to use.
Life happens in a manner that makes conspiracy seem real but usually isnt. But when actions are driven by money its hard to tell the dif. The 08 financial is a case in point. CEOs betting agaist their companies with call option derivatives did in fact happen. Was there a secret society of elites that planned it? No. Did it happen and did some talk to their pals about it? Probably.

About half full and half empty, discussion of what is seen is neither. Its a cliche some like to use.

You call it a cliche'... I call it an opinion formed after reading many of your posts. Look at your history. Not hard to come to that conclusion.
  1. I wonder if all those low talent kids that ended up in the NFL have a problem with Doyle's workout programs.

Why does it have to be so black and white? Within a population there are plenty if kids that could play but dont get the chance or dont wont to do it. Kid I went to school with was a d1 recruit playing only his junior year. Quit football and after graduating became a truck driver. KF is exceptional at finding players oift ignored. The success doesnt mean one cant be scrutinized.
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In my older age, I've also come to realize that not everything is always a conspiracy theory. Some people think do.

I do agree. But do you think Qutar un the news this week is honestly about terrorism and the House of Saud is not? Or the Ukraine war is about Ukrainian Russians rising up in fear of west Ukraine nationalists?

Just as bad as conspiracy junkies are those that ignore corruption and power. Did you notice how reticent US media was to print the words of the London attackers yett BBC wasnt when the attacked the young woman?
I may have upset the board's brownshirts. Truth can have that affect on people when their religion is challenged. I think international current events kinda support the previous sentence.
I may have upset the board's brownshirts. Truth can have that affect on people when their religion is challenged. I think international current events kinda support the previous sentence.

Jawohl, meinem freund. Das ist richtig. Ich bin ein "brown shirt".

All because I disagree with you.