7-6 is not acceptable

Personally it would serve all of us right if we run off Ferentz and make a couple bad hires and end up with a football program being trashed like the bball program. Iowa is one bad hire away from 3-9 every year.
Personally it would serve all of us right if we run off Ferentz and make a couple bad hires and end up with a football program being trashed like the bball program. Iowa is one bad hire away from 3-9 every year.
amen. finally, some on this board that has a clue.
Personally it would serve all of us right if we run off Ferentz and make a couple bad hires and end up with a football program being trashed like the bball program. Iowa is one bad hire away from 3-9 every year.

Are you going to feel the same way if KF turns in more 7-5 performances, or worse, the next two or three years?

I'm not at the point of asking for KF's job, not even close. But 7-5 (7-6 now).. That's just 1 game away from not even having a winning record. I am not going to celebrate that.

I don't care about bowl games.. How many 6-6 teams (not even a winning record) are getting bowl games? Bowl appearances don't mean a whole lot these days, unless you are making higher-tier bowls.
Normally I would be someone who would rail on O'Keefe. But given the circumstances of this game I am willing to give him a pass. Iowa lost his game on offense, for sure. But given that we were missing the most talented running threat in this game and that was Oklahoma's biggest weakness I feel that this game was a lack of execution.

JVB was not sharp early and we have to hope that doesn't become a pattern early. All the people that compare JVB to Stanzi have to realize that Stanzi had an unreal defense to rely upon for his whole career. From day one until the win over Missouri Stanzi just needed to score 28 points to win a game. That wasn't the case this season and won't be next year. I would hope that most fans well sober up, take some time and look at the season as a whole.

Vandenberg certainly has the talent to grow. Ferentz and company will need to look at college football as a whole and realize they need to be more flexible with the offensive sets and grow as a unit. Iowa has the skill talent but, more importantly the offensive line to improve on this season's results. Iowa replaces a lot of key talent on both sides of the ball but have an incredibly set up schedule for next season to improve. Iowa's best teams improve in November. We should be 5-0 headed into October with a bye thrown into the mix before we play a meaningful opponent. Anything less than 9 wins next year is cause for alarm.
Normally I would be someone who would rail on O'Keefe. But given the circumstances of this game I am willing to give him a pass. Iowa lost his game on offense, for sure. But given that we were missing the most talented running threat in this game and that was Oklahoma's biggest weakness I feel that this game was a lack of execution.

Understatement of the year. Question is, why does Iowa's offense continually have so much trouble executing?
The attrition HAS to stop and some leaders have to step forward within the roster. If this happens, this program will be fine. The attrition and lack of leadership is what I find more troubling than the 7-6 record. If it continues, KF will definitely have to start answering some VERY tough questions. The next 8 months will certainly be very interesting for KF and the Hawks. I agree with the title, 7-6 shouldn't be acceptable, especially coming off one of the most underacheiving seasons in my lifetime.

But I am quick to stop myself when the "life is greener on the other side of the KF era" thought enters my mind. The realization I come to is Barta better hit a home run with his next hire, and that could prove to be very difficult. And that home run will have to come from taking a chance on a DC or OC, a retread HC, or a NFL assistant. Most coaching hires are risky, but when you take a chance on those 3 categories, the risk is even greater. Look what the basketball program has gone through. I am a big supporter of KF. But I have questioned KF more and more over the last 2 years, and I have asked "what direction is this program going", and some of what KF has done and said over the last 2 years has made me scratch my head.

But while the last 2 years have been VERY frustrating, I think it is important to sit back and watch how KF handles the next 8 months. With the uncertainty surrounding Coker and McCall, replacing RK and Norm and how those hires affect the rest of the staff, the questions he'll inevitably be asked about JVB and the QB situation, and the attrition on the DL and the very thin numbers there, KF will have plenty of opportunities to prove whether 2012 and beyond will be acceptable.
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Ferentz and company will need to look at college football as a whole and realize they need to be more flexible with the offensive sets and grow as a unit. Iowa has the skill talent but, more importantly the offensive line to improve on this season's results. Iowa replaces a lot of key talent on both sides of the ball but have an incredibly set up schedule for next season to improve. Iowa's best teams improve in November. We should be 5-0 headed into October with a bye thrown into the mix before we play a meaningful opponent. Anything less than 9 wins next year is cause for alarm.
You must be living in an alternate universe.
Ferentz and company will need to look at college football as a whole and realize they need to be more flexible with the offensive sets and grow as a unit. Iowa has the skill talent but, more importantly the offensive line to improve on this season's results. Iowa replaces a lot of key talent on both sides of the ball but have an incredibly set up schedule for next season to improve. Iowa's best teams improve in November. We should be 5-0 headed into October with a bye thrown into the mix before we play a meaningful opponent. Anything less than 9 wins next year is cause for alarm.

lmao... Is this a joke? 9 wins next year is not gonna happen, I'd expect more like 6-6 maybe worse?
I'm not even sure how to put my thoughts into words right now.

I hate Oklahoma with a passion.

Oklahoma played like crap... And we managed to play worse. One of the most lame games I've seen all year. We were predictable and awful aside from a few guys that gave it their all and even gave us a chance.

JVB was less than impressive. He looked like a very talented QB getting his first start. He looked flustered and scared 90% of the game. He showed next to zero confidence in himself and I think he is capable of better than what we saw tonight. I believe he has talent... I'm just not sure he is getting good coaching to help him improve and be the QB he has the natural ability to be.

If you aren't going to recruit the talent necessary to run the gamelan... Then stop running it. Change it up. Adapt. Be more aggressive. Do something...

You can't wait until you are down 3 scores to decide to start playing to win against a team like oklahoma.

Thank you to the defensive players that played with heart tonight and tried to make Norm proud his last game. He deserved a win to end his career and I'm sad he didn't get it.

Hawk fan for life, but I'm feeling more excited for the Timberwolves future than Iowa's right now... I never thought I'd say that...

Hopefully we can get back on track soon. Go Hawks.
Hey...Iowa made it to a bowl game, one of the 65 or 70 teams that go to bowl games. KF is quite happy with the results this year.

Iowa just played another game last night like they have played for the past year and a half--play not to lose, play vanilla to give the other team the edge, play predictable, and play scared. We have a great QB--as long as he plays at home, on the road he plays scared and has no idea what to do. And we have no coach who can coach him through it.

We have primary coaches who only know one way to play--the offensive coordinator turns it loose on the very weak teams but uses only seven ultraconservative plays against better teams. KOK is a sham with lifelong employment.

Even if Iowa hired impressive young coaches with fire in their hearts and a tremendous desire, KF would quickly extinguish that fire and desire to ensure that Iowa plays vanilla, ultraconservative, frightened, predictable, play not to lose football.

Does anyone really blame the players that are leaving. Once they get here and see what kind of program that the head coach runs, they just opt for something a bit more exciting or a program where they can have fun and play, a program that does not play favorites regardless of talent. Of the new class, how many do you think will stay? And then there is the running back situation. Does KF go into homes and tell these kids that they will probably get to play one year or less and then they will have to transfer?

Fortunately as a 50 + year Iowa sports fan, I don't have concern myself with Iowa football for another 9 months. One thing for sure, we don't have to concern ourselves with talk about winning the B1G next year and playing in the conference championship. We will have to concern ourselves with winning a few games other than the preseason cupcakes. And people won't have to worry about spending money going to a bowl game next year because Iowa will be one of the three or so B1G teams that won't be going to a bowl.

But hey, we all know KF won't change a thing with Iowa football. Maybe we will be lucky and KOK will add two more plays to his playbook. I have never had such a defeatist and hopeless attitude about Iowa football in the 50 + years that I have been watching and listening.
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Attrition is KF and CO. fault. Canzeri looked fairly good last night and they had this guy on the bench all year? Coker needed a break and the offense needed a change of pace RB, yet we hide him on the bench but blow his redshirt. No wonder so many Iowa RBs want out of the program.

The play calling last night was pretty lame too. Stretch plays with tiny canzeri backed up on Iowa's own 3 yard line? really? Playing ultra-conservative again even though Iowa was outclassed, down 14 points at half, and had so far laid an egg? really? sorry seniors KF and CO. dont trust you to make a play, especially you McNutt, who cares if you own almost every Iowa WR record there is. KOK doesn't have the imagination and KF doesn't have the stones.

I'm expecting more of the same in 2012
Seriously? Have you guys been paying attention? I have told you over and over and you still don't get it?!

KF's record at Iowa - 3 years 7 and fewer wins, 3 years 8 or more wins.

It has been that way steadily from the beginning and you act like this is some great tragedy! It is just KF's M.O. Deal with it.

I mean seriously, this is the third down cycle and the fifth individual cycle! If you don't get it by now, that's on you.
Little is going to change as long as .....

* We have an AD who is on record as stating he is happy with the progress the university made in the Director's Cup rankings of 2010-2011 where under his leadership we finished 43rd. NOTE - with the 2011-2012 rankings approaching the home stretch we are currently ranked at 97th in the country........yes, 97th.


* We have a football coach with a long term high priced comp package

Should we have dwindling season ticket sales and a fall off in athletic dept. donations in the future then change may occur.

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