#6 team an underdog?


Well-Known Member
I just cant get a grasp on why MSU is favored. It seems that the sports books have moved the line and we are 2 pt dogs. wondering if somebody can find out when was the last time the #6 team in the nation was an underdog to a three loss team, and what happened.
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It really has me scratching my head as well. I guess one good thing from this would be that the coaches can use this as the no-respect card. And it still gives us something to b*tch about!
Turn on sports talk radio. We are the fraud team from the Big Fraud Ten.

Did you guys know that we had to block two FGs to beat UNI!!???

Listen to ESPNCNNSIFOXSPORTS and you'll learn it fast!
I really am concerned the fix is in. I will not be surprised to see some funny stuff happen during this game.
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A part of me is instantly upset about this, however, this is the best thing that could have happened. The line has NO impact on the outcome of the game. It gives the coaches something to motivate their newly "crowned" team and bring them back to earth a little bit. Hopefully we can pound the Spartans and burn Vegas in the process. All we gotta do is continue to take care of business and respect will come. Go Hawks!
If I were a betting man, I guess I'd have to put my money on Iowa to win this weekend.

Shame I'm not a betting man, but if I were I would have cleaned house last week.
I'm starting to like us being the underdog each and every week, the bigger the dog the more money i win and put away for the bowl game!!
in the past when we have been ranked and highly favored in past years we lose so look at it on a positive note. we are let down everytime but not this year! go hawks!
Only thing i can think of is: the the last win the Hawks had in Lansing was in 1995. Kirk never winning there and it being a night game with rain.

I have to say to that: Streaks end. Ferentz for Prez. Did you see the Penn St. Whiteout? Underdog...we were +2 against Winconsin.

Go Hawks! and Go home haters there is a new Top Dog in the BIG 10!
This was a pick 'em game until Dr. Bob released MSU as a "strong opinion" play. Then his lemmings bet on MSU and moved the line to MSU -1.5/2...
Its all about the action - the betting rubes move the line and most of them for the 2nd week obviously think we are primed for an upset. In the history of the program we have never started a season 8-0 so maybe that is part of the thinking....i know the past doesnt predict the future but a lot of gamblers follow statistics and trends like the bible
Its all about the action - the betting rubes move the line and most of them for the 2nd week obviously think we are primed for an upset. In the history of the program we have never started a season 8-0 so maybe that is part of the thinking....i know the past doesnt predict the future but a lot of gamblers follow statistics and trends like the bible

I agree if you take Michigan State you are really just betting that Iowa is due for a loss not that Michigan State is the better team and you think they will win
Sagarin in USA today has Iowa a 9 point favorite. He has the best computer ranking system. Was only one to have Iowa over Wis last week.
I appreciate everybody opinions and expetise on this. However I was hoping somebody would know when was the last time the #6 TEAM IN THE NATION was an underdog to a three loss team. I have been tring to find out for myself but not sure where to find those numbers.
There is no fix in. You are overthinking it.

The betting public around the nation hears all week that Iowa is overrated...that the big ten sucks...etc...and then they see that Iowa was a 2pt favorite on the road..and they jump on it.

Here are two things to know about betting: The public is wrong far more than they are right, and Vegas always wins.

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