2011 Big Ten Logo Idea

Remove the lines from part of the G and TEN

I think you are right...

That B16 TEN logo is awful. The revamped XII is pretty cool. I don't think you have to worry about being "too cryptic," though. It isn't like the 11 in the current logo screams at you. Seriously, the B16 thing reminds me of Bingo or something.:)
Penn State's colors are blue and white. Nebraska's are red and white. So, to include those 2 schools in the Big Ten name make the Big Ten logo red, white and blue (maybe in the same color scheme/look as the USA flag?). The name references the 10 traditional schools and the red, white and blue cover the 2 newbies. And it looks all patriotic and all. Chuck Norris would approve.
I love the logo idea. I like the green football field idea, and in the winter and spring, you could change the coloring to "basketball court"...with 3 pt arcs, etc.... spacing those lines looked better too. Who can photoshop a basketball court logo, maybe even a wrestling mat logo? Id like to see that.
Is that arrow really suppose to be intentional or is it purely coincidence. I mean what if you're shipment was suppose to go "west". It'd be like false advertisement.;)

I would doubt that amultinational juggernaut like Fed Ex would do anything unintentionally like that...that logo probably cost a billion dollars...

and btw...i have a feeling the arrow is signifying "going forward" or "moving forward"
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I would doubt that amultinational juggernaut like Fed Ex would do anything unintentionally like that...that logo probably cost a billion dollars...

and btw...i have a feeling the arrow is signifying "going forward" or "moving forward"
or maybe "I'm with stupid"
There would probably be issues with the Big12 since they use the XII too.

What kind of issues? I highly doubt one can copyright roman numerals. Now whether the big ten would want to use them when they are already associated with an inferior organization is another question. :)
I like it- Just need to fill in the white with blue on the second half of the 'G' and then also with 'TEN.' Roman Numerals are a good idea.

If the Big10 did this, I would bet the Big12 would slap a copyright infringement lawsuit on them. The Big12's official logo has the roman numeral 12 in it, no way this would fly.

Edit: Forgot to read the above post stating the same thing.
I like it- Just need to fill in the white with blue on the second half of the 'G' and then also with 'TEN.' Roman Numerals are a good idea.

Yeah, Doughuddl suggested the same thing. I posted it back here, and yeah, I think it's better that way.

Regarding the infringement concerns, I wouldn't think you could copyright a roman numeral anymore than you could a letter or number. I would think the XII would have to be in a similar font or something for them to have a case... but I admit I know nothing about copyright law.
Yeah, Doughuddl suggested the same thing. I posted it back here, and yeah, I think it's better that way.

Regarding the infringement concerns, I wouldn't think you could copyright a roman numeral anymore than you could a letter or number. I would think the XII would have to be in a similar font or something for them to have a case... but I admit I know nothing about copyright law.

Tell that to Wisconsin who sue's anyone with a W in their name. IIRC didnt they sue Waukee for having a W on their helmet and it wasnt even the same font.
Is hate these damn puzzles. I've been staring at your damn logo for an hour and a half and I still can't see the fricken pirate ship.