'18 Athletic Department Study Showed Serious Racial Bias in Iowa Football

National columnist writing about DJK statement - LINK

HN did not run a story after Akrum Wadley's statement.

Just about every national, local and regional outlet reported yesterday on the full DTF report that we published first because we obtained the document. Everybody else felt it was news worthy and followed up on it.

You are trying to make it about HN and me. You're accusing someone of having an agenda when clearly you do. I'm done debating it on here. If you want to PM, give me your name and number and talk about it on the phone, I'm all for it.

Other than that, you're an anonymous message board poster whose mind and narrative I won't change. And you're not alone.
National columnist writing about DJK statement - LINK

HN did not run a story after Akrum Wadley's statement.

Just about every national, local and regional outlet reported yesterday on the full DTF report that we published first because we obtained the document. Everybody else felt it was news worthy and followed up on it.

You are trying to make it about HN and me. You're accusing someone of having an agenda when clearly you do. I'm done debating it on here. If you want to PM, give me your name and number and talk about it on the phone, I'm all for it.

Other than that, you're an anonymous message board poster whose mind and narrative I won't change. And you're not alone.

My point was that nobody would have ran the DJK accusations without verifying it. Translation, nobody would have ran it.
After the fact it can’t exactly be ignored, which is all USA Today did. Not ignore it and get clicks. The rest of what you said is completely fair.
You were the only person to give credence to DJK and provide him a platform to tell "his truth". And as of yesterday you're the first if not only media member to publish the full diversity task force report, not devoid of your own opinions. That seems too coincidental to not be about you.

You don't feel that the full diversity task force report should have been published?
You don't feel that the full diversity task force report should have been published?

I do, although I don’t think it revealed anything new. My point was that while Rob says it’s not about him he’s the media member who keeps pushing the story. It’s hard not to believe there’s an agenda at play when you publish the DJK story and then are the first to publish this with your own narratives intertwined.
I do, although I don’t think it revealed anything new. My point was that while Rob says it’s not about him he’s the media member who keeps pushing the story. It’s hard not to believe there’s an agenda at play when you publish the DJK story and then are the first to publish this with your own narratives intertwined.

I guess my take from this is that everyone should have a platform to stand on if they want to be heard. It's the media that can help provide such platform. I don't think there has to be an agenda there, but I have no problem with them providing the information. It's up to us as readers to determine whether or not what we are reading seems credible or fabricated.

Most of us will chose not to put any credibility in what was brought up by DJK. I see that no different then whether we chose to believe that Kirk was unaware that was still a problem or that he was unaware of the rumblings within the program.
What athletes from other sports programs at Iowa have spoken out about racial bias?

None, but have you or anyone else reached out to any black athletes from other sports for a statement on the matter? (honest question)

Did Gary Barta say that he was told many of the allegations in the DTF report were coming from football?

I think you meant to type "Gary Barta did say that...." Fair enough. The squeaky wheel gets the grease I suppose.

What happens in the Iowa Football program if the players don’t come out on social media charging the same bias shown in an internal Iowa report that was compiled in the fall of ‘18?

We'll never know. I think another fair question to ask is what would've happened if they would've collectively approached KF before resorting to airing things out on social media? It's surprisingly evident that despite these documents and everyone's stories, this somehow never actually happened (with the exception of one unconfirmed claim that they did and was later punished for it). I don't think nearly enough time to had passed to determine whether or not the changes proposed by the DTF were ineffective/inadequate, but also feel it's reasonable to believe that not much was likely to change. At the same time though the degree of change that the general public expects to see isn't going to happen after just one season.

Why after the report did Ivory Kelly-Martin play over a year in a program that he came out on June 12 and said he felt he was waking on egg shells and looking over his shoulder?

I don't have an answer here, but feel it's worth mentioning that those weren't his own words. Although, he agreed with the reporter that used those words in their question. IKM's been with the program since 2017, which means he's observed the state of the program before and after this report. IMO his response seemed to be more focused on the recent events that occurred in the week leading up to this press conference - namely the emotional team meetings and Doyle being put on leave.

Do you care about he dozens of players that went public last month or only Iowa football as an entity? Did you take time to read the report and see how the Iowa coaches and admins perceive Black players?

I care about the players, but I feel that many of the stories have marginal merit with regard to racism. I think many Iowa fans feel the same way which is why they're trying to minimize the importance of the problem. The vast majority of the accounts referenced Chris Doyle, who is obviously no longer with the program. The remaining staff deserves a fair shake. I don't think calling their action (or lack thereof) into question is out of line, but simultaneously believe they can and should be a part of meaningful change. The latter has been reflected by many past and present players. IMO it would be more beneficial to Iowa's image in the long run if that comes to fruition.

Yes, I read both reports multiple times. A seemingly negative perception can't really be considered racist when statistics provide a factual basis for it. You could perhaps make a case if you did your own research, and actually found that most of the black players didn't fit the narrative regarding the coaches' perception of them.

Rob, I personally don't think you have an ulterior motive in your reporting. Anyone that is somehow able to draw that conclusion is fooling themselves. I commend your continued effort and bravery to publish articles and bring to light information that is bound to strike a nerve with so many Hawkeye fans. Covering all of this can't be easy for you and other members of local media. I might not agree with everything you've written on here or published, but for the most part I think you've tried to be fair and just.

I do have one question though. Why does the full report you shared have the "Draft" watermark?
I do, although I don’t think it revealed anything new. My point was that while Rob says it’s not about him he’s the media member who keeps pushing the story. It’s hard not to believe there’s an agenda at play when you publish the DJK story and then are the first to publish this with your own narratives intertwined.
To be fair to Rob - The HN owners worked with Rob to publish this and secondly we don't have any evidence that anyone else requested the documents as they are allowed to do with public entities.

Rob admitted he made a mistake in publishing DJK's documents without HN's oversight... Meaning, he should have clarified that there are issues with how DJK has many contradictions with his stories and accusations. Meanwhile there have plenty step up and collaborate his trash can story.
I guess my take from this is that everyone should have a platform to stand on if they want to be heard. It's the media that can help provide such platform. I don't think there has to be an agenda there, but I have no problem with them providing the information. It's up to us as readers to determine whether or not what we are reading seems credible or fabricated.

Most of us will chose not to put any credibility in what was brought up by DJK. I see that no different then whether we chose to believe that Kirk was unaware that was still a problem or that he was unaware of the rumblings within the program.
Bingo. It is a journalists job to provide the information. It is the readers job to discern what is their "truth" from that information.
Not that details are important to you. We were discussing entrance requirements.

Were you born on a hamster wheel?

Lol, actually we were discussing academia at schools. I've already apparently enlightened you that Iowa's entrance requirements are governed by the state so that they're in line with ISU (and possibly UNI as well).

Regardless of that Iowa would be one of the top academic schools in the SEC and B12, and in the middle of both the ACC and P12. You said it would be at the bottom because you don't know what you're talking about.
National columnist writing about DJK statement - LINK

HN did not run a story after Akrum Wadley's statement.

Just about every national, local and regional outlet reported yesterday on the full DTF report that we published first because we obtained the document. Everybody else felt it was news worthy and followed up on it.

You are trying to make it about HN and me. You're accusing someone of having an agenda when clearly you do. I'm done debating it on here. If you want to PM, give me your name and number and talk about it on the phone, I'm all for it.

Other than that, you're an anonymous message board poster whose mind and narrative I won't change. And you're not alone.
My point was that nobody would have ran the DJK accusations without verifying it. Translation, nobody would have ran it.
After the fact it can’t exactly be ignored, which is all USA Today did. Not ignore it and get clicks. The rest of what you said is completely fair.

In bidness if you're given a report about a sensitive human relations concern about the operation and policies of your department and it appears you did little or nothing about it for more than a year until more allegations surfaced publicly, you'd likely be removed immediately from your position of authority and ultimately fired. That's where Kirk Ferentz is now.

Some like BGOLD can claim there's nothing new in the DTF report but there actually is. Right now the significant management issue for Ferentz (and Barta to a degree) is that apparently little was done to address the issues raised in the DTF more than a year ago. The continued racial complaints and concerns raised a red flag. The lack of action in response is serious.

Rob, it is absolutely proper for you to publish the DTF and to continue to raise questions as regards Kirk Ferentz, his staff and Iowa football. (The mainstream media scribes who claim to regularly cover the Hawkeyes all ought to be a little red-faced that they didn't pursue this themselves. Where's Tom Witowsky when you need him?) The only agenda I believe you have is addressing matters of racial inequality and, on a broader scale, mistreatment of all players within the program.

A tip of the hat to you, sir!
Lol, actually we were discussing academia at schools. I've already apparently enlightened you that Iowa's entrance requirements are governed by the state so that they're in line with ISU (and possibly UNI as well).

Regardless of that Iowa would be one of the top academic schools in the SEC and B12, and in the middle of both the ACC and P12. You said it would be at the bottom because you don't know what you're talking about.

I really hate to break this to you, but Iowa undergrad would probably be in the bottom half or third of the SEC. When they make college rankings or whatever, there is a big component on "prestige" or some shit where academics stroke each other off based on historical elements. Iowa does well here, it's an AAU member and old-line Big Ten school.

But in reality, as a state grows its population, its test scores for its flagship state schools go way up and as the student body gets better, the schools tend to get better. The rankings don't pick this up in real time. If you look at Iowa's ACT scores, for example, its 75th percentile score matches only LSU, Mississippi State and Kentucky. That is not exactly stellar company, academically speaking.

I don't say this to be a snarky asshole, but the modest 100k population increase in Iowa between 1980 and 2010 really did a number on Iowa and the remaining gene pool certainly isn't what it was going into 1980. I have a total of 14 cousins. 8 of us have college degrees and 7 of us with degrees moved out of Iowa. That story is common. The same thing has happened to Nebraska. You had small population base states to begin with and they had periods of flatline population growth and some declines in there. I think it is even beginning to manifest itself in places like Illinois and Michigan, but they have much higher rankings and are able to draw strong kids internationally. Illinois, for instance, now has a target of 10% of each incoming class from China because they bring one or two more points on the ACT and pay full rate out of state tuition. Iowa just can't pull like that, so we have to rely on the Chicago suburb kids who got bonged from Illinois, and even their numbers are dwindling as Illinois ages and has massive outbound flight.

A huge reason the Cal schools are so highly regarded is because they have a gigantic population they are drawing from, so you need eye popping test scores to get in. You're seeing the same shit play out now with schools like Texas, Florida and Georgia as well. I love Iowa, but that school is in an absolutely shit spot for demographics going forward. The growth in places like the Carolinas, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama is occurring at breakneck speeds and the states are using higher education as an integrated part of industrial policy and long term planning that I just don't think is occurring in places like Iowa or Nebraska. And the people that are moving to the South aren't Bubba and his yokel family of inbreds. My across the street neighbor is an engineer with two degrees from freaking Purdue. My next door neighbor has a degree in comp sci from Michigan. The guy a couple houses down went to Illinois. These people have kids who will be smart and successful and they ain't moving to Iowa for college.

Again, I really love the U of Iowa, but it is not in a good spot looking out at the next 20+ years.
How can being last in the Big and 60th of 65 be in line? Especially when you entrance requirements are lower than ave for Big and P5. For p5 the numbers are not as far of media, but still off. Iowa is not a competitive U

In the event my sarcasm wasn't clear, I was not serious when I "backed" Stanzi. I was attempting to make him look clueless, which he did on his own, really.
In bidness if you're given a report about a sensitive human relations concern about the operation and policies of your department and it appears you did little or nothing about it for more than a year until more allegations surfaced publicly, you'd likely be removed immediately from your position of authority and ultimately fired. That's where Kirk Ferentz is now.

Some like BGOLD can claim there's nothing new in the DTF report but there actually is. Right now the significant management issue for Ferentz (and Barta to a degree) is that apparently little was done to address the issues raised in the DTF more than a year ago. The continued racial complaints and concerns raised a red flag. The lack of action in response is serious.

Rob, it is absolutely proper for you to publish the DTF and to continue to raise questions as regards Kirk Ferentz, his staff and Iowa football. (The mainstream media scribes who claim to regularly cover the Hawkeyes all ought to be a little red-faced that they didn't pursue this themselves. Where's Tom Witowsky when you need him?) The only agenda I believe you have is addressing matters of racial inequality and, on a broader scale, mistreatment of all players within the program.

Tweeter document ends here. Sorry tweeter. I messed this up.

Look. Grad rates of black football players are not going to change within the year the report was developed. Not the transfer record of that same group, either. Significant cultural change? The wheels grind slowly. Yes, our coaches need to be accountable. However, I wonder if a report from a year ago should be the sole judge of those coaches’ efforts. KF said plainly that it was wrong for him in December of 2019 to believe all was ok.

You make some good points. I am a bit amused at the claim that in the private sector action is taken swiftly. For how many years have some execs abused women before they have been held accountable? And how many still have not been? Also it seems to me that the main criticism of the local media has been their alleged failure to demand accountability from coaches, like KF and Fran. Hawk Central certainly has been clear with their criticism of how our athletes have been treated. Rob reported the news. Period. He has been clear about what is news and what are his more personal views.

Sorry, my paragraph on grad rates, etc.was meant to be my second paragraph. Not sure how I messed up.
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What concerns me:
*players not feeling valued by the coaches (death in the player's family example)
*ALL language with possible racist overtones ("what are you gonna do, rob a store?" type comments)
*recruiting pitches not matching reality
*demeaning coaching (not hard coaching, but coaching that crosses the line into demeaning and devaluing somebody

What doesn't concern me:
*coaches demanding players buy in to the Iowa Way. Discipline is discipline. The Iowa Way is hard working, tough, and disciplined. ANY player, regardless of color, who does NOT buy in will NOT be successful.
*asking players to dress a certain way. Do I think it's too heavy handed? Yes. Would I do that? No. But I don't see any racism in asking ALL players to act or dress a certain way. Why do many teams make players wear suits for their official pictures? Why do many teams wear official gear when traveling and not whatever? To be unified. Nobody is bigger than the team. I don't have a problem with that.
*coaches yelling at players. I know a former white player who transferred because he was tired of being called a "dumb MFer" all the time. It was based on his performance. He just got tired of it. While I don't think you need to be demeaning to get excellence out of someone, I don't think tough coaching screams racism unless there are specific racist-tinged comments. Which there have been some examples shared. Those concern me.

In any case, I'm excited there are some changes in the works. I hope Kirk finds the balance between letting players be who they are while still maintaining a disciplined program. I do think this could lead to an even better Kirk 3.0 in his last few years.
What concerns me:
*players not feeling valued by the coaches (death in the player's family example)
*ALL language with possible racist overtones ("what are you gonna do, rob a store?" type comments)
*recruiting pitches not matching reality
*demeaning coaching (not hard coaching, but coaching that crosses the line into demeaning and devaluing somebody

What doesn't concern me:
*coaches demanding players buy in to the Iowa Way. Discipline is discipline. The Iowa Way is hard working, tough, and disciplined. ANY player, regardless of color, who does NOT buy in will NOT be successful.
*asking players to dress a certain way. Do I think it's too heavy handed? Yes. Would I do that? No. But I don't see any racism in asking ALL players to act or dress a certain way. Why do many teams make players wear suits for their official pictures? Why do many teams wear official gear when traveling and not whatever? To be unified. Nobody is bigger than the team. I don't have a problem with that.
*coaches yelling at players. I know a former white player who transferred because he was tired of being called a "dumb MFer" all the time. It was based on his performance. He just got tired of it. While I don't think you need to be demeaning to get excellence out of someone, I don't think tough coaching screams racism unless there are specific racist-tinged comments. Which there have been some examples shared. Those concern me.

In any case, I'm excited there are some changes in the works. I hope Kirk finds the balance between letting players be who they are while still maintaining a disciplined program. I do think this could lead to an even better Kirk 3.0 in his last few years.

I waffle back and forth on whether if it is worth it to bring back KF . Finding that sweet spot between structure/discipline and letting players be who they are is tricky. I am not sure KF is capable of finding it.......Just don’t know.

Here ya go!

In bidness if you're given a report about a sensitive human relations concern about the operation and policies of your department and it appears you did little or nothing about it for more than a year until more allegations surfaced publicly, you'd likely be removed immediately from your position of authority and ultimately fired. That's where Kirk Ferentz is now.

Some like BGOLD can claim there's nothing new in the DTF report but there actually is. Right now the significant management issue for Ferentz (and Barta to a degree) is that apparently little was done to address the issues raised in the DTF more than a year ago. The continued racial complaints and concerns raised a red flag. The lack of action in response is serious.

Rob, it is absolutely proper for you to publish the DTF and to continue to raise questions as regards Kirk Ferentz, his staff and Iowa football. (The mainstream media scribes who claim to regularly cover the Hawkeyes all ought to be a little red-faced that they didn't pursue this themselves. Where's Tom Witowsky when you need him?) The only agenda I believe you have is addressing matters of racial inequality and, on a broader scale, mistreatment of all players within the program.

A tip of the hat to you, sir!

You make some good points. I am a bit amused at the claim that in the private sector action is taken swiftly. For how many years have some execs abused women before they have been held accountable? And how many still have not been? Also it seems to me that the main criticism of the local media has been their alleged failure to demand accountability from coaches, like KF and Fran. Hawk Central certainly has been clear with their criticism of how our athletes have been treated. Rob reported the news. Period. He has been clear about what is news and what are his more personal views.

Look. Grad rates of black football players are not going to change within the year the report was developed. Not the transfer record of that same group, either. Significant cultural change? The wheels grind slowly. Yes, our coaches need to be accountable. However, I wonder if a report from a year ago should be the sole judge of those coaches’ efforts. KF said plainly that it was wrong for him in December of 2019 to believe all was ok.

Here ya go!

You make some good points. I am a bit amused at the claim that in the private sector action is taken swiftly. For how many years have some execs abused women before they have been held accountable? And how many still have not been? Also it seems to me that the main criticism of the local media has been their alleged failure to demand accountability from coaches, like KF and Fran. Hawk Central certainly has been clear with their criticism of how our athletes have been treated. Rob reported the news. Period. He has been clear about what is news and what are his more personal views.

Look. Grad rates of black football players are not going to change within the year the report was developed. Not the transfer record of that same group, either. Significant cultural change? The wheels grind slowly. Yes, our coaches need to be accountable. However, I wonder if a report from a year ago should be the sole judge of those coaches’ efforts. KF said plainly that it was wrong for him in December of 2019 to believe all was ok.

Obviously, I am not as literate as my grandkids. But, thanks for the reminder...

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