1:17 left and 2 timeouts


Well-Known Member
It's taken me a couple of days to fully process what happened on Saturday. Everyone has their own opinion and I am not sure if this topic has already been posted. I was PO'd when they did not try to win the game at the end of regulation. Correct me if I am wrong but I think they were going to attempt to move the ball downfield but the penalty screwed things up and that's when they tucked it in and ran the clock out. They ran the ball to get the clock running on first down and then started the no huddle. I think in no circumstances they wanted Iowa State to get the ball back in regulation. I think they were also afraid of 3 straight incompletions and running no time off and giving the ball up. So, the penalty really screwed us in that situation. Maybe I am trying to make up something to make myself feel better but that was my observation. If that is true, I get it. I don't like it, but I get it.
You must run the ball out a a double TE set to get the clock going? You can't run a surprise draw out of shotgun?

We're were sitting on it. Plain and simple. There was never going to be a two minute drill.
I think KF was hoping Coker was going to be able to break off a nice run, that didn't happen. And when the 5 yard penalty moved them to 2nd and 13, plans changed.

Just my hypothesis.

Personally, I would have rather seen a hitch to McNutt and let him take over.
You know what Stormin said doesn't get enough talk. People assume because the first play was a hand off for two yards we were sitting on it from the word go. The reality is, if we pick up a first down in the hurry up while running the ball we have the ball over the 30 with two TO's and 50ish seconds left which is still more than enough time to get into field goal position.

If it weren't for the penalty I think that's exactly what we would have done. At the very least that forces ISU to use up their timeouts and for all intents removes any chance at a regulation loss. It wasn't until that penalty that the plan changed. 2nd and 13 from inside your own 20 is a recipe for disaster. Just an incomplete pass on 2nd down means if you don't pick up a first down you are giving ISU the ball around midfield with plenty of time to win.

Again I think people have a right to be upset at the 4th and one in OT, but I don't think we handled the end of the game situation at all.
You know what Stormin said doesn't get enough talk. People assume because the first play was a hand off for two yards we were sitting on it from the word go. The reality is, if we pick up a first down in the hurry up while running the ball we have the ball over the 30 with two TO's and 50ish seconds left which is still more than enough time to get into field goal position.

If it weren't for the penalty I think that's exactly what we would have done. At the very least that forces ISU to use up their timeouts and for all intents removes any chance at a regulation loss. It wasn't until that penalty that the plan changed. 2nd and 13 from inside your own 20 is a recipe for disaster. Just an incomplete pass on 2nd down means if you don't pick up a first down you are giving ISU the ball around midfield with plenty of time to win.

Again I think people have a right to be upset at the 4th and one in OT, but I don't think we handled the end of the game situation at all.

Right or wrong, it's my hypothesis.
Everyone has their own opinion on how the game shaped up.
Only OTHER teams try to score with that amount of time on the clock. KF and his stafff...much much too risky. They would pee their pants thinking about taking a risk like that and actually trying to score. After all, if it worked, they might be expected to try it again in another game. They just don't have the kidneys to try and take such risk. Let the risk takers try to do things like that...of course they do and they usually win against Iowa in those situations. Our coaching staff has the courage of little girls afraid of their shadows.

One thing though...the media loves to make fun of KF...we all know now that the ridicule is very justified. The most frightened football staff in college football.
I honestly feel that their "idea" was to have Coker break off a decent run, make it seem like they're gonna run the clock out, then do a nice play action. But stormin and duff man are right, that 5 yard penalty I believe was what ultimately killed it that drive.

You gotta give credit where credits due too... Iowa just ultimately has a problem with scrambling quarterbacks.. Which is why Northwestern kills us everytime, That 4th down conversion that TP ran for last year in the Ohio State KILLED Us..

Maybe it's time for us to possibly look at a 3-4 with our unexperienced lineman and fast linebackers. With College Football going the way it is today (more to the spread) it might not be a terrible idea that we at least take a look into that transition..
You know what Stormin said doesn't get enough talk. People assume because the first play was a hand off for two yards we were sitting on it from the word go. The reality is, if we pick up a first down in the hurry up while running the ball we have the ball over the 30 with two TO's and 50ish seconds left which is still more than enough time to get into field goal position.

If it weren't for the penalty I think that's exactly what we would have done. At the very least that forces ISU to use up their timeouts and for all intents removes any chance at a regulation loss. It wasn't until that penalty that the plan changed. 2nd and 13 from inside your own 20 is a recipe for disaster. Just an incomplete pass on 2nd down means if you don't pick up a first down you are giving ISU the ball around midfield with plenty of time to win.

Again I think people have a right to be upset at the 4th and one in OT, but I don't think we handled the end of the game situation at all.


With our punt coverage & that kid's leg, Iowa State could have been in field goal range without gaining a yard.
I think in that situation, everybody knows our MO is to run the clock out and play our chances with our defense, or the other team making a mistake. I would have ran a play action with McNutt on a post. If you do this you've got to throw it deep, so if McNutt can't get it, nobody can. But I can call pretty good games from my leather recliner and a beer in my hand, just as good as anybody :)
What I don't understand is why we were running the ball in the first place on first down. ISU coaches are not stupid they know our style of offense and that first down run did not surprise anyone. What would have shocked everybody is if Iowa would have ran McNutt on a Fly pattern and have Vandy throw it up to him. McNutt had a huge size advantage that even if he could not catch it he can knock it away to keep it from being intercepted. If that did not work then you spread them out on 2nd down and run a draw see what you get on the play and then go from there.

Iowa has become so predictable on offense that even plays that are supposed to work don't because everyone knows what is coming.
Difference is Iowa would get another shot after ISU in OT. End of regulation - game over. Huge difference.

The way I see it, there is no difference. Iowa's possession at 1:17 WAS their shot at scoring. If they didn't get the job done, then sure, ISU would get the ball back with a chance to win. Obviously KF had more confidence that our offense and defense in the red zone would get the job done better than trying to win with a hurry up offense with 1:17 left, or with a prevent defense had ISU regained possession in regulation.

Just like you said earlier, everyone has their own opinion on how the game played out. Had our defense been able to stop ISU on 3rd and 15, or later on 3rd and 20, we would never have been debating about this in the first place.
If he was going to do anything...the 5 yard penalty killed that.

However, a play action bootleg with a run pass option would have been nice to start that drive. Give JVB the chance to make a safe throw or run for 7-10 yards. That would changed the landscape a little. Provided he doesn't Stanzi and panic if the DE doesn't bite, it gives you the option for a big play and some safety in the decision process.

Then again let's just run out the clock and take out chances with OT. That's worked out for us in the past...NOT.

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