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  1. O

    My moment

    So I was sitting in the living room tonight when I brought something up to my lovely bride....I asked her , "will Tori and Ben (my step-daughter and Grandson) be at the house for the game?" My wife and I live in Jackson, MS these days. We will be "back home" for the holidays. I I asked my...
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    You youngsters who don't think the Rose Bowl is a big deal

    At one point this season when it started to look like we were actually in the mix for the playoff, I actually mentioned to my Dad how I was feeling oddly bummed that if we made what is considered the pinnacle, that we'd miss out on the Rose. Not saying in any way, shape or form I'm "happy" the...
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    This Hawkeye Team

    I can't put it in words how absolutely tough they are. I'm not even down after this loss, just in awe of what they've accomplished so far with one helluva bowl game yet to play. My heart breaks for those young men tonight, but not one bit for we fans who have been treated to a year that we...
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    Great game...fantastic effort

    Those kids proved to all the naysayers tonight that they most definitely belonged there. I hope they understand how proud they have made all of us that live vicariously off their accomplishments. Can't wait to find out their bowl reward.
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    Oh, and by the way, Canzeri

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    Bielema talking about SEC/B1G challenge.

    I thought the B1G and PAC12 already discussed this but there were too many issues involved that made it unrealistic....perhaps I'm wrong
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    The disrespect is WAY thick this week

    They did a whole segment on Iowa during Gameday that was pretty complimentary. Heck, I'm a Hawkeye diehard and even I am interested to see how they'll do against Ohio State in the CCG. the only opinions that matter are those of the committee in about 3-4 weeks, and THEY have positioned us...
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    Announced attendance?

    Looks like past the 50, a lot open in the lower stands for a better view. Either way, looks awesome. Can't wait to show pics of Kinnick to folks down here.....only state without organized wrestling..ugghh
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    Announced attendance?

    I'm actually shocked it isn't over 45-50 from looks of it on tv, but way to go Hawk fans!
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    Announced attendance?

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    Announced attendance?

    I just told the wife that my guess is around 50
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    Announced attendance?

    Have they announced the attendance yet? Wife and I are huddled over our iPad and Kinnick looks darn near 75-80 percent full. AWESOME
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    College Gameday to IC???

    Is there a game day broadcast on Black Friday? I thought I heard Herbie make a "visit" reference too, but I think it was about that game
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    Please advise a fellow Hawkeye stuck in Nebraska

    Iowa State has a decent track record of big upsets during horrible seasons (2010 over Texas; 2011 over Okie State) too. I think it's easier to do when the opponent doesn't respect you because of the embarrassing product you put on the field. But hey, at least both teams have loyal and...
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    Question on Beathard's injury

    Mississippi, to answer your question. im not asking WHAT the injury is, or whether he will play, etc. what I'm asking is HOW does an injury like that continue to heal while somebody keeps playing. Again, I want to be clear that in not questioning the decision. I've just been wondering and...
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    Question on Beathard's injury

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but if it has to haven't seen it: I swear I've read statements from CJ and even maybe some coaches' comments that his injury will continue to slowly get better. My question is, how is that? i always thought that the only way for repair was rest and...
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    Talk to your kids about the SEC myth

    Cannot wait to show this to the guys at work today (live in Mississippi), they were all laughing at the undefeated Iowa one last week. Something tells me they won't find this one nearly as amusing