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  1. B

    Everson--What now?

    Both good points.
  2. B

    Everson--What now?

    My understanding is if you aren't playing...your clock doesn't tick. Everson's family mentioned something to the effect of Everson being interested in the medical field. That's what made me wonder if he would consider Iowa. And just because he's got a wifey and some kids, doesn't mean the...
  3. B

    Everson--What now?

    So he's charged with assualt...a simple misdemeaner instead of a felony. Question that he was found guilty of with a much lesser crime than originally charged, does the coaching staff pursue Everson? I mean the whole thing was ugly, no doubt, but based on the ruling of the court does...
  4. B

    Great game...Great win

    Tonight's game reminded me why I watch college football. Admittedly, the past month has been tough as a Hawkeye fan with all the off field embarrassments. But tonight reminded me why I follow a team and watch this sport as passionately as I do. This game was awesome and was an emotional roller...
  5. B

    Ricky Stanzi

    One rather unknown fact about Ricky Stanzi is he had a semi-famous uncle that was on TV. Maybe you've heard of him? Chuck Norris. Yep, that pretty much explains it.
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    Michigan State--Gameday thoughts

    Yeah, I gotcha Sarge. Much like my teenage Pamela Anderson dreams, it's much easier to envision it than experience it in reality. Getting the invite for the ceremony wouldn't be out-of-reach for a Lincoln Rail Splitter, and a Black-n-Gold go getter; but to influence enough of the country to...
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    Michigan State--Gameday thoughts

    C'mon Sarge...there's plenty of room on the ARob Love Bus. You can have my seat. Seriously though, I get what you're sayin. 5 yard carries will not win the Heisman. And at this rate, I doubt Adam Robinson will either. What I truly love about this kid is not how many yards he gets, but HOW...
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    Michigan State--Gameday thoughts

    Barry Sanders was as soft-spoken and unselfish (and as gifted) as the come. I get the impression ARob was probably told he'd never be a "Div 1 Quality" back either. Although I agree the Heisman talk is way too early, he is just a Soph and has lots of time to work on that highlight reel. Don't...
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    Michigan State--Gameday thoughts

    PS--I forgot one thing. Am I the only one who thinks Greg Jones deserves a helmet that fits? That thing looks tiny on his head. I'm just sayin.
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    Michigan State--Gameday thoughts

    Gameday--I was faced with a horrible decision Saturday morning. To go, or not to go? That was the question. With a sick wife and sick kid, my conscience took over and told me to be the good dad/husband and forfeit my tickets. So I drove 45 minutes (each way) to meet a buddy and drop off my...
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    A-Rob and the History Books?

    Question for the statistics crowd. With the recent chatter we've had about DJK, it got me thinking. What kind of damage could A-Rob put on the Iowa rushing records? I'm trying to remember when we've used a four-year back and am drawing a blank. Thoughts?
  12. B

    Nebraska Fans...

    I worked with a fella that is a HUGE Nebraska fan. One day while talking smack about how great they are, he mentioned the large "N" and says, "That "N" stands for knowledge." Me and the other co-workers about wet ourselves. N for Knowledge.