Michigan State--Gameday thoughts


Gameday--I was faced with a horrible decision Saturday morning. To go, or not to go? That was the question. With a sick wife and sick kid, my conscience took over and told me to be the good dad/husband and forfeit my tickets. So I drove 45 minutes (each way) to meet a buddy and drop off my tickets instead of letting them burn. On the ride home, I started to feel like dog crap. By kickoff I'm on the couch with a 103°F fever. Brutal. Good decision to stay home.
Coach Dantonio, on the other hand, made a bad decision. Chris L Rucker (not to be confused with CL Rucker, call me Chris) was RELEASED FROM JAIL on Thursday, suited up and PLAYED ON SATURDAY. Seriously? Bad decision. So how did that work out for you Coach D? You sold out. You know it, more importantly your players know it. You’re in Kinnick. Your about to get your arse handed to you. Karma?
Back to the game. I can’t remember a better executed first half of football (yes, better than first half ISU because Mich State is a better team…I think?) played by the Hawks. Pure domination. Exposed is a proper word. I predicted a 14 point win (Ray Charles could have seen that coming), but a 30-0 halftime score? Wow. Second half about put me to sleep, but I knew what to expect. I just wish every once in a while KF would keep the hammer down and hang sixty on some of these clowns.
Player reviews:
Stanzi—Stud. Should be awarded the most improved player award if one exists. His decision making has improved so much it’s ridiculous. I’m still waiting for the mistakes to happen, but other than a few miscues here and there, they haven’t. Great play Ricky, please keep it up.
A-Rob—Studd. I gave him double-d’s on the stud because he deserved the extra one. Didn’t have big numbers this week, but has to be one of the hardest working kids on the team. His ability to shed tackles is so much fun to watch. I think Greg Jones took an ice bath after the game just for the hits he took from A-Rob’s blocks and runs. I liked his catch for the TD, nice to see him get some love from Stanzi’s long arm. I love this kid. Man crush? Maybe.
DJK—Would've loved to see him break the record this week, especially from the McNutt pass. But he won't stay quiet two weeks in a row...expect big numbers from DJK next week.
McNutt aka M.C. Teste—Loved the play he made on the underthrown pass. Who needs two hands to catch? His TD play was pretty sweet too.
Mike Daniels—Freak alert. Look out and for God’s sake…DO NOT LOOK HIM IN THE EYES! I’m just sayin.
Troy Johnson--Like what I'm seeing out of this kid. Made some big plays, but why do I feel the need to call him Troy Johnson-Koulianos?
Claybeast—I think he was sick this week. No, literally I think he had the flu.
Micah Hyde—Had the best game of his career against his big bro. Bragging rights for life? Yep...got 'em. The lateral play was sweet. The kid is getting better.
TMFS aka The Sashquatch—His new website is headhunter.com. Did you see him after the interception/lateral? Just to prove how much he loves to hit, he gives Micah the ball and then goes head hunting on Cousins. Gives him a nice pop. Service with a smile. Thank you sir may I have another.
Brett Greenwood--He's such a theif we call him "Brett Greenwood Up To No Good". Nice pick Brett.
Shawn Prater—They chose to pick on Prater the entire game instead of Hyde. How did that work out? Reece Davis gave him a helmet sticker on College Football Final and he gets BTDPOW honors. Ooops!
My only criticism (I know, really why b!tch?) would be leaving the starters in too long. Why was A-Rob, Stanzi and crew even in the game the fourth quarter? If one goes down late in the game, Ferentz becomes the goat again. And by goat, I don’t mean the acronym for Greatest Of All Time (GOAT), which he is.
And last, but not least, Game Ball goes to the O-Line. I think if you watch closely, you will see Stanzi take a power-nap during a couple of those drop backs. He had sooooo much time back there on a couple plays. Well done boys. I'm out.
well said bk--- i for one have a dude crush on stanzi and Arob definitely put's the extra d in Stud--- despite only 69 yrds he still had 2 touchdowns.... i'm telling ya gang, we got 2 more years left with Adam, don't be surprised to see him be the next RB who wins the heisman :)
PS--I forgot one thing. Am I the only one who thinks Greg Jones deserves a helmet that fits? That thing looks tiny on his head. I'm just sayin.
MC Teste...that's funny there...had not heard that one.

And - while I appreciate everything about Adam Robinson. He will not ever be a Heisman type of player. He's too soft-spoken, too unselfish, won't have the amazing highlite real. That's just not in the cards. He'll do just about everything else, though...
MC Teste...that's funny there...had not heard that one.

And - while I appreciate everything about Adam Robinson. He will not ever be a Heisman type of player. He's too soft-spoken, too unselfish, won't have the amazing highlite real. That's just not in the cards. He'll do just about everything else, though...

Barry Sanders was as soft-spoken and unselfish (and as gifted) as the come. I get the impression ARob was probably told he'd never be a "Div 1 Quality" back either. Although I agree the Heisman talk is way too early, he is just a Soph and has lots of time to work on that highlight reel. Don't count this kid out. He's a good one.
Barry Sanders was as soft-spoken and unselfish (and as gifted) as the come. I get the impression ARob was probably told he'd never be a "Div 1 Quality" back either. Although I agree the Heisman talk is way too early, he is just a Soph and has lots of time to work on that highlight reel. Don't count this kid out. He's a good one.

Exactly!! Robinson has all the makings to be a Heisman type candidate. when you look at his progress from last year to this year, just to think next year and then his last year--- plus, look at the line depth coming back and the future looks very bright IMO.

i'd love to see hampton make some good strides but he has the injury curse and we all know how depth at RB seems to crumble each year.
4 & 5 yard carries don't win you the Heisman. They win football games, but I think it's crazy envisioning AR as a Heisman candidate. He's just not sexy enough...

Plus, the stars already aligned for him this year to dominate the carries. Other backs will get significantly more carries when we actually have other viable options.
4 & 5 yard carries don't win you the Heisman. They win football games, but I think it's crazy envisioning AR as a Heisman candidate. He's just not sexy enough...

Plus, the stars already aligned for him this year to dominate the carries. Other backs will get significantly more carries when we actually have other viable options.

C'mon Sarge...there's plenty of room on the ARob Love Bus. You can have my seat.

Seriously though, I get what you're sayin. 5 yard carries will not win the Heisman. And at this rate, I doubt Adam Robinson will either. What I truly love about this kid is not how many yards he gets, but HOW he gets them. That is what is garnering the attention he receives. Is he the flashiest? No. Or as you say the sexiest? Maybe not. But nobody can knock the effort he puts out on the field. The ARob Love Bus rolls on. Heisman winner? Probably not. Going down as a great Hawkeye RB? You bet.

(I just said "sexiest", "puts out" and "going down" all in the same post. Good grief. I'll try to clean it up Jon.)
C'mon Sarge...there's plenty of room on the ARob Love Bus. You can have my seat.

Seriously though, I get what you're sayin. 5 yard carries will not win the Heisman. And at this rate, I doubt Adam Robinson will either. What I truly love about this kid is not how many yards he gets, but HOW he gets them. That is what is garnering the attention he receives. Is he the flashiest? No. Or as you say the sexiest? Maybe not. But nobody can knock the effort he puts out on the field. The ARob Love Bus rolls on. Heisman winner? Probably not. Going down as a great Hawkeye RB? You bet.

(I just said "sexiest", "puts out" and "going down" all in the same post. Good grief. I'll try to clean it up Jon.)

100% agree with everything you say. I love everything about AR & he is the consumate Hawkeye. He gets more out of his ability than perhaps any player in the country (no exaggeration) or perhaps his abilities just don't show up until you actually watch him get 37 touches against Michigan, protect the football, make guys miss, & get huge 1st downs & yards after contact...

Even all that said, there's just no way what he does gets a bunch of journalists & sportcenter top 10 plays voters to elect him as the Heisman winner. We live in the day & age our highlite reels, stats, & bravado. AR & the Hawkeye program isn't really about any of those things. (Not that a Hawkeye can't win it, but...)
How many YAC does A-Rob have this year so far? Anyone have that stat????? Gotta love how he is refusing to give up on any play he's involved with.
100% agree with everything you say. I love everything about AR & he is the consumate Hawkeye. He gets more out of his ability than perhaps any player in the country (no exaggeration) or perhaps his abilities just don't show up until you actually watch him get 37 touches against Michigan, protect the football, make guys miss, & get huge 1st downs & yards after contact...

Even all that said, there's just no way what he does gets a bunch of journalists & sportcenter top 10 plays voters to elect him as the Heisman winner. We live in the day & age our highlite reels, stats, & bravado. AR & the Hawkeye program isn't really about any of those things. (Not that a Hawkeye can't win it, but...)

Yeah, I gotcha Sarge. Much like my teenage Pamela Anderson dreams, it's much easier to envision it than experience it in reality. Getting the invite for the ceremony wouldn't be out-of-reach for a Lincoln Rail Splitter, and a Black-n-Gold go getter; but to influence enough of the country to vote is a complete different story.
Just ask Mr. Greene. Anybody who watched him play knew what he was all about and the great story behind him, but without all the gaudy stats it just didn't matter. And, like it or not, our Coach isn't into embarrassing opponents and padding stats when the game is getting out of hand. (It's okay Kellen...your Coach does.)

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