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  1. K

    Is DJK Bust Another Reminder of Ferentz Knows Best?

    Obviously Ferentz didn't know he had a drug house, but what Jon is saying is that Ferentz had a really good idea about DJK's attitude and work ethic.
  2. K

    Hawkeyes Against the World

    Haha, you know, I'd never expect to hear this from someone named Xerxes. :D
  3. K

    Newton Scandals

    Yeah, he's too trustworthy. And he accidentally spilled water on the computer and that is why he threw it away...Not because the cops were looking for it. Everybody has this guy all wrong.
  4. K

    Newton Scandals

    They are drug tested, as they should be. Having a below average GPA is not what this is about. You don't have to be a 4.0 student to know that throwing stolen evidence away when the police are looking for it is a bad idea.
  5. K

    Newton Scandals

    That's not odd at all. He is in the national spotlight and he should be scrutinized for decisions such as lying and cheating. Obviously if he was just a random student who cheated on a paper ESPN wouldn't report it. But that random student also wouldn't be in the position to be a role model...
  6. K

    Special Teams

    Extra points should be kicked high enough and quickly enough that there should be almost no chance of it being blocked. This is not like a long field goal where it must have a lower trajectory.
  7. K

    Special Teams

    I'm pretty sure you have it backwards here. He doesn't return punts because he is 2nd or 3rd, he is 2nd or 3rd because he returns punts. And as far as his sure-handedness, he dropped his first attempt at a return and if he didn't finally end up recovering it (after missing the first try) I...
  8. K

    Will miss my first home game since 2004

    So basically you are trick or treating while carrying your 1 year
  9. K

    Iowa's 2-minute offense & Ken O'Keefe

    Brad Banks was not ready to be the starting QB in 2001.
  10. K

    The real issue hurting Iowa

    Not two times total. They had the ball nine times. Four of those times they did not score, and it would have been five if the punt return team had stopped the fake. The defense was not perfect, but Wisconsin has an excellent offense so I don't know what you could expect.
  11. K

    KF Sarcasm

    Seems like making jokes about it is about as well as a person can take it...
  12. K

    I love Stanzi! He's having a great season!

    Re: I love Stanzi, but he is NOT having a "great," "spectacular," or "amazing" season Every game is the most important game.
  13. K

    The real issue hurting Iowa

    Two times when it really mattered the defense did their job and got Wisky's offense off the field. However, one of those times the punt return team let them come right back on by not being disciplined and allowing the punter to run right up the middle.
  14. K

    Iowa has lost 8 games since start of 2008 season

    I think the point is not that Iowa has lost the games because of certain things they have done, but rather they have been close in every game because of certain things they have done. It is also hard to look back at each game and say they could have won if they did this or that...maybe even if...
  15. K

    How in the World?!

    I don't think they could still make the call to go for it on 4th even if he had simply thrown an incomplete pass.
  16. K

    How in the World?!

    Tolzien's miraculous recovery was not converted for a first down. It just made it 4th and 4 instead of probably 4th and 15.
  17. K

    Iowa has lost 8 games since start of 2008 season

    3. Special Teams - Field goals and extra points must Always be converted. Kickoff coverage should be better (it has been pretty good the past couple games). Punt return team has been awful this year. If we are simply going to fair catch every punt how about trying to block it instead? That...
  18. K

    NORM! Chant: Officially Embraced by Iowa

    Why is it that every time something like this gets organized (Blackout, gold rush, alternating black and gold) most of the people are on here blabbering that there is no way it will work? Just do your part and trust your fellow Hawkeyes and it works beautifully every time.