KF Sarcasm

No-one who is a Hawkeye fan and is in their right mind, is calling for Kirk to be fired.
I love the guy as a coach, he has done so many wonderful things for the people of this state. He has brought this program to the verge of something so special.
Losing coach Ferentz now would set this program back to the stone ages.
I want Kirk at the helm of the Iowa Program as long as he wants!

I would agree 100% with this statement.
Just wanted to note that we are now at the point that a thread about a joke Ferentz made in a press conference gets more replies that a thread about the best wins of the Ferentz era.

I need a beer and some Tylenol.
Just wanted to note that we are now at the point that a thread about a joke Ferentz made in a press conference gets more replies that a thread about the best wins of the Ferentz era.

I need a beer and some Tylenol.

Oooo, no, OC. Don't mix those two - you'll kill your liver. :(
Refreshing to have an authority figure call himself out, as he did today. I have a feeling things are rockin' on that practice field...
As I recall, we used to have a basketball coach that used to blame everyone BUT himself when things weren't going well. I'll take Kirk's approach over the other way.
Some of you guys don't understand the difference between sarcasm and a self depricating sense of humor or speech.

That is how I took it too and I appreciate the sentiment. Everyone makes mistakes. The team and the coaches share responsiblity for losses. So, often it gets checked off as poor execution. Well, sometimes the coaches don't execute very well either.

I think this approach is helpful to the team in that it indicates things are not the end of the world, while at the same time letting them know that he understands he could have done better.
I actually think it's kind of funny when he throws out those sarcastic remarks. He's taking a shot at himself and the fans. "I know what you're thinking and Im well aware of it, so BACK OFF!!" type of thing... Kind of like the "gut feeling" quote back in "08. That got everyone all riled up. He knows the fans are saying, whether he admits to reading the message boards or not. He's got people to do that for him.

Steve Alford STILL has people reading the boards here lol.
For the second time today, Cosign.
The way I read his comments, KF was acknowledging his mistakes and being humble about it. It's the way he is.
I appreciated his comments in the wake of a heartbreaking loss, just like I appreciate his eternal professionalism and outstanding record at the helm of Hawkeye FB.
You youngsters who continue to slag the man and his staff three full days after a defeat need your collective heads examined. Enough already; shut yer yaps about the wisky game. :mad:

No, what we all need is for kickoff to get here ASAP!
Some of you guys don't understand the difference between sarcasm and a self depricating sense of humor or speech.

Agreed. That is what I took from the comments. Maybe it takes one to know one. I am the type that uses self deprecating humor. Maybe some people just do not get the concept. Looking at it now I suppose I can see how people would mistake it for sarcasm.
Just reading his comments from the presser. A couple that stood out:

Says "We still have some hope. If we overcome the coaching, we'll be ok."

Says they've faced a similar situation with losing a coach (DAntonio) although he said that if that happened to Iowa (losing Ferentz but keeping Parker) Iowa would probably be better off

- I love KF and some of the bashing the last couple days is overkill. But, I think the criticism of the last few days is getting to him. He doesn't really need to make these snarky comments and has to deal with it. Kind of being a crybaby with these sarcastic remarks and just needs to realize people will critique some of Saturday's decisions.
That is what I love about Coach...never drill anyone in public or throw them under the bus. Tries to make light of his HUMANNESS...You should of added that he owned the mistakes, he also said that he read the papers and everything that was written was FAIR...had no problem with any of it. Or would you rather he be Gundy and go on a rampage? :rolleyes:
Oh I agree, not calling for heads to roll and thats why I said some of the last few days bashing is overkill. We all saw the mistakes and it is what it is. I just wish he'd let it be instead of making sarcastic remarks about the coaching is all. Kind of like his sarcastic remark in the postgame about "no we wanted to burn a timeout there" or something of that nature. He gets 95% praise in the course of a year and 5% criticism so it'd be nice if he took the 5% a little better is all.

Seems like making jokes about it is about as well as a person can take it...
Ferentz has always been self-deprecating. To ascribe yesterday's comments to "the criticism is getting to him" is ridiculous, unless it's "been getting to him" all 12 years.

I am glad he owned the spike/TO mistake. As usual, though, he made a point that nobody here did in hundreds of angry posts - they expected the sneak to take more time and that they'd NEED to use the TO. Doesn't excuse the confusion after that play - but does remind us the coaches are not total morons.