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  1. D

    You love the Hawkeyes..but what's your story?

    I remember listening to the Hawks on the radio with my Dad back in the 50's. I was raised listening to Jim Zabel and the Hawks. Back in those days Iowa didn't get much TV time, so everyone just sat with the radio.
  2. D

    Big Ten overload on NYD not looking so smart

    They did tell these teams that they were allowed to bring their defense to the game too? This is terrible. Come on Wisky, go Buckeyes. Thank you Iowa and Illinois.
  3. D

    fair weather fans

    To say that you are more of a fan than someone else is a little over the top. I would guess that people criticize because they would like to see the team do better, not worse. The only thing or person you should never criticize is your wife.
  4. D

    Did the US give up when the Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor?

    Agreed. Lord knows I'm 64 years old and haven't played one down of football since 8th grade.
  5. D

    how many of you tried "controlled substances" in college

    It is till you reach 21. I was not 21. When I became an alcoholic, I was 19. They did try controlling alcohol, that's why we remember people like Al Capone. That is my argument against people who want to legalize marijuana and say it is no worse than alcohol. Why legalize pot just because...
  6. D

    how many of you tried "controlled substances" in college

    Yes, VN would be Vietnam. But, we had it all over there, were as young as any college kid back in the States, the only difference being is I think we were a tighter knit group than college students. I came home an alcoholic in '68 and managed to finally quit in '71. To those who say alcohol is...
  7. D

    One thing on this DJK thing that I don't get...

    As I alluded to in another post. I came home from Vietnam a bottle baby. It took awhile to dig myself out of that hole, but I've been out of it for 30 years now. As the saying goes, I have to laugh about it because I'm too big to cry. As bad as it may seem for DJK, as you said in another...
  8. D Record for Online Users at Same Time

    Exactly. I first saw this on another board, so immediately came here. I figured I would find out the truth one way or the other here.
  9. D

    how many of you tried "controlled substances" in college

    Not in college. By the time I went to college I was an old married guy with a kid. But, in VN, we were pretty much divided into two groups, the alchies, and the druggies. Tried about 2 hits on a joint, decided I would go with the alchies.
  10. D

    Is DJK Bust Another Reminder of Ferentz Knows Best?

    It's another case of leadership and responsibilty. The Iowa football team is Ferentz's responsibility. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. If he knew, he should have taken steps to either remover the problem or remove the player. If he didn't know, then again, it was his...
  11. D

    Wait Until Next Year

    I don't want to end up like my Mother. She was a "wait till next year" Cubs fan. Sadly, she ran out of next years and the Cubs never did make it. I would love to see Iowa win the Big 10 outright, and maybe even the National Championship. But, I am not sure how many more "wait till next...
  12. D

    Collinsworth comment

    I can't remember who to quote, but somebody said the quickest way to jinx somebody was to pay them a compliment. Usually the very next play the screw up. If you say a QB hasn't thrown an INT in X amount off tries, I can almost guarantee that the next pass is going to be an INT.
  13. D

    Dan McCarney accepts North Texas job

    Congrats to McCarney. I always liked him.
  14. D


    I found it just in time to hear a commercial and the last two callers. I didn't realize The Z was still around. Listened to him and Podilac for a lot of years.
  15. D

    Fortunately for Jon, when we lose...

    I didn't see anybody on here bashing Jon. Why would they? He's neither a player or a coach, and other than predicting and reporting on the game he has a much to do with it as I do.
  16. D


    I've been thinking that Iowa was a bad team since the Northwestern game. Good teams don't lose to bad teams. We have been losing to some bad teams and barely beating teams we should blow out. I hate the thoughts of a Bowl game if they are going to play like this.
  17. D

    Time for a change

    The laughing stock of the Big 10, and Iowa can't beat them. What can you say when there is nothing to say?
  18. D


    It is a disappointment. However, I remember the years when Iowa couldn't buy a win. Iowa is a good team but it won't be a great team till it can play a Northwestern and beat them consistantly. A great team wins the games they are supposed to win.
  19. D

    This season is officially a failure

    I have always said that Northwestern was the game I feared most. It kind of makes Ohio State moot.
  20. D

    ****Northwestern Predicitions****

    I think Iowa wins. I don't care if it's by 1 point or a hundred just as long as the W at the end of the game is in Iowa's column.