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  1. W

    Early games thread

    Vince Young called and he thought Martinez' mechanics are bad. Denard Robinson can't hit water if he fell out of a boat.
  2. W

    A little motivation for tomorrow
  3. W

    Doyel again: Iowa player's kidney function below 40%

    His source sounds so reliable. People like this find one controversey and then move onto the next. Iowa has done a lot wrong in this situation, but people like him just make it seem like the sky is falling and world is about to end. He is trying to make a name for himself like every other...
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    I am starting to feel it (Hawks v Ohio State)

    For some reason I feel better about this game then the Northwestern game. I think that we matchup better with Ohio State. They are not a true spread team, Tressel still likes that power run game. Also with what seems like Ohio State trying to change what they do it might take away from their...
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    Silver Lining

    Not even a Iowa State loss would make me feel better. This just plain sucks.
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    Cubs in panic mode already?! (Z to 'pen)

    I was talking about this season and last season. Winning seasons are great but what does it matter at the end of the day when you don't win a championship? Its all about that Ring, it ain't intramurals, its the freaking Major Leagues
  7. W

    Cubs in panic mode already?! (Z to 'pen)

    I agree with what Deace said this morning. Its basically a move that says " nothing to see here go about your lives" The last 2 seasons I have basically said give me a reason to cheer for you and I might start paying attention and it looks like they are going to suck again(I hope I am wrong) but...
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    Worst one shining moment ever.

    I was extremely dissappointed last night. If Jennifer Hudson sings it next year they might as well get rid of it. With all the uproar today do you think that will CBS will listen to the fans or just do what they do because they are CBS and they don't care. I mean the only reason I stay up after...
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    rewrite of American Pie

    This is hilarious, but the worst part it is true
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    Let's Raise The Roof on Saturday....

    I agree. Lets make Kinnick living hell for the Hoosiers from the opening kickoff to the final whistle. They are coming off a kick in the stones loss and if the crowd is rocking on saturday and keep it up I don't think they have a chance. The crowd is the 12th man and can get the players super...
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    I stood up, walked outside, and vomited.

    I ran around screaming like a 12 year old girl and then proceeded to almost pass out. I had to lay on the floor otherwise I would have. I am pretty sure my friend had a heart attack, his face turned white as a ghost and he had to sit down and was unable to stand up for like 30 minutes.