Doyel again: Iowa player's kidney function below 40%


Well-Known Member
Gregg Doyel of CBS Sportsline, author of the highly critical column yesterday, just tweeted: Iowa player's relative called me. Says kid's kidney function below 40 %. I won't name him, but kid's no freshman.
Nor would I, but there are too many vindictive people in this world.

I was saying i could be more vindictive than just leaking this to him.

anyways... for reference.

What is renal function?

The word “renal†refers to the kidneys. The terms “renal function†and “kidney function†mean the same thing. Health professionals use the term “renal function†to talk about how efficiently the kidneys filter blood. People with two healthy kidneys have 100 percent of their kidney function. Small or mild declines in kidney function—as much as 30 to 40 percent—would rarely be noticeable. Kidney function is now calculated using a blood sample and a formula to find the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). The eGFR corresponds to the percent of kidney function available. The section “What medical tests detect kidney disease?†contains more details about the eGFR.
Some people are born with only one kidney but can still lead normal, healthy lives. Every year, thousands of people donate one of their kidneys for transplantation to a family member or friend.
For many people with reduced kidney function, a kidney disease is also present and will get worse. Serious health problems occur when people have less than 25 percent of their kidney function. When kidney function drops below 10 to 15 percent, a person needs some form of renal replacement therapy—either blood-cleansing treatments called dialysis or a kidney transplant—to sustain life.
Another possibility is he is being setup. He is just the guy that would bite on erroneous information. We will find out eventually.
Yeah, I gotta think this is ********. If I was a parent of one of these kids, the last person I would call would be Doyel. If I am unhappy, I would probably tell the DMR. It would get picked up faster/spread further if I told them...
In a related note, he also has an incredibly hot girlfriend but you wouldn't know her b/c she lives in Canada.
You can bet there are Mother's and Father's pretty ticked off about this.

I love how some people on here making light of this. Saying it's no big deal and it will all be old news in a day of two. Well it's Thursday- Day 3 and still have players in the hospital. Think about what it takes to be admitted to a hospital.
You can bet there are Mother's and Father's pretty ticked off about this.

I love how some people on here making light of this. Saying it's no big deal it will all be old news in a day. Well it's Thursday and I think we still have players hospitalized. Day 3 in the hospital. Think about what it takes to be admitted to a hospital.

It really doesn't take that much to be admitted to the hospital. Not saying it isn't anything in this case.
His source sounds so reliable. People like this find one controversey and then move onto the next. Iowa has done a lot wrong in this situation, but people like him just make it seem like the sky is falling and world is about to end. He is trying to make a name for himself like every other blogger on the freakin internet. People are going to read stories that don't stir up some kind of controversey. In a week this DB will find something new to lock onto and sink his teeth into that. Its hard being a hawkeye fan right now, but i'm sure we will get through this.

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