Silver Lining


Well-Known Member
We get Northwestern at home next year. Let's absolutely DESTROY them.

Also, it is clear now that Wisconsin, not Iowa, is the best team in the Big Ten and deserves the championship.
What makes you think we beat them at home next year? they have won 5 of 6 dude. Including the last 2 at Kinnick.

Terrible post, no silver lining.
This team doesn't seem to play with any sense of urgency or drive. It gets the other teams will inflicted upon them rather than the other way around.
Dan Persa will also be returning next year. There is really no silver lining right now or at least I can't find one.
I hope the coaching staff take a long and hard look at NW this summer. Our scheme simply does not work against NW. Something HAS to change. Go nickel/dime, bring heat, mix it up. Or we could be stubborn, stick with the system and continue to loose.

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