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  1. H

    Wind tomorrow

    No they’ll probably just practice indoors tomorrow. I just hope the wind isn’t a factor Saturday.
  2. H

    Predictions for Iowa @ Nebraska......

    35-17 Hawks. Iowa never trails in this game.
  3. H

    During the game

    The pic that they highlighted of Dan wasn't Dan either.
  4. H

    Where is Barta??

    This past week Iowa has gotten more national press then is has in years. Weather you think Woody did or didn't mean to poke, or weather you think Fran is being a DB or simply sticking up for his players. The fact is the one common theme here is no comment at all from Barta. One would think...
  5. H

    College FB Attendance waning

    Perfect. Have one of those SEC teams come to Madison, Iowa City, or Lincoln and place in 25 degree weather with blowing snow.
  6. H

    Football Unis

    2 problems with that idea Zona: 1) Hawk Central is a mess & even if you posted it, it would show up for 12 hours. 2) Because it's such a mess, most of us regular HC posters are heading out to better forums. I think I'll hang out here for a while.
  7. H

    Please, IU is not Indy

    IU = Indy Just as... Northwestern University = NW I love how that pi$$es off the locals so I continue to use those terms. If you are reading an Iowa message board after the University of Iowa just played Indiana University and someone says "Indy" are you telling me you are confused...
  8. H

    ABC Coverage Map for Iowa-Nebraska

    The Name of the bar is PACIFIC BEACH ALEHOUSE. It is located at 721 Grand Avenue in San Diago CA 92109 It is located right on the beach and they also have great food.
  9. H

    I will admit it...

    Gee. Let me correct that then. "Rhodes does not have a winning record against Ferentz. Chizik does not have a winning record against Ferentz. You have to go back 3 coaches to find an ISU coach with a winning record against Ferentz. you feel better now. Since were taking this trip down...
  10. H

    I will admit it...

    I love the whole 'ISU has a winning record against Ferentz' argument. A couple things about that. You realize you only have this summer to use that right? Once this season rolls around, the argument goes away. Now, lets look at that a little deeper shall we. The fact is that your current...