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  1. H

    KOK's playcalling is unreal

    Yes, I absolutely blame the coaches for dropped passess, fumbles and anything else that goes wrong. They either have to recruit D1 players or teach others how to concentrate and make the catches. A good part of football is mental. Credit goes to the coaches when things go well and equal...
  2. H

    looking forward

    Just curious for those of you who have seen them play...any chance AW could play the 4 spot with Olaseni staying at the 5? Where is the lack of an offensive skill set the least important?
  3. H

    Can the NBA be saved????

    Who? I've heard of this Jorday guy, but Lebron and Kobe??? Who are they?
  4. H

    could there be more ads on this site

    I guess I like seeing the ads! Who knows? I might actually buy something from one of these companies. Plus the more ads I see the more successful I know Jon is and the better this site will become. Jon's an ultimate Hawkeye and we need him to be successful to carry the good word!
  5. H

    Matt and Miller 1460 KXNO

    Matt, your interactions here are just further validation of why I've switched over to Marty on 1700 along with many others. We're Iowans and we support our state and institutions within it. Where do you fit in? There are plenty in the national media who can and do provide objectivity. When...