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    Fran McCaffery Says Hawkeyes Will Rebound from Down Season

    I really have been trying not to post about Iowa basketball because I don't want to spend a bunch of time dealing with negative things. But I guess I'm feeling the need to be negative today. Fran is in over his head. He's a mid-major coach, trying to run a Power 5 team . But hey, he's better...
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    Derrick Foster Provides Outlook for Hawkeye Running Backs

    And this is why I was happy to see a couple of young RB's get some carries last year. They got a little experience and I'm confident in the position. Like everyone else has mentioned, if the line does their job, we will be just fine.
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    Slightly OT - Best quick tacos in Iowa bracket

    This but Tasty is far superior to all on the list.
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    Tyler Cook

    Chances are, he is playing in Iowa City next year.
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    OK lets clarify...Hawks are not the leagues worst

    I've been trying to take a more positive approach lately. Very disappointing season, but there are some pieces there. If a couple things change, we can be ok next year. Like on the bubble.
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    Iowa Media HAS To Admit Now That...

    I would believe Tyler Cook might want to transfer
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    "Iowa is Cook and roster of mid major players"

    He is a good shooter, and has athleticism for a bigger guy. He has talent, but needs to develop. I think confidence is his biggest issue. He makes a mistake, and Fran just yanks him. A competent coaching staff could turn his skill set into a solid BIG player.
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    "Iowa is Cook and roster of mid major players"

    I would argue that Nunge and Garza are D1 projects. Probably shouldn't be logging a ton of minutes as Freshman, but I believe both will be good.
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    Where has this Team been all year?

    I agree also. I watch this team and often see there is something there, but get so frustrated with the lack of defense and the bad line-ups. Also, at the end of games, we need that one guy who can create something. Maybe if we ran an offense to get a shot at the end of games instead of having...
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    So if we go 0'fer the rest of the season....

    What has Fran ever done that makes you think we are going to have a shot at the sweet 16 in the next 5 years if he were to remain? The guy is just a bad coach who had some kids from Iowa with talent come put a band-aid on the program for a few years. Even those years we underachieved and were...
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    Uhl moving to the 2

    11 man rotation doesn't work, let's try 12! No thanks.
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    Future Of The Program

    It kills me that we have to sit through at least one more year of this. Too many apologists out there making it okay for Iowa to be a laughing stock of the Big 10 for Fran to get fired. I can’t understand how anyone can defend him at this point. If anyone thinks Fran can ever get us to a Sweet...
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    Jon's new article

    Right it's saying, "we've always been mediocre, so we shouldn't try to be anything more". This is a loser's mentality in my opinion. But I could be crazy or unrealistic.
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    Jon's new article

    Fran is just not a very good coach. I'm not sure how anyone could argue otherwise at this point. He had moderate success with a legacy recruit, and a really talented group of kids from Iowa. Even those teams collapsed at the end of the year. The 2 NCAA tournament wins he has were simply due to...
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    I'll say coach please

    I guess in 2012 it would've been 4 right? I can't keep track. My point was, that we have been nationally relevant under Kirk even if it only is once every 4 or 5 years, at least we understand it's possible. With Fran, we've had points in the season where we thought we might be very good, but...
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    I'll say coach please

    Kirk got us 3 top 10 finishes. Fran's peak has been a slightly above average team 2 out of 8 years.
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    Fran's Contract

    Ah yes, Tom Davis. So many are afraid of making a mistake like Tom Davis. We wanted to take the next step as a program, we took a chance. It didn't work. That's okay. We can keep trying until we get it right. No need to settle for mediocrity due to fear of failure. Oh and by the way, a year...
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    Real question for Rob Howe

    Fran has a lot of passion and he got people excited about Iowa basketball again. I'm truly thankful for that. But over the years, I've never been impressed with his in-game coaching and his side line temperament is flat out embarrassing. I think the excitement in the program got us some, I...
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    Playing for next year

    Cook is a stud. Still has developing to do. There is other D1 talent, they are young. But not as much as there should be in year 8 in my opinion.
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    Playing for next year

    It feels like every Iowa fan I know sees this so I just can't understand why our coaching staff can't???