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  1. W

    Iowa Offense: Statistical Look Since 2001

    I am proud of the team in their bowl win and i thought the offensive line played great. They executed their plan and Coker runs for over 200 yards and yet the offense scores only 20 points and needed a defensive score to win the game. This has been the main problem. Touchdowns in the red zone...
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    Official blame O'Keefe thread

    I am pretty sure KOK worked for Goldman Sachs in the derivative department. You all know how creative he is, the next thing you know their betting on who is going to fail. KOK the big gambler
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    Fans throwing KOK under the bus

    Iowa scored the least amount of points of the Big Ten schools of the teams of the second division Indiana, Northwestern, Minnesota. The quarterback is a 5th year senior with great efficiency rating and the lowest amount of turnovers that I have witnessed. The players are executing with those...
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    Ferentz Won't Confirm/Deny KOK Indiana Talk

    Great news that KOK did't get the Indiana Job, how would the offense survive for the bowl game?
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    2011 Season Begins with Insight

    I am happy for the players they get to go to a bowl but this is the worst Bowl to go for exposure, the whole eastern time zone won't stay up for this one especially on a work night, hell I might have trouble staying up. Northwestern and Michigan get a Jan 1 bowl.
  6. W

    It's nice to see someone can identify a fake punt coming.

    What hasn't been discussed about Wisky's fake punt, is how badly coached the the Iowa punt return team was. The center of the line just took off down field with their back to the punter. They didn't wait to make sure the punter kicked the ball. I think that is pretty basic fundamental that...
  7. W

    Gary Barta's Mistake

    So what it really comes down to is, was this years offense ineffectiveness an aberration or has it been an ongoing problem of performance. The statistics show that Iowa's offense is average and in some cases way below average long term. The defense is usually ranked in the top twenty. Is KF...
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    Gary Barta's Mistake

    In the real world at the end of year when the outcome of how the business performed and employees performance can be evaluated only then bonuses and salary increases are considered. Barta gave his performance review of KF two days before the season started. Clearly the coaching performance was...
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    A few comments about the game

    Does anybody know if KOK coached the offense in the first 10 minutes of the second half. If our defense held them scoreless in the second half we would have one the game. Sorry, I am still venting.
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    Wait Until Next Year

    If you think the offense was predictable this year, the Hawks are going to have a new quarterback and if KOK is still there you know he likes to bring them on slowly. Don't want to give them to much, they could make mistake, might hurt the self esteem
  11. W

    Iowa Football: Is it Execution or Philosophy

    Jon, you mention how poorly they performed in the last 3rd of the year and I believe we are in agreement the injuries were a factor. If your best player in whatever position is injured you will not execute at the same level. My frustration is that the coaches do not adapt to the weaknesses that...
  12. W

    Iowa Football: Is it Execution or Philosophy

    I think it is fairly obvious that the offensive line play wasn't as good and injuries had a role. On the defensive side the linebacker play was not that good in the last 1/3 of the season with numerous injuries being the main factor, Having great safeties and defensive line somewhat hid the...
  13. W

    I sat behind the Iowa bench

    You wonder whether the lack of emotion is somewhat caused by the non aggressive play calls by the coaches both on offense and defense. Just letting someone nickel and dime you to death without blitzzing at all and making a big play becomes very dishearting not only to fans but I am sure to the...
  14. W

    KF sits DJK because Sandeman had better week of practice

    If that is really true, you know what is even worse than that. We threw to him once the whole game and Sandeman caught the ball for 10 yards in the first quarter. Never threw to him again.
  15. W

    This year, the stats are lying

    Jon, I have been looking at the same stats all year and they are fairly consistant. Defense plays well enough to win the games and this year as most others despite the serious injuries at linebacker position are usually ranked in the top 20 and the offense is usually down in the middle of the...
  16. W

    Change Compensation

    Change the compensation for KF and KOK to so much a touchdown and throw a bonus if they win the game. Maybe that can light a fire under a bunch of either stubborn coaches, clueless coaches, unchangeable coaches, uncreative coaches, take your pick.
  17. W

    On Side Kick

    I heard the announcers say at the start of the game that KF said that Minnesota had nothing to lose and to expect surprises. KF must have said it to the announcers but not to his special teams coach. Iowa's kick off team should have been on the 40 and just like the fake Wisconsin punt the...
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    Does anyone notice when the clock is not an issue if we pass on first down unsuccessfully it always is followed by a running play?
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    Could be an NCAA record- I don't think we blitzzed once

    You know KF a blitz can disrupt running plays also
  20. W

    High Powered offense wins games

    No, I am not calling for a spread offense, what I want is a diversity of offensive formations that is unpredictable. For example spread 4 receivers on a first down and you can still run the ball if you want. Roll out on passing plays more than once a game. Use the whole field and force the...