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  1. G

    ABC/ESPN Coverage question

    Because of coverage restrictions/deals with Dish they couldn't show the Wisky MSU game in HD. The game was shown on standard def here though. Just switch to standard def ESPN and you should be able to see the game you want...more than likely.
  2. G

    Best looking Combine in the world!

    ABC will love this!
  3. G

    The Perfect Uniform

    I would still love to see black pants, black jersy and black helmet at a night game.
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    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 5

    Well for one thing his posted record is below .500. Also, I think most people who are going to bet are going to utilize a few more sources than Steve's picks... at least they should.
  5. G

    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 5

    Take a deep breath.
  6. G

    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks???

    He just posted them.
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    Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks???

    Is Steve sending these out still? or did I miss something?
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    Anyone remember the temperature for the Michigan game last year?

    Snowed on the way into IC in the morning. Freezing for most of the day with an occasional flurry. Sun came out around 4/430 and warmed up to about 40 at the most.
  9. G

    Get Mark Jones and Bob Davie again for announcers this week

    Mark Jones was our bus boy at Olive Garden the other night.
  10. G

    When was the last time.....

    Cervantes got quite a few touches(for a fullback), but Cervantes was one of our more athletic fullbacks we have had.
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    This Weekend Big Ten Schedule? YAWN....

    Best game of the week might be tonight. Go Pitt!
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    Michigan Game

    Michigan averaging 33.3 pts a game Iowa averaging 33 pts a game Michigan giving up 23.7 pts a game Iowa giving up 16 pts a game.
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    What do you need to see.....

    Clayborn get a sack
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    Michigan Game

    The fact that UMass put up 37 on them makes me feel confident.
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    Hate to bring it up but....

    "Clayborn's PF was a momentum changer too." Good point. I totally forgot about that!
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    Name me Kinnick?

    I actually just heard of a family friend who named their son Kinnick. Go for it!
  17. G

    Mcnutt and DJK

    Mcnutt dropped pass goes for pick 6. If caught leads to a TD or a FG. DJK drops a for sure TD. That's a difference of 17 to 21 point swing in the game. If 2 catches are made we win Saturday night. That is all.
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    he looked like an absolute D**ce!
  19. G

    Remember last year?

    Forgot about that Wheger leaping touchdown. Nice!
  20. G

    Three Point Swing In The Point Spread Today

    Bodog is about as easy as it gets. Some people say there are sites that offer up better odds but I have had a good experience with Bodog.