Name me Kinnick?


Well-Known Member
Having a baby boy in a few months. Have three little girls already and throwing the name Kinnick out there for a boy name. Too cheesy or am I crazy for getting this one past the Mrs.
It's too cliche even for clicheusername3. Dude name him after his grandpa or someone meaningful in your personal life if you're not gonna come up with something original.
My first born son will be named Kinnick James. Kinnick because it is my favorite place on earth, and James because that is my Grandpa's name.
I thought about this... live on the east coast now and nobody would even make the connection. Middle name will be named after grandpa. Just throwin it out there.
My cousin who is around 4 months old name is Kinnick so he wouldn't be the only kid in Iowa walking arouns with that name
Name him God Shammgod Zellchiro.

Honestly, i think naming your dog Kinnick would be more normal, but we don't live in a normal world so more power to ya.
Don't listen to cliche'...I'm not sure how much more "original" you can get when it comes to names...It's not like you're naming him "Haydenkirk Kinnick Whatever your last name is"...if you like the name, go for it.
Name him God Shammgod Zellchiro.

Honestly, i think naming your dog Kinnick would be more normal, but we don't live in a normal world so more power to ya.

Honestly, if i had a dog i would probably name him Kinnick as well. But got my boy first. Thats why i was questioning myself.

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