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  1. billdozer15


    You are #1 by default dont let that confuse you as being good. Most people cant stand Tirrell and you got paired with Miller who most people like and we just tolerate you. You should probably stop biting the hand that feeds you, I thought you would have learned your lesson over in Omaha.
  2. billdozer15


    Jon Miller and its not even close.......j/k. Miller/Deace are far and away the best. Matt Perrault is atrocious.
  3. billdozer15

    OMG - Replay crews didn't have HD

    Wow, I didnt realize that. In fact I thought they had access to better angles and info than we have. This is disturbing and definately explains how some calls could still be blown even after review.
  4. billdozer15

    BCS Championship Loss or Rose Bowl Win?

    Maybe the better question would be: Garaunteed Rose Bowl win or a place in the NCG agianst a historical power of your choosing (not knowing the outcome)? If it were me, I would have to take the shot at the NC. Just playing in the NC is great but if you could trade a garaunteed win for a toss...
  5. billdozer15

    BCS Championship Loss or Rose Bowl Win?

    This is a tough one, but once i read the loss to BSU it was an automatic to pick the win in the Rose Bowl. Losing to BSU would suck anyway but to lose to them in the NC would be terrible. It would be something no one would forget. Even though most people dont remember who lost the NC, they would...
  6. billdozer15

    Hawks on Big Sports 590 this fall

    That side of the state only has two major cities, Sioux city and Counciltucky. For those in the southwestern part of the state it would take a station from Omaha to broadcast it for them to get it. 1110 carries the Huskers and just re-upped for another few years. Its a good pick up for 590 and...
  7. billdozer15

    I saw _______ on a ______, he'll be starting by midseason.

    I saw Brandon Wegher on a campus visit at USD, he'll be starting by midseason.
  8. billdozer15

    I saw _______ on a ______, he'll be starting by midseason.

    I saw Broderick Binns in a paddy wagon, he'll be starting by mid-season.
  9. billdozer15

    Vegas - Iowa at 8.5

    Could you or somebody post these? My stupid work computer gives me the "access denied".
  10. billdozer15


    Clayborn is good, but we will find out just how good this year. Like Suh he will be getting double and triple teamed this year. Suh's stats are amazing let alone knowing he was the one that got all the attention as well. If I were an Iowa fan, I wouldnt buy into the hype that Clayborn is going...
  11. billdozer15

    Texas Tech doubts Big XII lasts 5 years.....

    Agreed, anyone who thinks ND will even take a sniff of the Big8+4-2 is on crack. 1) ND is so pride filled, they would never want to give up their rivalries with the Big10. 2) Texas and the remaining Big8+4-2 schools and ND would be so culturaly disfunctional it would probably cause the world...
  12. billdozer15

    Texas Tech doubts Big XII lasts 5 years.....

    Any bets he got/gets a call from Deloss Dodds requesting his resignation?
  13. billdozer15

    Your Nominations for FB Division Names

    How about Osborne & Devaney........
  14. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    I was saying if the forgotten five would have had the testicular fortitude they could have broken away from the big8+4-2 and it would have been a pretty darn good conference. But every ISU fan i talked to didnt want any part of it, they were too hung up on staying in the Big12 rather than...
  15. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    I dont know that I have done anything here to give NU fans a bad name. Actually please find a post where I have stating something so outlandish that it gives me or other fans a bad name. I dont know why you are mad at NU for improving their situation, you would have done the same only I...
  16. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    I was one of the people saying it would actually be a good move for ISU especially with Boise joining (but now that Utah left it is kind of moot) That conference is a pretty good football conference. If it would have added the forgotten 5 it surely would have become a BCS conference. But they...
  17. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    Don't you know that is why Penn State is so terrible.........
  18. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    Calling them optimisitic is being conservative. I have no problem with optimism, but this is crazy talk. If you want to be taken serious as a fan base you cant have yahoo's out there talking Big12 championship when have never even sniffed it. But i guess you have to start somewhere.
  19. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    The whole thing is crazy 9-3......they actually think their team wont find a way to screw the pooch and will go 9-3. If there is one thing ISU has done and done well in the past and that is find ways to lose.
  20. billdozer15

    Cyclown Fanatic....fools

    Tell me about it. I just dont understand them. Talk about delusional.....