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  1. D

    The sad life of DJK

    Re: Special Thanks to DJK... Ditto Here! I been kinda negative the past few days but my love for these players are great, with an extra kudos to DJK--- can't wait to have him on my fantasy team and i like that he was a bit of a rebel--- this programs needs a few rebels in it!!
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    Wait Until Next Year

    LOL!!! there's not enough of these post today is there? hey, i got total Debby downer syndrome today myself--- we'll get through it and move on--- until next year when the dang author of this post is right and we're stuck with the "cynics were right again" situation.
  3. D

    Regardless of how you feel....

    "So you'll turn your backs on players who deserve better than that, just to prove a point? Wow." What? Sorry i don't understand your comment--- not sure how you got turn my back on the players --- are you kidding me? i eat, crap and breathe Black and gold, i've said this on other post that i...
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    The "what have you done for me lately" crowd

    perhaps that is not intended towards me but i never said 9-4 was bad ??
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    The "what have you done for me lately" crowd

    Thank you IowaHawkeye and others! again, i'm going to re-interate my own view and that is at the end of the day we end up an average program (7-5/8-4) year in and year out--then great, at least do it with some tenacity and effort---and something with at least a hint of beige in your game...
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    Regardless of how you feel....

    Exactly! just because you love something doesn't' mean you shut up and enable the same predicaments to happen. enabling isnt love, it's just complacency and lazyness and allowing the person or team for that matter that you love inhibits itself from achieving something better and improving...
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    Does anyone know how much Paul Rhodes makes a year?

    Hawkeyescott---dully noted---although I'm still right every other year LOL :) --- i wonder if that is part of the increased package pay out, but at the end of day, gator has the history and prestige (and that is part of the college football bowl philosophy yes?) that the insight doesn't' have--...
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    Does anyone know how much Paul Rhodes makes a year?

    No, not at all, while i see your point because you don't know me personally, in our group of friends, and it's a big group, there are only 2 of us that are hawkeyes, rest are all cyclones (wierd right?) and it's a fun rivary, we pick on each other, they call us over overrated every year (and...
  9. D

    Does anyone know how much Paul Rhodes makes a year?

    it's the pecking order though that counts!!! Yes, they stepped up their pay out but that is also because of the TV change, Insight still picks after Capital One, Outback and Gator Bowl! Who cares about pay out because b10 all bowl money is split equally--- it's all about pecking order and...
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    Does anyone know how much Paul Rhodes makes a year?

    "This is absolutely correct. ESPN is in a greater # of households. However I don't see how that changes the prestige of the bowl." Because it doesn't!
  11. D

    Does anyone know how much Paul Rhodes makes a year?

    and yes, why even bother putting lipstick on this pig, or cow since we gave the piggy to MN, the insight is still the insight and it is still a lower tier bowl--- doesn't matter if it's on espn or NFL or even Fox sports for that matter, it'll still a lower tier "toliet bowl" game.....
  12. D

    Does anyone know how much Paul Rhodes makes a year?

    TOUCHE!!!!!!!! I will raise my hand and take ownership of this 100%. My god, i was awful, "f'ng ISU Vs MN in the special kids bowl" i remember watching that game last yr with my ISU friends and giving them grief---- Wow, what a year and a big cup of irony will do huh? even in a "down" year...
  13. D

    The "what have you done for me lately" crowd

    TM i agree and I'm certainly not the hawkeye nation fan Rep, but I for one and probably a good majority of the fan base is appalled with the coaching and not the players. These are student athletes that are there for education and are not paid--- My beef is aimed squarely on the coaches, all...
  14. D

    The "what have you done for me lately" crowd

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rawkhawk73 Actually, it's guys like you that need to go away.....seriously. This whole "we're just Iowa" schtick has gotten so old it's not...
  15. D

    ****Piggy Predictions****

    I can only speak for me but i have all the faith in the world but i don't have faith in this team's ability to be consistent and get the job done--- that and our coaches have prove likewise. this has been a Team Disappointment's, not just players or coaches--it's a combo deal-- What Team is...
  16. D

    Be ready for a disappointment in recruiting

    Well you can't blame the kid in some ways---- you have to give Wisky credit, they have had a very healthy program in the last 10 years, considering how many 10+ wins season's they have. (something like 4 or 5 of out of the last 5 or 6?) and if i'm a running back right now getting ready for...
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    Harsh words from AOL Fanhouse

    I disagree about the O-Line-- of the all ? marks coming into this season, the biggest ? that turned into a ! was the O-line--- the 2 minute drill offense has been bad all around, and that includes Vets like Stanzi, Mc Nutt, DJK, etc. i think many of us, i included, completely overlooked the...
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    My Big Ten & Iowa Bowl Projections for 11-13

    Wow what a bummer--- I guess the Quiji board was right after all. for some, or i guess most of you may not know--- I posted a comment in a thread (sorry can't remember which one--for those that may remember what thread was it?? ) but i went to a halloween party and played Quiji for the first...
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    Minnesota is gearing up for the Hawkeyes - watch out

    oooooh man---- i hope hawks show up for this game....... going to be a doosie now thanks alot of Minnesota marketing department.....
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    How many Hawkeye fans will invade TCF?

    "But you'll be in the bathroom together the whole game, so it won't count" Well there will be at least something exciting going on at TCF that day!! looks like somebody other than the hawkeyes will be scoring in someone's end zone!! :)