Regardless of how you feel....


Well-Known Member
right now, we all need to support The Hawks no matter what bowl game they go to. Winning the bowl game will be a springboard for next year. Get over whatever you are feeling and support them. please.
Springboard to what?

Stale, predictable, underperforming offense and the bend-and-then-break defense we've all come to know and love.

I DO support the Hawks. If I didn't support them I wouldn't want them to evolve into something better than what they are.
If you really think none of us here don't support the Hawkeyes, you're crazy.

A majority of us don't support the way Kirk Ferentz runs the offense, and defensive philosophies and the way he handles situations.
Stale, predictable, underperforming offense and the bend-and-then-break defense we've all come to know and love.

I DO support the Hawks. If I didn't support them I wouldn't want them to evolve into something better than what they are.


just because you love something doesn't' mean you shut up and enable the same predicaments to happen. enabling isnt love, it's just complacency and lazyness and allowing the person or team for that matter that you love inhibits itself from achieving something better and improving, which is something that all hope and aspire for 2011---

i get what your saying TX but man, Otto and thunderhawk are spot on, none of us like it, but it's reality!!
Just got beat by Minnesota for god's sake. How do you think Iowa will do against a good team in a bowl game? Even though my Nebraska nieghbors are laughing at me already, I will put the Tigerhawk flag out on gameday. I will watch, I will cuss-out the TV as they blow a lead in the fourth. I will vow never to watch again as I launch that flag across the yard. I will be right back here again next season, hoping for the results I deserve after all these years of being a loyal fan. Where's the damn trophy? I am tired of waiting. At least we have wrestling right?
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just because you love something doesn't' mean you shut up and enable the same predicaments to happen. enabling isnt love, it's just complacency and lazyness and allowing the person or team for that matter that you love inhibits itself from achieving something better and improving, which is something that all hope and aspire for 2011---

i get what your saying TX but man, Otto and thunderhawk are spot on, none of us like it, but it's reality!!

So you'll turn your backs on players who deserve better than that, just to prove a point? Wow.
I appreciate your intentions, but c'mon man- you're giving us living along 121 in Frisco/Plano a bad name :)

There will be those that will continue to negatively preach about this, that and the other thing- but for many it's just a grieving process right now. Whatever the expectations, not many people expected this team to be 7-5 at the end of the year and a little bit of rumbling is to be expected.

I personally (and I think a majority here) will support the Hawkeyes to whatever bowl game they go to, however good or bad they play. Let everyone work through their own process, and most will rally.
If you really think none of us here don't support the Hawkeyes, you're crazy.

A majority of us don't support the way Kirk Ferentz runs the offense, and defensive philosophies and the way he handles situations.

You've taken a poll then?

Yeah, those 4 top 8 finishes in the rankings the last 8-9 years really suck. He really doesn't handle situations very well. What would it take you to support him then?
right now, we all need to support The Hawks no matter what bowl game they go to. Winning the bowl game will be a springboard for next year. Get over whatever you are feeling and support them. please.

Very good post!

WE fans need to show the football team WE the fans are not quitters. WE will back the team no matter what. WE are a part of the football program and will continue to inspire others around the nation with unconditional support of our team.
"So you'll turn your backs on players who deserve better than that, just to prove a point? Wow."

What? Sorry i don't understand your comment--- not sure how you got turn my back on the players --- are you kidding me? i eat, crap and breathe Black and gold, i've said this on other post that i don't care if we're 12-0 or 0-12 i love my hawks all the same, and still even to plan on going to whatever bowl game we go to, i was just referencing tough love and tough love means doing, saying, changing things that aren't easy but are necessary for growth of the team, the program...... Wow! have no idea how you got that interpertation especially since i was actually agreeing with one of your previous post if i recall correctly.......!!!!!

---> correction, it wasn't your post--- but I'm still completely confused how one would think i would want to turn my back on these players--- man, kinda makes feel feel dirty that someone would accuse me of that--- stranger or not man, i got too much pride in the hawks to ever turn my back! (i may want some heads to roll at some point in the juncture but damn!!)
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I felt my question was legitimate. Looking at what we had returning this year compared to next year the only reason next years team could beat this years is experience on the o line. And playing keep away. We shouldn't have a better team next year do to experience and explosiveness. I don't see us being in the 1st BTC game. Maybe the 2nd but I find the 1st unlikely. I don't see the coaches willing to beat opponents 35-31. I don't see us having a top 30 scoring d next year and I know the coaches won't adjust to compensate.
I have concerns like many do. However, if you don't like what you see in players effort or in coaches decisions, get after it and show it. It seems to get people's attention when the stands are half empty, boosters are unhappy and fans are negative. Seemed to work for basketball. You want to get some attention, have a game on TV with 40,000 people in the stands. The most discouraging site to me is when I look at CHA. This sends such a bad message to people about Iowa athletics.

Now with that said, if Iowa beats Wisconsin, and we don't have 2 running backs gone before the B10 even starts, and Norm is on the sidelines, people would likely be high fiving Barta for shielding KF with a raise.

One thing I've learned over the years - right when you think you are riding a wave, you will get knocked down, often fast and hard. Its a fine line between 7-5 and 10-2.

I don't buy players gave up, or KF doesn't care. Go take a look at the PSU post game tape from last year. This may just be a year like we all have from time to time. A perfect storm - you just have to fight through it.
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"So you'll turn your backs on players who deserve better than that, just to prove a point? Wow."

What? Sorry i don't understand your comment--- not sure how you got turn my back on the players --- are you kidding me? i eat, crap and breathe Black and gold, i've said this on other post that i don't care if we're 12-0 or 0-12 i love my hawks all the same, and still even to plan on going to whatever bowl game we go to, i was just referencing tough love and tough love means doing, saying, changing things that aren't easy but are necessary for growth of the team, the program...... Wow! have no idea how you got that interpertation especially since i was actually agreeing with one of your previous post if i recall correctly.......!!!!!

---> correction, it wasn't your post--- but I'm still completely confused how one would think i would want to turn my back on these players--- man, kinda makes feel feel dirty that someone would accuse me of that--- stranger or not man, i got too much pride in the hawks to ever turn my back! (i may want some heads to roll at some point in the juncture but damn!!)

Sorry, it just felt like you post went along with ThunderHawk's sentiment (who is apparently refusing to watch the bowl game because this year's team didn't entertain him enough, and seems to be encouraging others to do the same.). I've got no problem with b*tching about the coaches, they're fair game. It was just your "enabling" comments that made me think you were thinking like we can't reward the team with support for the bowl game. My bad man.
All good points BlackGold57. I think they should've used Coker all along even if he wasn't totally up to speed and I think the biggest reason for this year's demise were this:

Norm's absence for 3/4 of the season due to illness and KOK's idiotic play calling, and Ricky Stanzi's inability to take over 4th quarters like he did last year.
Those same players quit...

You could say that about a lot of them based on Saturday's performance. But as long as there's even just ONE who gave it their all *cough* DJK *cough* (among a couple others), that's more than enough. You can't turn your back on the ones that you feel quit, without turning your back on the few who didn't. And THOSE guys deserve MUCH better than that.
I appreciate your intentions, but c'mon man- you're giving us living along 121 in Frisco/Plano a bad name :)

There will be those that will continue to negatively preach about this, that and the other thing- but for many it's just a grieving process right now. Whatever the expectations, not many people expected this team to be 7-5 at the end of the year and a little bit of rumbling is to be expected.

I personally (and I think a majority here) will support the Hawkeyes to whatever bowl game they go to, however good or bad they play. Let everyone work through their own process, and most will rally.

How did you know where I live??? :rolleyes:

I'm upset about this season like the rest of us, but their comes a point when negativity does you no good. I've learned that getting upset about things that you can't control will make a person go insane. I always get upset about traffic and stupid drivers here in Dallas, but me getting upset about it won't change anything.

For some venting is a natural way of releasing those feelings. That is what a message board is for. I realize my intentions are a bit far fetched by wanting everyone to be all warm and fuzzy again about Iowa football. I can't expect that to happen.

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