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  1. DBorwig316

    Kudos to the fans rockin' Carver!

    That was the most fun I had at a game all year. CHA was absolutely electric. Now THAT is the Carver that I knew and loved as a kid. Bring on the Ducks!
  2. DBorwig316

    Lets rock CHA, for the future!!!

    I'll be there come hell or high water.
  3. DBorwig316

    WE ARE IN!

    Tuesday at 5:30CT I believe.
  4. DBorwig316

    Fran scheduled for teleconference tonight at 8:45 PM

    I forgot what it was like to be nervous on Selection Sunday.
  5. DBorwig316

    I think Iowa gets into the NIT

    Congratulations on the soon-to-be new addition, Spank! I'll feed off your optimism and agree with you. I think we are in as well, and that we'll get a home game.
  6. DBorwig316


    This thread is full of win. Thank you Matt for four great years as a Hawkeye. Here's to hoping for some kind of postseason so you can don the Black and Gold at least a couple more times. If we get to host some more games, you can bet your *** I'll be there to cheer on the Hawks!
  7. DBorwig316

    Would you allow you kid to wrestle?

    So much this.
  8. DBorwig316

    When was Iowa's last BTT win?

    Way too darn long.
  9. DBorwig316

    No Wrestling on the Front Page during the B1G Tournament?

    Jesus H Christ. This board has hit a new, all time low. Now I have to deal with listening to members of my own fanbase troll the wrestling team? Seriously, you people can go f*ck yourselves. I'm done with this place. Jon, this place has officially gone straight down the *******.
  10. DBorwig316

    Northwestern Roll Call

    I got growled at yesterday for standing and cheering as well. I really get sick and tired of these 90 year old grouches that come into Kinnick and Carver and do nothing but b!tch about other fans the whole game. Frankly, I'm glad when they leave with ten minutes left in the game. That's the only...
  11. DBorwig316

    Session I 10:00 am

    Thanks Pin!
  12. DBorwig316

    Session I 10:00 am

    5-4 win for Evans!
  13. DBorwig316

    Session I 10:00 am

    Come on DSJ!!!
  14. DBorwig316

    Session I 10:00 am

    I'll be at the hoopyball game in CHA, so the updates here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Pin!
  15. DBorwig316

    Northwestern Roll Call

    I'll be in section FF with my wife and daughter. Hopefully Gatens will put on a show for Senior Day. Go Hawks!
  16. DBorwig316

    Great idea....

    Kill it with fire.
  17. DBorwig316


  18. DBorwig316

    Today's Illini game...

    I've been unable to concentrate on anything at work today at all. I haven't been this amped for a game in a long time. I've tried to level out my expectations, but to no avail. Losing today will break my heart....and that is good thing. The apathy is gone. It feels so damn good to care about...