If I never see another jump pass again


Well-Known Member
I will be a very happy man. That is the stupidest play. McCabe gets a charge, Cartright throws it away under a minute left. Play under control. Once you go in the air you are committed. Didn't everyone learn that in 3rd grade.

Thought those were gone when Cully transferred, but guess not.

Hawks have a long way to go, including learning how to box out (not like NW sports a bunch of 7' huge bodies) and playing defense with your hands up.
I fixed it for you, Jack...think of it as...a gift...
Your generosity is noted and deeply appreciated, Shane.....


Calipari teaches it down at Kentucky. BUT it needs to come off a jump shot with NO dribble. Usually hitting a cutter to the basket.

But, I agree. I don't ever need to see one again off the dribble.
Seriously I twenty-fourth this....If I NEVER see another jump pass AND see our players throwing slow, high, lob passes to each other I will die a happy man....I HATE lazy passing...and there was a TON of it today...deliver the ball with zip. Against an active D that might require pass fakes. But by throwing those high passes you give D time to react and steal.

Today was frustrating to watch...those are some of the habits I thought we broke from "Lickball" apparently not.
The last half of the first half reminded me of Lick Jr. handling the ball against MSU's pressure D. I have seen a lot of big ten games this season and have not seen a team lapse into the cross court lob passes against NW like we have in both encounters.
The last half of the first half reminded me of Lick Jr. handling the ball against MSU's pressure D. I have seen a lot of big ten games this season and have not seen a team lapse into the cross court lob passes against NW like we have in both encounters.

The last 5 minutes of the first half were a complete 180 from the first 15. Crazy bad.

Another thing that drove me crazy, was Iowa playing D with their hands down, even teh announcer commented on it. Iowa was playing small on D. Get your arms up and disrup the passing lanes. When NW did that it killed the hawks.

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