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  1. B

    Had to post this..very good perspective

    Um, in case you forgot.. We "beat" saban despite DERP DERP Ferentz's best effort to **** away the game.. mainly because the QB took it upon himself. That win had absolutely ZERO to do with ferentz. We beat spurrier because we had a better team. It, again, had nothing to do with Ferentz...
  2. B

    I think we lost becasue we got away from the ground an pound

    Wow, when I called you delusional, I had no idea it was to the point of possibly needing professional help. You run Coker 30 times, he fumbles 3 times. Not to mention gets injured. The only reason the no huddle didnt work is because we stopped doing it when it was working. Im sure you arent...
  3. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    KF doesnt run a clean program. You realize he doesnt make he just enforces the policies? Any coach can come in there and graduate players. If they wanna play, they need to pass classes, thats a standard set by the school and big 10. As for the WR attempting 5 FG, I dont care, if he isnt the...
  4. B

    I've said it time and time again.

    I think the point is that some fans like him and myself would like the thought of maybe one day playing for a national title. Kirk Ferentz will NEVER accomplish that, so it's time to move on. I would rather be 4-7 and have a coach like Rhodes, who is passionate about his program and desires to...
  5. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    so youre clearly stating you are not intelligent enough to present a reasonable argument to the facts I have proposed.. so you would rather insult.. OK DERP DERP
  6. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    look at the bench shots, there is absolutely ZERO fire in the players, and it all starts with the lack of intensity in the coaching staff.
  7. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    briney, youre correct. Its poor coaching, yet many will come here and blame the players instead of where the problems lie. And this loss isnt the first time Ive said this. Ive said this coaching staff is bad since 2002. Talent has bailed them out time and time again, and this year, they dont...
  8. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    k, tell me where Im wrong? Oh that is right you cant.. you can only see I dont support failure, which is something I assume you are more than accostumed to.
  9. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    boohoo, I cant take it when someone stands up to me, im the resident unfunny comic, I should never be called upon as anything other than a god. STFU clown.
  10. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    The only thing Ive really seen the coaches do "right" today, which is unproven and purely my opinion, is putting 33 back to return kicks.
  11. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    Im not denying that the players have played horrible at all. The d, as proven on this last drive, doesnt have ANY talent. But to say that we are in as bad of a spot as now down 2 possessions, if we had attempted from the get-go and at least secured a fg, where we would be down a touchdown.. is...
  12. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    #4, and kinda ironic, you of all people calling ANYONE a ******..
  13. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    Ok, the first sentence is an exaggeration, but when a lot of your friends are michigan, ohio st, miami and sec fans.. it puts your teams "success" in perspective.
  14. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    Im really not sure I should justify you with a response.. I mean, seriously, are you derp derp?
  15. B

    At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

    I am ashamed to tell people I am a Hawk fan. I know every team has good years and bad years, but we have consistent bad coaching and delusional fans (just wait, at least 5 or 6 will post on this thread to prove my point). 3 things stuck out CLEARLY to me today.. so far. 1) start with a fast...
  16. B


    TD3 (touchdown 3)
  17. B

    NOT a complaint.. just observation

    cant tell if youre being sarcastic or not.. Do you have a problem with people wearing their hawkeye shirts to football games? or you just kinda upset Ive done 100x the sports you have?