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  1. AmpHawk

    Too quiet on recruiting

    Well, it's not quiet anymore, good timing on your post.
  2. AmpHawk

    Tim McCormick is just bad at his job

    Does anyone else think that N'western has the best spacing in the B1G? Answer that and you have your answer
  3. AmpHawk

    Golf Liquidation Sale?

    If you use Google, you can search for the Iowa State Fairground. From their, there is a calendar entry for this weekend which is labeled SUPER GOLF SALE. I would start there. I am not attaching the link.
  4. AmpHawk

    NEW OC

    Kamel- I was not dishing grief to KOK, just calling like I see it. I certainly don't know what transpired in IC, but something does not add up; therefore, it appears to me that he had some help leaving. I could be completely wrong, but after reading posts on HN from posters that appear to...
  5. AmpHawk

    NEW OC

    Also agree with this...Soup is huge for our recruiting and will probably not stay in IC much longer without a change of position. I too also think that KOK had help leaving, the position coach gig in the NFL is not as good of a job as the one he had.
  6. AmpHawk

    Announcer just said...

    I must be using the term Honkey incorrectly.
  7. AmpHawk

    Announcer just said...

    I know one difference, Doyle is easily replaceable in comparison to Imus. Other that that, not much
  8. AmpHawk

    Announcer just said...

    Ginger is derogatory...might get a reprimand for that comment
  9. AmpHawk

    Announcer just said...

    how about Doyle calling White a Ginger...what an idiot!
  10. AmpHawk

    Can we get a positive update on bowl practice?

    Kirk broke wind at practice that what you're looking for?
  11. AmpHawk

    No Access to OT or Political forums

    I actually anticipated something far more hash than "you are dead to me" after Ghost posted for Duff to take a chill pill.
  12. AmpHawk

    Iowa offers 2012 Class QB...a Juco

    Does anyone have a 40 time? Could LB be a possibility, he has the size to play outside in the 4-3? As thin as we are at LB (or have been), it crossed my mind that we are recruiting him to play another position.
  13. AmpHawk

    2 things Iowa no longer does...

    I was at that Orange Bowl and agree that the opening kick was really exciting; however, I think that 95 yards Banks to Dallas was the most exciting play that stands out to me from that year and one where I thought to myself that we were a legit contender for big things. Point being, that might...
  14. AmpHawk

    UNI's Corrupt Home Court Advantage to End

    Travesty, perhaps...fixed, come on, really? Show us some proof if you are going to make comments like this.
  15. AmpHawk

    Worst Iowa team since....

    last year, which was the worst team since the year before that.
  16. AmpHawk


    Thank you Six for putting a stop to hardly seemed to escalate after you made that comment yesterday...seems to really be settling down now. ; )
  17. AmpHawk

    Sandusky's Tactics as a Creeper

    Penn State's Sandusky barred from being with grandchildren - Yahoo! News
  18. AmpHawk

    Sandusky's Tactics as a Creeper

    I did see that his ex-Daughter-in-law filed an injunction to restrict him from having contact with his grandchildren (her kids) without direct supervision.
  19. AmpHawk


    Agree....this is OJ Simpson and Pete Rose.
  20. AmpHawk

    Penn State Scout Board

    Liked this argument...blame the media "Nothing else needs to be said. The media is making a horrible situation worse." Amazing...