

Well-Known Member
You'd think this site was full of female gossip queens....How many threads does one site need of the Penn State bs going on?

Hopefully the players don't have access to this forum because if I was them I'd think my fans forgot all about us?!? We have an important upcoming game and it'd be nice to see some more discussions about our wonderful football program, rather than all this nonsense that has no real insight or details. It's called an investigation, which means they are not going to tell the public anything.

SO GO HAWKEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets KICK SOME MSU ***!!! :cool:
ANd then you start another one. Well done. Agree though. Lets talk some MSU and our dislike for the Spartans.
I did read their update about this saturday's game and it's nice to see Iowa is the only remaining team on their schedule that they fear. They should be scared!! Iowa is going to shut em up again and I'm gonna laugh watching their coach pout on the sideline from being beat once again by Ferentz. Can't wait!
Nothing is better than when the "holier than thou" crowd shows up and begins ******** because too many posts are already started about one topic.
So tell me this Mr False Mirage...A lady working a mental health facility recently, just got FIRED for reporting that one of the guys in the facility had been looking at young females on the internet. She was scared since she knew he babysat two young females so she made it known to upper authority, they said she couldn't do anything because do to HIPPA she needed to know the females names (on the website?!?!?) before it could be reported. So she was so frustrated that no one was doing anything so she went to the police, the police ended up finding evidence in this mans house of child pornography! BUT since she went behind her facilities policy, she was fired.

So, this country (which can be soo messed up) Fires Joe Paterno and fires this lady when one told the police and one didn't. Does that make any sense to you??? How are people supposed to know what the moral and ethical thing to do is, when in all reality you're gonna get fired one way or the other?!?!?

Our laws are so F'd up-
There is just something about the great "Cornhlio" a.k.a. Dantonio. I don't like/ trust. Its hard to put my finger on it. Were the reports that his coaching staff was telling our recruits a coach was going to be fired ever substanntiated. Or was it all hear say. Also, honestly I don't think Cousins wants to beat the Hawks. I think he still sees himself as a kid watching Timmy D return punts. So I say he should throw us a few more pics just to make sure he helps us win again. That would be a big 0-3 against his Hawkeyes.
I agree to disagree Occupy. You can def tell when the crowd is into the game and when they aren't. Players feed off their fans!
So tell me this Mr False Mirage...A lady working a mental health facility recently, just got FIRED for reporting that one of the guys in the facility had been looking at young females on the internet. She was scared since she knew he babysat two young females so she made it known to upper authority, they said she couldn't do anything because do to HIPPA she needed to know the females names (on the website?!?!?) before it could be reported. So she was so frustrated that no one was doing anything so she went to the police, the police ended up finding evidence in this mans house of child pornography! BUT since she went behind her facilities policy, she was fired.

So, this country (which can be soo messed up) Fires Joe Paterno and fires this lady when one told the police and one didn't. Does that make any sense to you??? How are people supposed to know what the moral and ethical thing to do is, when in all reality you're gonna get fired one way or the other?!?!?

Our laws are so F'd up-

My advice to her would be to consult with an attorney.

The Penn State story is still the biggest scandal in the history of American sports.
Well obviously she's fighting it but that wasn't my point.

There is tons of sick, deluted people in this world...why make a pedo center of attention? It's gross and disturbing!
I thought you started this post to talk MSU and all your talking is Pedo. Very false advertising here. You do not get any points here, return to jail and miss your turn. FAIL!
Because your there and know everything going on, right?! Sure...therefore 3/4 of it is gossip. The other 1/4 is true because thats as much detail theyve put out to the public.


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