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  1. chuckles33

    Most of you are too excited

    Isn't this the absolute reason we watch college basketball and for all of us specifically the Hawks. We watch to get excited and be crazy about this stuff. Why post such a ridiculous thread?
  2. chuckles33

    This is not an NCAA team. Why? Our guard play stinks.

    The rest of us are good if you would like to switch your allegiance over to the CLOWNS! No need for you unfounded negativity here!
  3. chuckles33

    is yarbrough still in the mix?

    Is there anything exciting going on in recruiting right now for 2014? Anyone have a great website, people on twitter, etc. that they follow?
  4. chuckles33

    Recruits in for Black and Gold Blowout?

    Who do we have coming in? Any likely commitments out of that?
  5. chuckles33

    Tory Miller

    Exactly, I don't know anything about recruiting. I trust the Head Coach who does it for a living. Unlike you who is obviously knows the entire recruiting trail.
  6. chuckles33

    Tory Miller

    And you keep showing that you can't think intelligently.
  7. chuckles33

    We got Dominque Uhl!!!

    This is a great pickup for Fran and the Hawks. At least this may keep all the negative posts about Fran to a minimum for a couple of weeks at least.
  8. chuckles33

    SIAP: Ulis Decision Friday Night, 7:20 p.m.

    This is a great post. Look at the big picture everyone. Just a few years ago we would never even be mentioned with the likes of MSU and Kentucky. Fran may have lost this battle, but he is winning the war! Go Hawks! I bet we are all looking forward to the basketball season a whole lot more...
  9. chuckles33

    We have 4 schollys and 0 verbals right?

    Let me guess, you'll also be the guy proclaiming how great Iowa is when they are in the NCAA's this year my Fair Weather Friend.
  10. chuckles33

    Aaron White Question

    I preface this with saying I really do like AW. I am interested in everyone's take. is AW a really good player or a benefactor of FM's system. IMO he plays vey soft. In a physical game against MSU he was not effective and this has been a worry for me. I don't see him able to create much on...
  11. chuckles33

    Alex Oriahki formerly of UCONN

    Its always fun to speculate...and at lease we are mentioned. You never know what impact the exodus of all those guys from NC could have.
  12. chuckles33

    JuCo PG

    It is funny to see all the D1 coaches on here saying Fran doesn't know what he is doing. Let's get over ourselves and trust him when he says he is happy with the PG position.
  13. chuckles33

    JuCo PG

    I think he should bank the spot. Bryce is going to man the pg position. Injury, yes it is a problem. They are no matter what.