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    PSU players staying?

    If Penn State does rally together, gets a group of guys who are devoted to their school and each other, regains a sense of community through their football program, gives $60 million to child abuse charities, and wins some games even with an undermanned team, why is that a bad thing?
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    PSU players staying?

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    PSU players staying?

    Pardon me, but this is just a terrible, terrible attitude. And we judge other programs for their win-at-all-costs mentality? Of course there is something to play for-- actually, there are lots of things. They are called pride, community, the love of the game, the relationships you build, the...
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    PSU Sanction Poll

    Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
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    PSU Sanction Poll

    Yep, I'm sure the NCAA (an association of colleges and universities) can't wait to hammer more colleges and universities. This has all been such great publicity for college athletics, right? I think this is their plan: 1. Destroy five more high-profile football programs. 2. ????? 3. PROFIT!
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    Did NCAA Overstep its Authority?

    The NCAA is always knocked for being too slow to act. Finally, they move with some speed and clarity, and now we want them to be a big lumbering bureaucracy instead. I'm curious as to what an NCAA investigation would have discovered that a former assistant US attorney general and director of...
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    Did NCAA Overstep its Authority?

    What exactly is the precedent that they're setting, and why is it dangerous?
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    Did NCAA Overstep its Authority?

    This is what I don't see the evidence for-- that the NCAA's bylaws are solely devoted to maintaining a level playing field. In fact, if you read the purposes of the NCAA as stated in their manual you don't see anything about competitive advantage/level playing field: The purposes of this...
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    I'm not a legal expert, but we aren't talking about the law-- we're talking about the rules that govern a voluntary association. They seem pretty clear to me, but feel free to check them out, especially article II...
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    Did NCAA Overstep its Authority?

    The NCAA isn't some external body like the FBI or the Department of Motor Vehicles. It is composed of its member institutions-- and Penn State is one of those. So they can pretty much do whatever their member institutions agree to. That's why Penn State's agreement is relevant here.
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    Did NCAA Overstep its Authority?

    Evidence for this claim?
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    Did NCAA Overstep its Authority?

    I would love it if people at least browsed this before responding: I've heard/read a ton of people proclaiming expertise over what the NCAA can and can't do in the past few days...
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    tm, I know you've been through the fire on this one, and I'm not trying to call you out. But what is the argument on the NCAA not having a role in light of something like this, which is in Article 2 of the NCAA manual? 2.1.2 Scope of Responsibility. The institution’s responsibility for the...
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    There is a debate about evolution, too. That doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Sports radio will debate anything. That's their job. Don't mistake their made-up debates for actual ambiguity in the issue itself.
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    He is very bright, and in this case, he is very wrong. Just because a lot of people are wrong doesn't mean that an issue isn't crystal clear. I would love to know if Jay Bilas or any of these other critics has read the NCAA manual, or even perused it. There really isn't any gray area there...
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    Will Iowa go after current PSU Players?

    It might shock you, but some recruits actually are more interested in the school and the relationships they have made there than in whether or not they might get to play in the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl. Some, not all. I bet that the amount of players who stay will surprise a lot of people.
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    Radio and TV talking heads are going to see two sides to every issue, even when it's as uncomplicated as this one. They have to have something to talk about. Plus many sportswriters despise the NCAA and will take any opportunity to bash it, even in the cases when it isn't warranted. Again...
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    I'm sorry, but isn't this exactly how the process should work? What exactly are you complaining about? The NCAA is composed of its member institutions. One of those institutions violated the group constitution, and so the association devised a penalty and the offending institution accepted...
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    Penn State Gets Hammer: Worse than Death Penalty?

    Penn State probably saved themselves from suspension of play by cooperating so fully over the past six months. They've at least given the appearance that they want to make a huge change in their priorities in the coming years. And if it's all for show, I think the penalties that have been...
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    Should PSU be kicked out of the B1G?

    The Big Ten happily profited off of Penn State and JoePa for the last 20+ years. Paterno's high profile and legendary status was the #1 reason they were admitted to the conference. To turn around and kick them out of the conference because we didn't like how it all turned out would have been the...