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    Van Coleman Updates Jok's morning performance at NBA Players Camp

    Every recruit is a risk. In general, I see the point you're making, but any time you have only one scholarship to give in a class, there is a decent possibility that you don't yield anything good out of it. I don't care how highly ranked or how much of a "sure thing" the player is (i.e. Glen...
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    DJK vs McNutt

    I like the idea that it took DJK getting cut in Canada for the OP to realize: a) that DJK has "some issues" and b) that Iowa might not be the #1 destination for elite WR recruits. Truly this is ground-breaking stuff.
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    Talk of FSU and Clemson to Big 12.

    According to Chip Brown, the Big 12 will be buying a controlling interest in Facebook. According to Chip Brown, the Big 12 is hosting the Olympic Games in 2020. According to Chip Brown, ESPN will now be known as LongHornNetwork2. According to Chip Brown, DeLoss Dodds will name Mitt Romney as...
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    Talk of FSU and Clemson to Big 12.

    There are about a thousand different ways to measure the quality of schools, and they all have their flaws. But every single one would put the schools in the ACC, as a group, far, far ahead of the schools that currently constitute the Big 12. In the US News and World Report rankings, 10 of the...
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    Talk of FSU and Clemson to Big 12.

    1. You're right that faculty can collaborate with anyone they choose, regardless of athletic conference. Iowa faculty have partnerships with their counterparts at UNC, Virginia, Harvard, Cal, etc., etc. But, consortia like CIC make all of that work easier by cutting out a lot of the...
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    Talk of FSU and Clemson to Big 12.

    FSU president lays out pros/cons of Big 12 move - Yahoo! Sports ''I want to assure you that any decision made about FSU athletics will be reasoned and thoughtful and based on athletics, finances and academics,'' Barron wrote. ''Allow me to provide you with some of the issues we are facing:''...
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    Bowlsby Vs. The ACC

    I feel like this entire thread is a re-post from two years ago. Superconferences were supposedly inevitable then, and the Big Ten was going to march across the nation, gobbling up Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina in its path. These sorts of ridiculous alignments didn't make any sense then...
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    Do you have concerns with your son(s) playing football?

    We hear about professional players experiencing these problems in later life because they are more famous. Junior Seau's suicide was one of the lead stories on NBC nightly news. In contrast, there are tens of thousands of relatively anonymous former high school and college players out there, and...
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    Do you have concerns with your son(s) playing football?

    Again, Jon didn't start a conversation about trips to the emergency room, broken fingers, or torn pecs. We're talking about the sort of long-term problems that have been revealing themselves lately-- in player suicides (Seau, Dave Henderson)-- that at least suggest there is a link between...
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    Do you have concerns with your son(s) playing football?

    Every parent needs to decide these things for themselves. But please, please, don't conflate the types of "injuries" kids can get playing other sport or just horsing around (broken leg, torn ACL, muscle tear, etc.) with the types of long-term brain damage that prompted this thread. We aren't...
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    Nick Toon before McNutt????

    If you go read any of McNutt's evaluations without black and gold glasses on, it's pretty clear why he fell. Teams don't see him as a number 1, stretch the field-type receiver. They don't see him as a shifty slot guy. They don't see him as a second/third receiver that can also return kicks...
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    EJ Tweet!!!!

    Link? I believe you, but I can't find it and would like to read it. EDIT: never mind, I found it. You know, naming every recruiting thread "EJ TWEET!" doesn't really help for search purposes. Oh well.
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    EJ Tweet!!!!

    Isn't it Colin Goebel? He committed yesterday but I haven't seen any thread about him on the forum yet.
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    Hawkeyes Land Rock Island WR, Commit #2

    54.64 is a really solid 400 hurdle time, especially for a sophomore. That is an event in which you are almost certain to find outstanding all-around athletes. Just for some context on that time, Tim Dwight topped out at 52.27 and Tanner Miller ran 52.36. I know that Marv Cook was also a state...
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    Iowa offered KF a raise and he accepted it. The football program still makes money as does the athletic department as a whole. I just don't see the big issue here.
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    What % of us criticizing referees???

    Yeah, when is Valley ever going to get a chance? When will someone stand up and fight for those who can't fight for themselves?
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    U of Iowa McDonald's All American History

    I could have sworn Russ Millard was also a McDonald's All-American.
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    Is Harrison Barnes a bust?

    1. Jordan shot 53% as a freshman, was ACC freshman of the year, and made the game-winning shot for the national championship. As a sophomore he was first-team All-American... Barnes shot 44% and was a controversial pick for first-team all-conference this year. The comparison is ridiculous. 2...