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  1. D


    Dogcrap. Will it make an appearance after the game?
  2. D

    Everyone wants to fire GD, why does Phil Parker get a pass?

    The D cannot be relied on to WIN a game as in produce a stop when it counts. But they aren't the reason Iowa is plumbing the depths this season. Additionally, the D is responsible perhaps for as many as 25% of the points Iowa has put up!
  3. D

    Everyone wants to fire GD, why does Phil Parker get a pass?

    Perhaps because Iowa scoring defense is ranked 29 for one.
  4. D

    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    Headlines tomorrow: Purdue denies Ferentz a good cry. Rest of Iowa weeps.
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    Not a TO. Have we ever got a first down after one?
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    With that one play, Vandenberg has shaken off all his demons.
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    I would take the knee honestly.
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    Quite rightly so. Matter of fact, he should pat himself on the back as well. For this achievement.
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    One thing I gotta say about this team. They are playing with heart today...most others (such as Minny, MSU etc) would've given up many games ago.
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    Thanks to the Iowa O, this thread has only 19 pages at the half. i think KF has it out for Jon.
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    Iowa v Purdue Game Thread

    You take that back. The turnover was forced. Credit for 4 of 7 points on the board goes to D. 1-point credit for Vandy, 1 for Bullock, and 1 for PAT.
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    Will Greg Davis be back?

    Really hope for your sake that you are a slim blonde chick with a cute face and DDs...'coz you are gonna need those assets big-time. :-)
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    Back of the envelope analysis of the 10-teams with the worst QB-ratings

    To all of those who seem to think my OP was laudatory towards our set-in-stone starting QB: The second option in the OP is meant to be a stand-in for "QB horrible, rest of team respectable". Also the last sentence (about JVB at Alabama) was intended to get a rise, which I suppose it did but not...
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    Back of the envelope analysis of the 10-teams with the worst QB-ratings

    There's an interesting GD connection (that I've seen pointed out before) besides Iowa in that list. The SMU QB (owner of one of the bottom ten QB-ratings) is the same guy who was GD's QB at Texas in the season that got him fired.
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    Back of the envelope analysis of the 10-teams with the worst QB-ratings

    I actually don't think a QB is horrible just because his ratings are terrible. There's always the possibility of a Dan Marino type prospect stuck at a horrible program. So I took a closer (but very quick and dirty) look at the 10-teams with worst QB "ratings" to see if there's pattern or outlier...
  16. D

    Kirk's last answer in the on the side segment.....

    Spider's OP is dead on. I have been and largely continue to be a KF supporter because I happen to agree with his overall approach (words like trench play, execution, non-gimmicky, developmental, percentages apply) -- but he does need to get a tad (not too much) humble. There is something in what...
  17. D

    This Season "Can" Turn on a Dime IF JVB Can Do 2 Things...

    The O put up a massive 17-points and also gift wrapped 7 for the opponent for a net of 10 (imo). I hold the D responsible for giving up 21-points. Painful number of rushing yards but any D that gives up only 21-points to NW is above average. The D wasn't great but played well enough for any...
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    Barta gives full support to KF

    Barta:KF == KF:Vandy
  19. D

    Anyone who thinks that our defense is respectable....Is wrong.

    The D is ok (as in above average in BiG). The O on the other hand is orgasmically challenged...fitful jerky limp...unable to finish anything they start...impotent... Limpest noodle in the fbs -- that should be our Offense's byline.
  20. D

    Positives from last night.......

    3. Keenan showed some fight 2. Cotton showed heart 1. KF admitted that "he thought about it" which really means it's been processing in his multi-core parallel bioprocessor for 6-weeks...the punch-card is about to pop out any minute now.