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  1. Camhawk

    Who wins the west

    Wisky's big front and Gordon running around/thru/over it... Wisky keeps it close with O$U.
  2. Camhawk

    Ask Kirk Ferentz

    Coach, I apologize if this is a little off topic but what kind of hair care products do you use? I will take my answer off the air.
  3. Camhawk

    Pelini's last game

    This Friday whenever you hear one of their D-bag fans yell go big red respond with Sloth's line from Goonies "Hey You Guys" in your best Sloth impression.... to stay on topic Pelini is a D-Bag... lol
  4. Camhawk

    Pelini's last game

    I don't have anything constructive to add this thread. I just love to see D-bag Pelini is all of his glory.
  5. Camhawk

    Game Day Parking?

    I think Hawkins Drive is your best at getting close to Kinnick with a bus. Unless your passengers don't mind a train ride...
  6. Camhawk

    How long ?

    How long? Not long, because what your reap is what you sew.
  7. Camhawk

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    NO HOLD.... c'mon ref!!!
  8. Camhawk

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    Face looks like a bad spackle job though #butherface
  9. Camhawk

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

  10. Camhawk

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    At least they didn't call it a fumble....
  11. Camhawk

    Iowa Hawkeye Game Day Thread -v- Illinois..

    The Weisman stretch was a TD... but I will take the passing TD.
  12. Camhawk


    His pay has already been budgeted out to the end of his contract... the only loss is the salary of the next coach. But thanks for the rehash.
  13. Camhawk

    IOWA-Illinois game prediction

    The team that resides 242 miles from the other wins. Mediocrity!!!! Iowa arrives at Kinnick. Illinois arrives at Kinnick. Blood is spilled. Fan will cry/rejoice. Ferentz will still be coach. Iowa by a head-scratcher.
  14. Camhawk

    What does Iowa have to do to win the West?

    The OSU/Minn games doesn't have an immediate effect on the West unless there is a tie and Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin have the same division record at the end of the season. Iowa has to win out to take the west and either Nebraska or Wisconsin has to beat Minnesota. If Iowa wins out and...
  15. Camhawk

    Where KF decisions will really hurt this team

    KF has picked his horse and will ride it until it drops dead (see JVB and JC).
  16. Camhawk

    4th surge

    For me this "surge" has passed and left the ravaged landscape of apathy. I will still root for Iowa, I will go to the games and have fun but win/lose means nothing to me now.
  17. Camhawk

    The Truth

    Somehow a 51-14 loss to OSU isn't as bad as a 51-14 loss against Minny. Maybe that goes to expectation. I have given up all expectations for this year and maybe for the rest of KF's tenure. Call me de-Homered. I will still root for but I no longer expect anything.
  18. Camhawk

    Today is not about Greg Davis, or Jake Rudock

    This was a team loss. No one player or coach responsible. As KF said on the way into the locker room at the half "Out played, out coached and out scored."
  19. Camhawk

    Iowa-Minny prediction thread

    I think things are starting to click for both O and D. I say Iowa holds the rodents to 14 and Iowa scores 35. Iowa 35 Goofers 14
  20. Camhawk

    Back in August, what were your expectations for this point in the season?

    8-0 with an upcoming loss to either Wisc or Nebby.