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    Oglesby Announcement on Wednesday

    Atleast hes a HAWK :) LETS GO HAWKS! :)
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    Oglesby Announcement on Wednesday

    I can get to the site.. but screen for press conference is black and wont reload.. :(
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    I am getting exicted, time to support our new coach

    Very true. Lets get behind him and bring HAWKEYE NATION back to where it should be! The Up tempo approach is enough for me to get excited. A assistant with Iowa connections would help alot to! :)
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    Would you Support Gregory Hire?

    Whomever we hire Ill get behind, Gregory is by no means my top choice, but whomever Barta hires ill be behind 100%. I think Forbes would be the best fit for Iowa. but whoever gets the job Ill give a chance to win back my enthusiasm for Hawkeye basketball! cause the last 5 years have been tough!
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    Brad Brownell from Wright State in Dayton, OH

    If this is what we fired Lick for, Barta should head back to Wyoming, cause this hire would make everyone turn on him!