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  1. S

    Iowa basketball needs fixed ASAP.

    I always felt that Alford began the problems we have now. Viewed it as a stepping stone or just something to do until something better came along and subsequently left a total mess
  2. S

    bench the primadonnas!

    Pe so is mystifying to me. He is a super valuable role player when he is right. Big body, understands positioning, great footwork, but you guys are right the last several games he seems in a fog and not giving the effort he needs to be effective. Could be a nagging injury but I would venture to...
  3. S

    Iowa basketball needs fixed ASAP.

    I don't think it's a matter of individuals developing. Most guys with some talent get better (at least offensively) cook and Bohannon are getting better for example. It's a matter of their being almost no leadership aside from Jok perhaps and no toughness (Uthoff was very skilled but about as...
  4. S

    Iowa basketball needs fixed ASAP.

    Agreed. Iowa got greedy thinking they could get a different coach and be Kansas all of a sudden, which lets face it, isn't likely to happen no matter who is at the helm. And the program never really recovered after that.
  5. S

    Team personality

    That's exactly what I see. When the opponent is on a little run or something is going south that is when the leaders on a team try to get things right if they can. I am not on the floor or bench with them obviously but I don't see much evidence of anybody trying to do that. It seems like the...
  6. S

    Real question for Rob Howe

    That is a great point. When they huddle up before free throws or there is some down time during the game they just seem to stand around staring into space like they are stunned. Some player needs to take the reigns. Not saying it would equate into a bunch of wins but even average teams usually...
  7. S

    Team personality

    i think most of us can agree on the teams personnel strengths, shortcomings, etc. Most are fairly obvious. But what has mystified me during Fran's time at Iowa is that his teams every year seem to lack toughness, at the risk of sounding real old school. I know that certain kids have their own...